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Everything posted by Lation

  1. Notice: This was originally an email to all members, however due to the unusually low amount of opens, clicks & etc - I'm reposting this email here to make sure everyone is up to date on our progress on CoX! Chambers of Xeric - Development Blog Hey, you may recall us talking about the Chambers of Xeric in previous emails. We discussed how it was our next major content addition. Since then we've managed to get some incredible progress and wanted to share that with you. It is a very exciting time for Ely. We are coming close to 4 years online and have consistently grown our community and established a dominant position in RSPS as the #1 718. With that said, let's dive into this. As we began our development of CoX on Ely we looked at other servers and how they did it. We looked at other 718's, even OSRS servers and anyone who had CoX in general. We quickly realized 90-95% of the servers we looked at had it wrong right from the start. There was no real, true OSRS room generation. Without that you can't utilize the Runelite CoX plugin's, etc. We spent a lot of time right at the start getting room generation true to OSRS. We quickly learned the only other 718 that claimed to have CoX had the entire thing completely wrong. Skipped tons of content, wasn't accurate to OSRS - it was essentially custom raids with the same assets as OSRS. We set out to have accurate and true CoX just as it is in OSRS. We now realize we will be the first 718 RSPS to ever have full, real Chamers of Xeric & we are really excited for that. This project is a huge project, especially on a 718/Ely. However we've made tremendous progress and I feel we've done enough to show you some teaser images of our progress so far.. There is so much more to show and we hope to share them with you soon. We left off at the entrance to Great Olm - and we'll show you more soon. In the mean time we hope you are excited to see this incredible piece of content finally arrive on Ely, and finally in it's true form unlike many RSPS & the first 718 to ever do it. Resource rooms, Storage & everything else is functional, storage is upgradable, etc. We are currently going through every NPC & Boss and applying all the correct combat mechanics and such to them. As we progress, we will need more help from you or anyone with knowledge of Chambers of Xeric to help us test & refine the content. If you are willing & familiar with CoX we ask you to reach out to us and offer your hand in testing. We will likely be rewarding people who are knowledgeable and able to help us test and refine this before release with store credit. Let us know! Thank you for being a part of this wonderful community & we hope to see you in-game!
  2. Perks We thought of an idea some time ago that would allow non-donor's & lower donor rank players to have temporary or limited access to the high-tier donor benefits. Think for example, the ::Bank command. Everyone wants that, but not everyone can/will/wants too spend $500+ to get it. That makes sense & is understandable. So we thought, how could we make it more accessible to more, without changing the ranks themselves? Time. We took our existing donor benefits, and put them into time-based, expiring perks you can individually purchase. Each perk has a price & a time. See below for a breakdown: Pillage - Receive double the loot from the Crystal Chest for every key - 24 Hours Proclivity - Receive the option to choose from 2 different Slayer Tasks - 24 Hours Dualistic - Receive x2 the Slayer Points upon task completion - 24 Hours Invoke - Receive access to the ::Bank command - 6 Hour Invocation - Receive unlimited Prayer in PvM - 6 Hour Indolent - Automatically pickup Crystal keys, parts & coins to inventory - 24 Hours Archer - Receive unlimited arrows & bolts - 24 Hours Alchemist - Receive unlimited elemental & combat runes - 24 Hours Exertion - Receive x2 XP in all skills - 2 Hour Plunder - Receive a 25% drop rate boost - 3 Hour The prices of these perks range anywhere from $5 - $10. They are not meant to replace the benefit of actually achieving the ranks that have these as permanent effects, just give short, temporary access to those who cannot/will not spend the amount of money required to get there. These are game-enhancing, temporary perks. Better yet, each time you purchase a perk (or anything for that matter), you are slowly building up towards & getting closer too the rank that has these as a permanent effect. We see them as a win/win. Even better still, these are all tradable. Just as it is with Scrolls (people who don't want to donate can still reap the benefits of donor status), it is with perks. A non-donor can buy these from other players and enjoy these benefits. What if I am already a Patron and receive these? Obviously many of these perks may not apply to you. You already have ::Bank, you already get to pick your Slayer Tasks & already have Crystal Key pickup abilities. Yes, most of these will not benefit you anymore than you already have. However, if you're a Bronze Patron ($1k) & receive 10% XP boost permanently; you can still use "Exertion - x2 XP" perk & get that 10% bumped up to 100% temporarily. BUT - if you're a Diamond Patron ($3k) and already get a 50% increase, you'll only receive another 50% increase on top; still a 50% increase, but not x2 on top of your 50% like others will receive. In short, it overrides your donor benefit. If you are Gold Patron ($2k) and already get the 15% drop rate increase, "Plunder - 25% drop rate boost" perk will increase that 15% to 25%, not stack to 40%. A timer will be available in the Quest Tab, below the Well of Goodwill info that will display each perk & it's time remaining once activated. Final Word All in all, our main goal with this addition is just like it was with Scrolls: make everything more accessible to as many players as possible. Of course, we also hope these will be popular additions to our Store that it may help increase our sales & revenue to keep our expenses paid, development continued & advertisements up. Let me know your thoughts below!
  3. Hey man, glad to have you here, hope you enjoy!
  4. This is Big This won't read or appear like a normal update post. This is more a description of what we've done as it's less of a list and more of a.. description. As everyone is aware, we are currently working on Chambers of Xeric. During our development of CoX we've noticed some thing that just are not correct. This included basically every NPC & how their stat bonuses work when fighting a player & our Magic skill & spellbooks were not correct & hardly completed. NPCs. On this latest update, basically every NPC (that exists in OSRS) on Ely has been updated. Previously their stat bonuses were not correctly being used and therefore were not truly accurate. What we've done is scrape the entire OSRS Wiki and apply all the accurate & correct figures, stats, immunities, etc to the NPC's. Now, all the NPC's we have on Ely (that also exist currently in OSRS) have correct stat bonuses & are calculated more accurately than before. This is a huge change, and could have unintended consequences. When you go into fights you may notice a change in how hard, how often, or not an NPC hits you. Keep in mind, this is how it is supposed to be, as all the values are pulled directly from OSRS's Wiki. BUT, if something appears way off - i.e: you get one hit, or an NPC has become unreasonably too easy, we ask you fill out a bug report. We may need to do some re-balancing, or not. We are unsure as the only way to really get this tested properly is to send it to the live server. Magic. The magic skill & therefore nearly all the spellbooks have been completely redone. Spells are now calculated properly, as they should be & many previous spells that did not work, should now work. This mostly applies to the normal spellbook. However, we did not complete Telegrab specifically, for a couple reasons but will be completed & live soon. Overall, we've completely re-done some major foundational parts of the server - things that should've been done previously but were never realized until we began the development on CoX and found these irregularities. It should be very exciting, as we continue to improve & make Ely more accurate than any 718 has ever accomplished. We've consistently been the 1st 718 to accomplish many, many things. We will continue improving and making Ely the only 718 someone should play when looking for one. We have consistently set the bar higher & higher for 718's overall, and with these latest changes, we continue to raise the bar. We hope you are excited about these changes as combat overall & NPC stat bonuses are now more accurate & realistic (to the original) than ever before. If you come across any irregularities, please report them here as usual. Thank you!
  5. My entire post was about paywalls, and how they've been completely removed. What are you on about, theres 'so many items' that irons cannot obtain? That's hella unrelated, but can you list what combat items your talking about please.
  6. Ayo support deez nutz, they heavy
  7. supporting this so boats dont quit
  8. This feature actually already exists, so assume we could start actually using it
  9. I love this idea ngl - but besides a box, what else could we put in the shop to make it rewarding and worthwhile to spend points on?
  10. Bug Fixes Double catching fishing feature fixed Ferret pet not following fixed Zulrah pet model fixed Added a portal between inner and outer ring at the abyss Suitcase is now prperly equipable Dom staff now provides unlimited elemental runes as intended Colored slayer helms now have proper requirements Right clicking while in the wildy/running has been fixed T2 ring of suffering now properly has recoil affect Combat flask now works Pathing issues with range resolved Promethium gear values in dung corrected T2 guardian gear stats fixed Gown added to minions drop table Override Update I am currently in the process of diving back into all our past overrides we've created that did not add a disassembly option to and re-adding that option. With this update I've completed a sizable list of items that now have the disassemble option available, see below: Cerberus set Nomadic set Tz-Tol set Solstice set Kirsen sentinel set Reaper set Zarosian set Sirenic set Staff of eternal frost Serenic godbow Blazing longsword Taeshalach On top of this, I will be slowly adding the ability to imbue your overrides with the T2 variants of items as well. To begin this, I decided to just go with the latest items as they are the most prominent at the moment, but below is a list of overrides you can add T2 items too: Masterwork set (now accepts T2 Torva) Dragonslayer battleaxe (now accepts T2 Primal longsword) Etherborne staff (now accepts T2 Hellfire staff) Windrunner bow (now accepts T2 Recurve bow) Tz-Tol set (now accepts T2 Torva) Guardian set (now can use Void dye on T2 Guardian) I will be working on expanding these lists often with updates as they are made available, as well as continuing the expansion of items available for upgrade on the chest. It's quite time consuming although easy, so it'll just take some time to get to all the overrides & getting up to date, but I will get there shortly. Hope you enjoy!
  11. This was actually done intentionally as players were reporting a bug when withdrawing items too quick and then it would like, collapse a tab accidentally if you withdrew an item up until that point or something like that, I don't quite remember. But, we can revisit this soon if needed, I know its annoying and maybe wasn't the greatest solution
  12. Zulzul already resolved broski As for the pouches, there was a reason we did that - required some client work in regard to the options being opposite - so it was actually intentional. But we can re-visit it shortly
  13. That's a really nifty idea, would like to hear more opinions on this. But on topic: I been slowly adding items we have available to do so into the cosmetic boxes from this specific list, as you can see a few are crossed out, that was from me. Alot of these items are currently not even functional/available in our cache, but will slowly work on adding what we can.
  14. Good discussion here but want to address @Jake's statement: "Like most perks on Ely, they are always locked behind some sort of pay wall... Which really isnt fair to those players who struggle financially IRL." I feel this is wildly inaccurate - even just on the basis of, it isn't a game developer nor any company's obligation to remove the option to purchase from their games or products for the sole reason that "some people may struggle financially so it's not fair" - then they also shouldn't sell Lamborghini's because it ain't fair I can't buy one. That's my take on that in a broad and generalized view - the world don't work that way, nor is life even fair in the slightest. But more relevant to Ely, point #2: Just looking at the Hiscores, they are littered with donors & non-donors - there is nothing holding back a player who can't afford to spend money. What happens when you do spend money on Ely is more or less just a sped-up, less annoying version of the game (no more burning food, no more broken gems, no more run fatigue, no more overload damage) - none of these are essential to anyone's game play. Point #3: Was exactly what @DevilSkag already pointed out: the man has the Diamond Patron rank, which is $3,000+ spent on Ely, one of the most prestigious ranks & he says "I've donated less than 1% of my total donation amount at this point" - his case is not unique, I can rattle off numerous players who have these extremely high donor ranks that have barely spent $50 of their own money & are $3,000+ donors. If there was an actual paywall on Ely, this would not be possible, which brings me to point #4: You been here from the beginning, and you may remember - the first update I published on Ely after purchasing it was reducing prices in the store - you can still see this in the Updates section on the forums, it's literally the first update. I reduced prices. The following month, I reduced even more prices. The following year I introduced a full revamp to the Donor system: "When you become a Donor now, as small as the Guthix ($5) Donor you now receive access to all this content automatically in the Donor Zone. No longer will you have to purchase an Unlockable to fish Rocktails. The moment you become a Donor to Ely, you receive access to this in DZ. As well as all the others such as: Loom Crafting, Warlock Hunting, Gold Mineral Mining, etc." On top of this update, Runespan was also made free content - completely removed from being a donor perk. You of all people would remember, each and every one of these bits of content used to literally have to be purchased individually to access, I removed all that. Not long after those updates, I completely removed Rocktails from being locked behind a donor rank requirement and was made free content. And more recently - I completely removed the Aura's being locked behind a specific amount donated, and turned it into a voting requirement. Lastly, we introduced Scrolls to Ely specifically for the purpose of transferring, selling & buying donations from players with in-game wealth. That update alone completely abolished any sort of "paywall" that may have existed in the past. I believe it is abundantly clear that nothing on Ely is unfair to players who 'struggle financially' - nor do I even personally believe should any company, game, etc cater to those who can't afford to spend money on their products - then don't buy it. If businesses functioned on that premise, our economy would collapse. This isn't an attack on you or anything Jake, I just want to make my intentions and points clear to others who may read your statement and think it's true. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
  15. I'm a fan of the alternative ideas, however for me personally I am on the fence on the idea. I feel there may be more creative solutions to gem acquisition - IF, big if - it's needed at all. Few things to note: gems are by design to be rather difficult to obtain. The lower tier items have been added to expand and make the early to mid-game more expansive, as well as end game. Early game, it doesn't hurt to risk your Dragon chain or legs to try to hit that upgrade, as they are easily obtained no matter which state of the game you are in. However for the end-game, you're capable to grind these items and able to likely occasionally risk some mid-tier, to high tier items in return for some gems to get the upgrades where they matter the most for you. I agree with this, and would also like to make a point for others to note: my initial plans for this system included no gems whatsoever - you risked the item and either got what you wanted, or you didn't. We added the gems as a fail-safe, to cap your loses & possibly get rid of items you no longer use, in order to upgrade the items you want the most. It's aimed at new players, correct & end-game players to get rid of junk and allow you a way & method to obtain your guaranteed upgrade. I see no issue personally to this because: before the upgrade chest, dragon legs, boots & chains meant nothing to end-game players. Now guess what, players are picking them up, saving them, buying them. It re-purposed an entire class of items that are usually out-classed within just a few hours of playing (depending on game mode, etc). So the fact players are "stuck" with all this T2 stuff they don't want and only option is to alch them - is a win in my book and not an issue. See above response All in all, I like the ideas in theory, but in practice could make T2 items a more-than-intended item in attainability & commonality. I think the grind for T2 items, and the leftover T2 "scraps" for end game players such as T2 dragon legs, boots, chains, etc - isn't an issue, but a feature and necessity in grinding the items you want upgraded. Sure, these items are rendered useless when they upgrade when you don't want them too - but the bright side is, maxed, comped & the rest are actually utilizing these items to begin with, making them more useful in every stage of the game, when previously they weren't used whatsoever. To reference the beginning of my post - I think if making these "scraps" more useful becomes more needed, there has to be a more creative solution. I'm not sure more easily-obtained gems is the right solution, but maybe more alternative ways to obtain them to begin with could be a good start in the right direction? Just my thoughts on the idea.
  16. Bug Fixes, Additions & More Prices in the Tokkul shops have been adjusted Dragon Gauntlets added to Spiritual Mage's drop table Iron Dragon spawning in wall at Ancient Cavern fixed Group Ironmen inviting each other to Dungeoneering party fixed Depositing noted items from looting bag into bank bug fixed Fixed Shadow sword & Ring of Visibility bug Defeat Jad without armor achievement bug fixed All farming achievements have been fixed (broke from Farming rework) Jar generator at Puro-puro is now functional Anytime a player is stuck in-game, after 30 seconds it should reset you (fixes multiple bugs) Steroid Dragons in Catacombs have been fixed Praetorian gloves (non-imbued) are now tradable Nex minions now die when Insta-darts are used Vorkath & Zulrah kill counts now track correctly in the Collection Log Graetoriax freezing on the fire ball attack has been fixed Yell's now have a 5 second cooldown between yells (Thank @Scatt for this) Killing Jad will now count as a kill for TzHaar slayer NPCs Forlorn Primal's have been adjusted to roll the chance at floor completion & reduced rate to 1/500 Added all the proper animations to all Maul's in Dungeoneering The following items have been added into Cosmetic Mystery Boxes: Silly jester outfit & stick Ring of Coins Ring of Stone Ring of the Six All ornament kits (or & sp) Including Torture & Anguish kits Updated examine value on the following items: Primal full helm (incl. T2) Primal platebody (incl. T2) Primal platelegs (incl. T2) Primal plateskirt (incl. T2) Primal kiteshield (incl. T2) Primal Warhammer Primal Spear (incl. T2) Graetorian Defender (incl. T2) Promethium full helm (incl. T2) Promethium platebody (incl. T2) Promethium platelegs (incl. T2) Promethium kiteshield (incl. T2) Promethium battleaxe (incl. T2) Promethium longsword (incl. T2) Promethium rapier(incl. T2) Promethium warhammer (incl. T2) Promethium maul (incl. T2) Added new Team Cape shops to "William" in the Wilderness (Near Demonic Ruins & Red Dragon Isle) Added the ability to create the "Fire max cape" The following items are now available for upgrade: *Note: Upgrading base Chaotics do not increase stats, only removes degradation. It is possible to upgrade Chaotic (t2)'s to (t3)'s therefore increasing their stats by 10%. **Note: Splitting an Abyssal vine whip (t2) will remove its (t2) status & return the normal whip & vine. Client Updates We have added the functionality to increase your own draw distance & zooming ability. Note: Depending on many factors the results of increasing your zoom & draw distance may have adverse affects. Draw Distance settings can be found in the "Client Performance" section of the client. By default this is set to 10. If you are having poor performance issues, consider reducing this number. The image below is a draw distance of 25 while fully zoomed out. When changing the draw distance, you must restart your client to take effect (max draw distance available is 30). However, the "Double Zoom" option will.. increase your zooming ability by x2. This does not require a client reboot & instead live-updates. Again, these features are mostly experimental and may have adverse affects. We welcome you to experiment and find your happy-medium. (If you experience any unwanted issues with the client update, reduce your draw distance & ensure double zoom is disabled) Finally, one last thing we are quite certain we resolved on our client: a laggy home. We surely hope the laggy home is a thing of the past in this latest client update. Final Note We are extremely excited about these client upgrades - we know many of you have been requesting for a way to increase your view/draw distance recently. This was no small task and required hours of troubleshooting and digging through obfuscated code, but we believe we achieved a terrific result. Not only did we increase the distances & zooms, but we put the control in your hands via the "Client Performance" settings so you can find your sweet spot. Lastly, the bug fixes & additions we are also excited about. More items available to upgrade, more bug fixes resolved, new fashionscape available.. all around a great update & we hope you are as excited as we are. With that said, comment & let us know your thoughts
  17. From a management point of view - I would be opposed. We currently have a system in which we eliminated the need of 'middlemen', we eliminated the risk of being scammed, we eliminated countless number of issues with a server-hosted system. While I get your point, player-hosted betting is more or less just nostalgic - but it certainly isn't as cut & dry as you have assumed: player-hosted betting servers 'thrive a bit more & have a more active community' - that's a result of maannny factors, largest of which - is revision. Being a 718 we have the cards stacked against us - it's among the least popular revisions right alongside RS3. For arguments sake if we implemented player-hosted gambling, I would have to change my advertisements from "Scam-free server hosted gambling" to "Player-based, large chance of scam gambling" We always shoot to make the lives of players & staff easier, and I feel this would be a step backwards. Do love the suggestion nonetheless & the time to post one, keep 'em coming - but this one is very unlikely

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