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Delete last won the day on April 6 2021

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  1. still got more bank than anyone so if i feel like it i will
  2. Hello everyone it is Crazy steve here, i hope everyone has been well. Infact, i strive to see all my fellow gamers around edgeville and beyond at their peek at all times, no one likes to see someone struggle. I had a thought and i believe i can make edgeville a better place and bring support to the city and the folk of the town. Are you a new player? Do you find yourself begging for money at home (askim)? Do you find yourself owing tick every week (joel)? well look no further, steves saftey net is here to keep you cozy. Now im not a miracle maker here, but i have a few things i can do to give players a consistent income if they need to make some quick easy guaranteed coin. 1. The first thing you can do each day, or even twice if your able to isvote. Do this and sell me your vote tickets, i am happy to keep offers in the ge for the foreseeable future if people are happy to use this as a way for daily income. Offer is in the ge at 5m a ticket as of now. 2. Second of all you can always run some hot laps on the agility courses. You can get the tickets at the wildernes agility course, the advanced gnome course and the advanced barbarian outpost course, 1 per lap. I may be looking at getting 200m agility on legend and will be buying agility tickets for 3m on the ge. 3. I will be buying prismatic gems for 15m, you can obtain these alot of ways including ::train, sof spins + many others. These are just a few ways you can do some daily thing to assure you have some income in, you might find sometimes people are offering better prices and thats great but i can atleast keep the cash flowing in if your keen to do some work. If you can manage to donate i will always be happy to pay cash upfront for scrolls. I am also happy to buy any $100 or $150 custom donations. You can contact me on discord via delete#2045 hope this helps fam love Crazy Steve / Sale
  3. nice stuff man, who would have thought nelly was a baller
  4. support, would like to see this implemented. too many ideas arnt looked at or heard on the forums
  5. this is a fuckin good update for old stevey boy, good stuff
  6. hey team, the new update has just been launched and iv noticed after a little while, on my lvl 3 "sale" acount i cant equip anything, im trying to wear fancy boots, flaming skull, a sled, nothing will work and everything says you need level 80 slayer for this. just a minor bud atm, ill leave it with ya's
  7. would be awesome to see a comp cape imbued with kiln/fire cape real glad to see some of these updates here tho, looking forward to a smoother running client
  8. Hey team just a quick one here, i died earlier and im pretty sure i had a rocktail protect over my t2 grae def and it being an instance i lost it kek. was wondering if you can change the value of a grae def as i believe its like under 50k or some weird shit. Also my "Defender of steve" is only worth 6k so if that could be increased too thatd be nice.
  9. Dungeoneering; 1. there is the puzzle room where the 2 southern sets of statues must match the top 2 sets. Walking and manoeuvring around these statues is annoying asf because you cant simply click on the opposite side of the statue as it is bugged. only a little inconvenience but a fix would be nice. 2. The room with the ghost, a ring, tomb and the 4 burners that must be lit with 4 herbs. twice in a row when doing this room, once all 4 burners are lit, the ghost disappears and you cannot finish the room, and if this is early in a dung you miss out on doors that you probably need. i have had to quit a few dgs because of this 3. Walking through doors/guardian doors sometimes makes you backstep instead of going through, making you have to click on the door again. 4. walking through doors/guardian doors and getting stuck in the wall Regular gameplay bugs 1. A couple times now withdrawing money from my pouch has made it dissapear. I cant remember all the details but the first time i withdrew 2100m from my pouch and had something around a few mill in my inv, withdrew and it left me 1 gp in my pouch and 1 gp in my inv. The last time it happened i withdraw a max scroll, i had 1 spare inv place, enough for the scroll but the scroll dissapeared and was left with the loose change. 2. Nex is still dropping un-noted drops such as grimy torstals, gems and more. This is all i can remember for now team

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