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Everything posted by Lation

  1. Lation

    holy shit

    You got what you wanted ;)
  2. Glad to hear, brother. Hope to see you sticking around and becoming a part of our growth! Lots more to come.
  3. Thank you, all credits to Matt for this! Also am looking forward to their future potential.
  4. Introducing.. Artificial Intelligence Bots! Give a warm welcome to the new AI Bots! They will now be playing alongside you ingame. These are not just useless bots, you may utilize these bots for entertainment or to play a Minigame! They will talk back to you while training their own skills such as: Thieving, Woodcutting, Agility or Combat! This is just the start for Ely AI Bots. These guys will improve over time and train more of their skills and have the ability to be utilized for more Minigames. We are launching these guys today with the ability to be used for Battle Royale only. You can examine a Bot and it will show a list of options: 1. Come to Minigame 2. Talk to Me (Stop Talking to Me after Conversation has begun, just re-examine) 3. Close Here are some GIF's of the bots in action.. This new feature is a work in progress and as previously mentioned will be improved upon over time. In the mean time, you may use these fellas' to play Battle Royale when there is not many players around willing to play (due to us being a new server and thus the limited player base). Or if you're just looking for some entertainment, say hello to one of these guys and start a conversation! Ask them anything! Who a famous actor is, what are they doing, and many many more. While the work is being done advancing these guys, they will train their skills in their free time until requested to be used by a player! We hope you enjoy!
  5. Lation


    Welcome brother, when you're online let me know I'll shoot you an Amulet.
  6. Ely fam, if you haven't already, please proceed to re-download the client via the Forum's page and/or the landing page at: http://www.elyrsps.net/#playnow An issue we have been experiencing has been resolved by our Developer Matt. They are as follows: Client should no longer run in safe mode. Set display modes will be remembered. Thank you.
  7. Congratulations to our 2st Place prize winner: Jake!! Enjoy your prizes brother.
  8. Lation


    Whenever you're online PM me and I got you on the exclusive item :)
  9. The outcome of this poll? You guys suck.
  10. Lation


    Ex-Zarporian/RSPS2'er by chance? Welcome to Ely.
  11. Notice: When posting under this Suggestions sub-category understand that your suggestion may or may not be considered for any reason. That being said; to date we have been reading and taking note of all the posted suggestions. Do not think they are not being read and/or considered in any way. As of now, we are on hold on attending to each and every need due to more pressing work that is being done behind the scenes. These changes will be implemented in the server upon completion and once all the 'major' updates & changes to Ely are completed and live; then will we begin to dive more heavily into the suggestions and begin running polls to decide the ultimate outcome of the most relevant suggestions that the community deems necessary. (This isn't the case all the time, as you may have seen we ran a poll just recently and we will continue to do so when time presents itself available.) This post's main purpose in a nutshell is just to let the community know, we hear you & see the suggestions and will get to them as soon as possible. Please continue to post your suggestions & opinions in this category instead of nonchalantly mentioning them in-game or on the Discord so when the time comes we have something to work off of and refer too. Also please be sure to read through other previous suggestions and check whether its already been suggested to avoid duplicates. If your suggestion has already been posted feel free to bump the post and bring it back to the top of the section! Thank you!
  12. Glad to see you are enjoying Ely!
  13. I do like this idea as well - will consider.
  14. Congratulations to our 1st Place prize winner: Glicky!! Enjoy your prizes brother.
  15. Just to clarify, in your first post you said the coal bag can only hold "one at a time." Then in your second post you said "the coal bag currently can only hold 27 coal," Did you mean the coal bag can only hold one inventory, then?
  16. First to Max: The Competition! 1st Place Prizes: 150M GP Abyssal Vine Whip 25 Squeal of Fortune Spins Raw Fish Pack Herb Pack Charm Pack 2st Place Prizes: 75M GP Bandos Godsword 15 Squeal of Fortune Spins Seeds Pack Gems Pack 3rd Place Prizes: 50M GP 15 Squeal of Fortune Spins Metal Bars Pack Logs Pack
  17. Glad to see ya here Jake, not from state farm lmao. Hope you're enjoying your time!
  18. Level specific - at 99 levels I get 50k/100k/200k/400k
  19. Ely fam, I would like to introduce some new item additions to the Vote Rewards Shop! Small XP Lamp (2 VP) Medium XP Lamp (4 VP) Large XP Lamp (8 VP) Huge XP Lamp (20 VP) Enjoy!
  20. This poll is now active in-game! Please place your votes there as well. OT: I don't fully agree with it being dumb only because for the time being, it honestly helps establish more votes for Ely since we're new we are looking for maximum vote count to help spread the word. But as mentioned, whichever poll option wins that outcome will be produced.
  21. Unsure at the moment, that's why I haven't specified.
  22. Been getting a decent amount of feedback regarding the Chaotic Recharge Tokens. Not too many people seem to like the idea of them being in the vote shop & would instead rather have the option to buy from the Dungeoneering Shop, or see a price reduction in the Vote Store. So we will conduct a poll. Please place your votes; whatever option receives the most votes will likely implemented. EDIT: This poll is now being conducted in-game as well! Please place all your votes there as well. (Poll booth is outside of bank at home)

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