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Everything posted by Lation

  1. you just participated. just a never ending thread. with an obscene reply count congrats on 1st ;)
  2. Seen this, thought its funny. lets re-create on Ely....... Rune-Server's one ^
  3. Thanks for reporting, we have been looking into this interesting situation recently.
  4. Good work on this, man! Love seeing guides popping up.
  5. Welcome to Ely's first-ever Summer Shop! We're excited to bring you some throwback items for some, but new to those who've just joined Ely. Keep in mind, the Summer Shop uses EPoints! Introducing: The Amulet of the Damned Treasonous Ring Tyrannical Ring Ring of the Gods Primal Gear & Weapons Celestial Gear and the Cosmetic Assassin Set Bonus Info: Amulet of the Damned is the best in slot for necklaces compared to fury; giving it an additional +5 in Attack Bonuses, and +2 in Strength! Primal Boots are best in-slot for Strength compared to Steadfast boots giving it a +10 in Strength! Celestial Staff is best in-slot magic Staff as well as the Celestial boots are best in-slot for magic! Keep in mind the Assassin's set is purely cosmetic and has no Stat Bonuses. Also, this shop will only be available for a limited time! It will start now and be removed before the end of August. Note: It will return every summer during this same period. Also: New items in the Cosmetic Donor Shop; Vampiric Scythe & Grim Reaper Hood Last but not least, FOR THE IRONMEN - Yaks now drop the Helm of Neitiznot! We are continuing to work on some bug fixes as well as your suggestions that you've been leaving for us. Please feel free to send more this way as we try to make Ely the best we possibly can.
  6. Welcome brother, nice to see your around Ely!
  8. Thanks for all the positive feedback, fellas! Really appreciate it!
  9. Thanks for all the positive feedback on this Shop update! Much appreciated.
  10. We've considered all options & came to the conclusion for now that the system we currently have is best fit. Without going into too much detail, the system we chose was to keep it from becoming to OP. The suggestion is highly appreciated however this will not be implemented; at least anytime soon. Thank you!
  11. Hey Fam, bringing you a little something + more of an incentive to help spread the word about Ely! The Referral Shop has been very bland, so we spiced it up with a few different cosmetic sets you can ONLY get by Referrals! They are: War-Chief Lord Marshall Commander Serjeant We hope this encourages you to continue to spread the word & receive some nice cosmetics to show off your dedication! Thank you.
  12. Awesome dude, love this post! Good luck!!
  13. Not a bug. Type "client" or "cmds" in console and you'll see a command "hidepets" i believe it is. Closed.
  14. A few updates to bring you, Fam. *NOTE* - For starters, we spent time and method after method recently trying to replicate the Max Cash "bug" report about it resetting to 1GP when tinkering around max; with no success. So at this time, there is no such bug as far as we're concerned - and my only recommendation to you guys would be - if you have Max Cash, and you're about to make some type of transaction, it would be in your best interest to screen record it. Reason being, if I get a report about Max Cash resetting without any proof, there is nothing I can do. So, back to some updates :) Voting PER site now gives every player a 50% 10-minute XP boost! So if you vote on all 6 sites - you will get 1 hour of an x1.5 XP boost! Friends Chat's now correspond to each Donor Rank! For example, if you are a Guthix Donor, you will have a "Recruit" rank in the Friends Chat! New highly requested command has been added, "::prices" that now link to our current Price Guide! Blink's re-spawn time has been reduced dramatically! Corporal Beast health resetting 'bug' has been fixed!
  15. Lation


  16. I have to ask, why would you drink the anti-fire though? :eek:
  17. Lation


    Congrats man!
  18. Congrats man & good luck on the rest brother.
  19. Lation


    Just seeing this, welcome to Ely niggly, hope you've enjoyed it so far.
  20. Nomad drops Korasi's Sword. After the latest update, now so does WildyWyrm.
  21. Ely Fam, got another couple updates to bring you today.. Added Uncut Onyx to Soulgazer's Drop Table Added Korasi's Sword to WildyWyrm's Drop Table Black Ibis Body, Legs, Mask & Boots are now tradable Added Robin Hood Hat to the Vote Shop for 50 Votes Added Onyx Ring (i) to the Vote Shop for 120 Votes Enjoy!
  22. Welcome, Nomad! You joined at a very bad time; since we are experiencing some issues! Although working to get it resolved as soon as possible, we will keep everyone updated. I recommend you join us the Discord server by clicking here: https://discord.gg/vk7ghu7

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