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X E N O last won the day on May 1 2022

X E N O had the most liked content!

About X E N O


  • Location
    Canada, Ontario


  • Occupation
    Linde Canada Inc.

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  1. Beautifully done, Luke! You might make me come back to Ely once more!! Keep up the nice work, I love seeing Ely thrive as it's been such a big part of me for the last couple of years. Good stuff man! On a side note... Lation; you suck
  2. Beautiful work Luke and all that are involved! MAKE ELY GREAT AGAIN
  3. Antifire don't work. Use super antifire.
  4. Once again, very entertaining to watch and follow. Kudos to you kind sir and gl with this chunky account!
  5. That is so entertaining to watch frr! Keep up the nice work. Gratz on maxing!
  6. That is awesome! Thank you for this 4 years of greatness and many more to come???????? I sure hope so! Those are nice statistics and I hope to double that in the next 4 years! (EZ CLAP)
  7. I support! I got a Primal 2h T2 and can't add it! Thanks

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