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Everything posted by Lation

  1. Lation


    Glad to see you here, Kyle
  2. Sounds pretty interesting to me!
  3. Ely fam, As you can probably already tell - the forums theme has been updated! I believe this is a much more convenient and beautiful look to represent Ely. You may revert back to the old style, or any of the other available themes in the bottom left of the page. Let us know how you feel about the theme in the comments.
  4. Lation

    Ely Home Map

    Thanks for the contribution; useful. One more NPC has been added to home (Essentials Shop) next to the Gambling Zone building. You will see! One question: why is the smithing anvil and water source icon so enlarged? Haha
  5. A few price changes have been completed in our Novelty Shops today. DONOR SHOP CHANGES: All Partyhat's have doubled in value (EPoint cost). If they were previously 50 EPoint's, they are now 100. We have kept the Partyhat prices low in the beginning to give all you early access players a chance to scoop up a few rare's as a special gift. This is no longer the case. Prices have been updated. Runespan Access (Per floor) is NOW ONLY: 50 EPoint's! 75% OFF original price. x2 Altar Prayer XP Unlockable is NOW ONLY 250 EPoint's! 50% OFF original price. Spectral Spirit Shield is NOW ONLY 125 EPoint's! 50% OFF original price. VOTE SHOP CHANGES: Chaotic Recharge Token is NOW ONLY 15 Vote Points! 60% OFF original price.
  6. Ely fam, Just wanted to make you all aware of a few changes that have been made on your forum accounts. They are as follows: Previously, avatars were limited to a size of 80x80. Now, you may upload an avatar that is up to 250x250. Previously, signatures were very limited. No images, small amount of characters, etc. Now, you may upload an image (limited at 2) into your signature (up to 500x100 in size). You may also take advantage of all the BB code's available, and including the codes up to 1,500 characters. Enjoy!
  7. Upon launch, we were experiencing an issue with a few players regarding the client when it was loading. They were struggling to even get online. If you were experiencing this issue, rest easy knowing it has since been solved and all your client's should have updated to version 1.7.7 (being the current version). Thank you to the few that experienced that issue for reporting it immediately so we were able to act & get it resolved right away. If there are any other issues that come up, be sure to follow their example and either make a thread about it on the forums or contact me personally on Discord (Lation#0001). Enjoy!
  8. Lation


    Glad to see you here, Kyle!
  9. Lation


    We're glad to have you! Hope you enjoy your time spent.
  10. I like the idea of this.
  11. This always starts a dicsussion. What's your stance on crypto's? Me personally, I buy Ripple. I used Bitcoin for many years back in the day (2012-2013ish). But missed out on the bull run making millionaires, of course! Haha? Na. Regardless, BTC has since just become a store of value for individuals. I look for real-use case crypto's - hence why I only buy (and hold) Ripple (XRP). It's a company, got a whole corporation behind it. They're solving a real world problem. There is a lot of promise. I don't hold Bitcoin, unless it is to buy more Ripple. Or sell, to transfer back into USD. Anyhow, what are your thoughts & opinions on the topic?
  12. Thanks for the input, Callum. EDIT: Regarding the thieving reductions you mentioned, we will maintain the current rates. As of past experience with a higher player base; there still seemed to be a shortage of GP in-game. Weekly/monthly events, we will begin putting some together as time goes on. Thanks for the suggestions.
  13. Part I Getting Started Part II Getting Familiar Part III More Detailed Information
  14. Firstly, thank you for taking the time to report a bug you've found to Ely. Players like you increase the overall quality of life on the server--thank you. 1. If the bug you discovered provides an unfair advantage in the game, do not post it here. Please send a private message to @Lation, @Will, @Kari, or @Splash on the forums or Discord. 2. Make sure your post is clear, descriptive and provide screenshots if possible. In order to fix a bug we need to understand what you did, how you did it & how we can recreate it. Provide as much information as possible when posting a bug.
  15. Good luck everyone with this. I'll sponsor the event and add a prize to whoever wins!
  16. Welcome to the NEW & IMPROVED Ely! We are now ONLINE & in business. _______________________________________ First and foremost, I have to thank Matt, our developer for everything he has done with this. He made something beautiful and put in tons and tons of hours to get this going. I've spent many years in RSPS all together, but haven't seen someone as talented as Matt. We are extremely lucky to have him as our Developer, and all credits go to him for making Ely. With all that said, as mentioned above; we are now online & in business. We will be committing now to promoting our server & community across as many platforms as possible. With the help of EVERYONE we can build Ely into something special (as if it ain't already?!). Nonetheless, would like to thank all of our players who have contributed to Ely in the form of donations. YOU are all a huge part of what allowed this upgraded Ely happen. As you can see, your $$ has been hard at work. Last but not least, we truly hope you're enjoying the new server! I would love to get some feedback from everyone, what do you think?! I personally think it's wonderful. Again, thank you Matt. But this ain't the end of our development! We are just getting started here, fellas. But please use the appropriate sections to post your feedback and/or just reply right to this thread! Looking forward to hearing from you guys.
  17. Like I told Ely; I would say welcome but.. you've been here a while now. ;) OT: Wish you the best with your studies man. You're killing it.
  18. Donator Ranks & Benefits (Ironman accounts will only receive benefits marked with ) $5 Forum/In-game/Discord Birds nests are more common while woodcutting Gems will no longer crush when crafting Bonfire Spirits will yield more charms Repair cost of items is 5% cheaper $25 Forum/In-game/Discord All benefits from the previous tier ::empty command Pickpocketing has a 50% greater chance of not failing Mining ores grants a 10% chance of double yield Permanent Ava's Accumulator effect* Will no longer burn food Familiars last 25% longer Repair cost of items is 10% cheaper $50 Forum/In-game/Discord All benefits from the previous tier(s) Sawmill cost is half price Overloads will last 1 minute longer* You will have permanent run energy outside of combat* 1.5x Slayer Points are awarded upon Task completion Repair cost of items is 20% cheaper $100 Forum/In-game/Discord All benefits from the previous tier(s) You will receive twice as many points from mini games You will be under the effect of a permanent Super Anti-Fire potion* Charms will automatically be picked up when received as a drop Overloads will no longer damage you* 25% chance of double loot from the crystal chest Can store up to 80 cannon balls in the cannon, up from 30. Repair cost of items is 30% cheaper $250 Forum/In-game/Discord All benefits from the previous tier(s) Unlimited Elemental Runes* 50% chance of double loot from the crystal chest ::spellbook command which will cycle through the spell books* When receiving a new slayer task you will be presented with two options from which you may pick Repair cost of items is 40% cheaper $500 Forum/In-game/Discord All benefits from the previous tier(s) Drop rates of pets increased ::bank command** Diango 50% cheaper to claim lost items 2x Slayer Points are awarded upon Task Completion Repair cost of items is 50% cheaper ::newtask command *Does not work in the wilderness **Does not work in the wilderness and other areas where it would be too much of an advantage.
  19. Thank you for your interest in donating & supporting our server! We have a large team of Developers that work daily to provide the best content and most high quality experience possible. Donations play a major roll in not only funding to grow the server through advertising but also pays for the development of content & such. All donations are counted therefore if you donate $5 (Guthix) today & $20 tomorrow, you will reach the Zamorak Rank and receive those benefits. Your previous rank benefits also stack upon the new rank benefits. With every donation, you will achieve the rank & its benefits as well as the EPoint's purchased to spend in-game.
  20. I'd say welcome but.. you've been around already!

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