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Everything posted by Lation

  1. Ely, got some fun stuff to bring you! Check out the latest update below! Credit: Matt! Weekend Events! (EVERY WEEKEND) - Friday: Double PK Points! - ALSO; every week a random player will be chosen and made a TARGET! You will receive EVEN MORE PK Points for killing that target player! - Saturday: Double Minigame Rewards! - ALSO; have at chance at EVEN MORE for completing the bonus Minigame which will cycle every week! OR; by participating in any Minigame as a "Lucky" Player! - Sunday: Double PvM Points! - More Info: All the events on their respective days will be announced by the Grand Exchange NPC at Home Bank. Also, the "Target" player who is randomly selected on Friday's, as well as the "Lucky" player on Saturday's will also be announced by him. Target & Lucky Player's are cycled every hour! If Target player on PK Friday's is killed, a new Target is selected. First Friday event is effective TONIGHT!
  2. Ely Fam, bringing you some more bug fixes for tonight; thanks to our Developer Matt. Prayer Renewal Flask (6) turning into Prayer Renewal Potion (3) bug fixed! Staff of Fire may now be used to Enchant Bolts instead of using Fire Runes! Crafting level requirement bug cutting gems fixed! Extreme Ranging Potions bug fixed! Thank you for the continued bug reports which we will try to knock out as often as possible, but please bear with us as some of the bug reports are way bigger issues than they appear and take a lot of time to work through & debug. Although it may appear some of the bug reports are not being seen, that is not the case. They are being reviewed all the time & discussed and will continue to be worked on. In the mean time, Matt has knocked out a number of common bugs we've seen and we hope you enjoy! Again, thank you for the continued reports.
  3. Welcome to Ely!
  4. Awesome to see ya here, welcome man!
  5. Ely fam, A few changes have been made. They are as follows: Partyhat prices have been raised. Nex Armor sets prices have been raised. Revenent's have been temporarily removed until further notice. Thank you.
  6. Lation

    Why Ely?

    Very awesome post, thanks so much for the positive feedback! I very much enjoy seeing feedback such as this because it shows all the hard work, time & money put into Ely pays off - it's enough to know that we are building a community and a place where people can meet friends, play a game we all love & just have fun.Thanks again brother, your comments mean a lot! Also looking forward to seeing the other answers to this question:
  7. Ely Fam, I'd like to introduce to you an update to the AI Bots you can now utilize. AI Bots can now be used for Pest Control Minigame! Credits to Matt our Developer. Hope you guys enjoy.
  8. This event is now over. The winners are: Csplash Nicky Qubone Congratulations to all who won & thank you to those who participated!
  9. Hey Ely Fam! I got some new updates I'm bringing you today, one of which I hope you guys are really excited for.. Introducing, a NEW BOSS in Ely! About Blink: Blink is a wilderness boss, located South-East of the Chaos Elemental. With 20,000HP, it takes a little while to kill but rewards players with sought-after skilling supplies and is perfect for ironmen looking to gather supplies for skilling. It also features all 3 sets of hybrid armor as drops - Vanguard, Trickster, and Battle-mage. He is located in multi-combat wilderness; so kill him at your own risk. There is also new items available in Donor Shop in Cosmetics! The Santa Suit! Enjoy.
  10. Update on Staff changes made today: Congratulations to Jake who has been promoted to Moderator! Congratulations to Kari being promoted to Support! And finally, congratulations to Nick being promoted to Support! I am very excited to see these fellas' on board the Ely team! They have been wonderful players (and one a wonderful Staff member already) and believe they will be an assest in advancing Ely further. Thank you guys for accepting these offers, I know each and every one of you will be an asset to Ely and provide a great gaming experience to the rest of the players. So again, welcome on board!
  11. Thanks for all the positive feedback fellas'
  12. Hey fam, few updates have been implemented today. Nothing huge, but hopefully you will enjoy! Farm "Checking" XP rates have been adjusted! Cannon is now usable at Corporal Beast! Royal Crossbow now wields ALL bolts! All seeds have been removed from Grand Exchange. Hope you enjoy!
  13. I'm most in-line with this response. If RS allows cannons, I would obviously consider implementing that. No to 2. No to 3. No to 4. Corp might as well be a Rock Crab dropping Torva if we made all them adjustments.
  14. Yeah man, good times. You gotta get to one, to be completely honest I've only been to a couple. But the first Florida Georgia Line concert I went too I was like.. fuck.. every time they're around I'm there! Lmao, hence me now going to see them again.
  15. Now that's the dream right there.
  16. Lmao, nice intro & welcome!
  17. Please follow this format: Reporting a Bug Format And if you could send me more information about what rewards exactly are available for unlimited purchase, that would be great. Thank you.
  18. This is currently being looked into. Will update with more info when it's available.
  19. Not so much a bug, more a suggestion. With that said, this is denied.
  20. The American Dream - I'm right there with ya. LOL
  21. Lation

    Flip’s Gang

    STILL waiting..
  22. I agree buy X would be a nice feature. However I assume buy 500 will suffice for the time being. Will implement this hopefully in the near future.
  23. I agree with this viewpoint. Although, may be polled in the near future.

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