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Zamorak Donator
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Everything posted by Asriel

  1. Didn't do this back when I joined a year ago so I might as well do it now and get it out the way. Not sure if anyone even remembers me or my Ironman account(which I still need to log into), I used to play here back in 2020, but sadly due to the state of the world, the fact my old pc caught on fire... yes literally caught on fire, was a sad day for me... and I had to take alot of time off to take care of my family (infant got really sick), I had to quit playing this and most of my games all together... I recently got a laptop and was looking through my google linked favorites and saw a bookmark for elyrsps saved... So I figured " Hm, I think I remember this one, lets check it out and see", and well now thanks to my goldfish like memory I was rushed with nostalgia as I redownloaded the client and logged back in... Hoping to see some new faces along with some old faces too!
  2. Good times, good times... that day we full of gz and such awe when you pulled that black h'ween mask. Now do it again with another 10k keys
  3. This would be interesting to do, after you get some of the stuff from dungeoneering that you want: Rapier/Longsword, Crossbow, lamps.... what's left for your points you grind out after that, or event the people who just bypass buying those weapons in general (would be a waste for them not to at least try one of them out). The whole gambling scene has gained some traction from what I hear, at least this way its another "gimmick" to get people to grind out points and try their luck at getting something cool as oppose to going to the boss to try I suppose. (if you wanna ignore my drug induced ramblings) I agree with this

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