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Guthix Donator
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Everything posted by Triage

  1. Thanks for the warm welcomes folks! Glad to be here.
  2. Nice to have you mate, hope you enjoy Ely. Will see you around!
  3. Welcome (back) Josh! Hope to see you around.
  4. I'm brand new to the server, but the level of loyalty and respect you show for your players and the feedback they offer is extraordinary. Takes a fair amount of professionalism to recognize shortcomings and brandish change so openly. I'm definitely looking forward to the future of Ely. Props to all the developers and the members of staff for what they've done, and best of luck to Jordan in his new position.
  5. I'll give you the analytics after you buy my product. :^) Love how he went from telling you he's directly advertizing to 1000's of players, only to say that he'll have to research the market he'll advertize to after you give him details. "I can guarantee 1000's of views, but I don't know my market yet." Odds that he doesn't understand any of the digital marketing terms you used?
  6. Hey all, I'm Triage, but feel free to call me Ronan if you like! I found the server through its Rune-Server advert, and I'm really digging it. Haven't played a pre-eoc revision in quite a while, since 2016/early 2017 with Prodigy-X, so this is a great bit of nostalgia for me. Been playing since 2007/2008 and the 2009-2012 era was always my favourite. A little bit about myself then. I'm a 19 year old student living in Ireland. Have my heart set on radio and tv production broadcasting, which I'll be starting a Bachelor's on next year. I'm super interested in getting into radio broadcasting, voice-overs, and general PR work. I also want to start TEFL in a different country once I get my degree. Big into FPS gaming, particularly Siege on the PC, and I'm also huge into sports like basketball and badminton as hobbies. I'm looking forward to getting to know you all! I'll see you in-game and on the Discord. Triage

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