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Everything posted by Jake

  1. Thought so! Great update!!!
  2. Good news!!! What is meant by cannon rate fixed though? Aka slowed?
  3. So because Jordan is the richest, he controls the eco? Seemslegitman
  4. Yeah mate! The more the better. Hate seeing Ely empty
  5. Pretty neat idea! How does the rank work exactly? Is it like a veteran?
  6. Officially back on the train... After 5 months of no progress! Lets the gains begin
  7. Jake

    Cave Horror

    Thanks heaps Vinc, Problem has been known for ages now. Should be swapped over ASAP. Keep posting any bugs you find!
  8. Love the idea Kyle! Some of these events seem abit op, but could definitely be changed. +1 support.
  9. Jake

    boss hiscore

    Would love this! Huge support
  10. Jake

    New Boss's

    Until they added it to $5 Donor boxes... now everyone has primal rapiers etc. Definitely disagree with adding primal ingame though, should remain a donor item. -1 Support.
  11. Jake

    zanyte shards

    +1 Support this!
  12. Ruins of Graetoria is great for all players with a combat level of 80+ Offering a range of training opportunities from Melee -> Mage, aswell as offering some very unique end game content that all players can enjoy! Great job Ely Staff... Ill say it again "Ely - The Greatest RSPS"


    1. Kemi


      is pretty neat yes staff did a job

  13. Very nice! Keep up the good work kari bb
  14. Well well well! Here we go again! #ADDICTED Great job lads Thanks for all your hard work
  15. Welcome to Ely RSPS. Glad to meet you Enjoy your stay!
  16. You love it when im mean to you!
  17. Honestly, what do you know? :3 +1 Support
  18. Was thinking about adding this aswell 100% agree!!
  19. Sick update Lads. FUCKING HYPED FOR RUINS!!!

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