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Everything posted by Lation

  1. I could see the first suggestion being implemented - however it's quite apparent that the major of people that seen this thread disagree with increasing drop rate. I've seen a few people request it however I see more that disagree with that.
  2. Ah yeah, I'll get it.
  3. Lation


    what does it drop?
  4. type at least 5 chars then lul?!
  5. dont let flips post win lets go!
  6. the spam is real lets go 6th page!@!@
  7. tru story, almost on the 5th page lets gooo
  8. to just do whatever the hell you wanna
  9. this is pretty cool man! nice loots :D
  10. Awesome, welcome! I hope you enjoy.
  11. I agree, to an extent. & What are Revs? ;)
  12. I believe this is worthy of such and something many players could utilize now & in the future many times over. Thread has been sticky'd! Thank you for the contribution.
  13. opmg you guys want me to type 15 characters to add another npc?! na too much work.
  14. Yeah i know but you know how much of a pain in the ass work that'd be? Lmao
  15. Dude.. absolutely awesome workl! This is so useful. Think I could sticky this thread.
  16. Introducing... Duo Slayer! Description: With this latest update you may now participate in Social Slayer / Team Slayer! Using the Enchanted Gem from the Slayer Shop, you can "use" it on another player to invite them to your "slayer party." Once accepted, you will both go and grab a task from the Slayer Master to which you BOTH may participate in and both receive XP together and knock out the tasks twice as fast while gaining bonus XP from your Slayer Partner for each kill they make! Using the Enchanted Gem, you can right-lick and select "Co-op Options" for an interface with options such as to Leave the Party, view what party you're currently in & more! If a party member LOGS OUT - the other party may continue on the task alone OR invite another member in! However, if that party member that logged out logs back in before you finish / invite another member, you will pick back up right where you left off! We are really excited to bring this update to you & hope you'll enjoy it! I personally believe it makes Ely just THAT much better while at the same time opening the door to making Slayer a fun skill you can participate in with others! Thank our awesome Developer Matt & leave some feedback below, fam!
  17. Waiittt.. spades the card game i assume right? Cause if so, I love you. Shouldn't be.. I put it in the Spam section :D it don't count toward posts. RIPPPPPPP

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