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About Derp

  • Birthday August 3

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  1. Gift to the host himself.
  2. So I think saradomin could use some adjustments to her loot pool to bring her on par with all other GWD bosses. All other bosses have more items to chance/T2 in their loot pool where sara only has the godsword. So I would like to suggest the saradomin sword and armadyl c'bow be added to the options on the chance chest. This would make saradomin more viable for money and I'm sure many people would enjoy a T2 armadyl c'bow. Sincerely, Valan/Valan2
  3. Sign me up as sugar daddy. Valan/Valan2 disc: valan#2594
  4. I agree and am all for these changes
  5. Hey @Lation, just letting you know the donor perk of unlimited arrows/bolts is broken. sincerely, valan

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