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Everything posted by Lation

  1. Thank you guys, let me know.
  2. Have you tried switching to DirectX graphic settings?
  3. Thank you Matt, it was just an out-dated client.
  4. Some of ya'll are already aware of some changes that were made yesterday; however here is the post in more detail. Let's get into it. 110% credit to our developer Matt for everything! NEWS: 1. Fight Kiln is now fully functional! You may now fight for & receive your TokHaar-Kal Cape which is a requirement for the Completionist's Cape! a. At the end of Fight Kiln, you will have the option to choose between an Uncut Onyx OR the TokHaar-Kal Cape. 2. As an Ironman, you may now utilize your Squeal Of Fortune spins! Previously rewards were sent to bank - that is no longer the case. All rewards will be sent to your inventory. 3. Ganodermic Armor now degrades much slower! 4. A proper description has been added to the "Odd Lamp" in Skilling Points store to reduce confusion among newer players about the purpose of this lamp. 5. Brand new in-game icons have been added for brand new Donor Ranks! a. Bronze Patron ($1,000) b. Silver Patron ($1,500) c. Gold Patron ($2,000) d. Platnium Patron ($2,500) e. Diamond Patron ($3,000) I. We are currently working on establishing some rank-specific benefits to obtaining these roles. Stay tuned for future updates regarding these. II. First player to reach the Diamond Patron rank will be given the option to choose the finalized color of the Diamond Patron rank icon. 6. We developed a never-before-seen Administrative tool for Ely to aid in item customization & configuration! NOTE: We are still very much in the process of cranking out some AMAZING, never-before-seen, INSANE content to be released to you guys soon. This was an update that had forced our hand to push live to do further testing on some behind the scenes stuff. But, get excited for the next couple weeks as you will see something (and more) that you've never before seen ANYWHERE. It'll be exclusive to Ely & Ely only. As soon as I have more information and/or are closer to a release; I may post a teaser thread to show you guys what is soon-to-come..
  5. Lation

    Slay Appeal

    Slay, Sorry I had to ban you but it very much appeared as if you were using a third-party software of some sort. However; I can understand your appeal and to be completely honest, there is really no way for me or anyone else to know 100% sure what may or may not have happened. With that said; you've been nothing but a great player and help to this community and I'll lift your ban (right now, so you're free to play again) in the hopes that I was wrong and you're right. In the future, please just figure out a way to NOT cover your chatbox, I know it could be hard but it can very easily result in something like this. Welcome back, Slay. We missed you!
  6. Just looking to get some input from the community as a whole.. and got a few questions. 1. Where did you find Ely? What site if you can remember? 2. What made Ely stand out to you & why? 3. What features do you love the most in Ely or don't & why? And finally.. 4. What would you like to see from Ely in the future & why?
  7. Was about to start paying staff, rip. JK hahah
  8. Welcome man, I live in NJ and moving to PA soon :D
  9. The Staff changes are as follows: Sin has been promoted too Support! Flip has been promoted too Support! Kari has been promoted too Moderator! Nick has been promoted too Global Moderator! Jeremy has been demoted too a player.* Jake has been promoted too Administrator! I would like to thank each and every individual for all they've done for Ely. Specifically would like to welcome Sin to our Staff team as he was an easy and obvious choice. He has been a huge blessing to Ely and such an awesome, active & helpful player to our community and it's with great pleasure we welcome you to our Staff team. I'm excited to see what you can contribute to the betterment of Ely as time progresses. Flip, thank you as well. You're another one that was a very easy and obvious choice. You've been a huge help, active and are have become a great friend to everyone. Ely is one big and awesome community and I count each and every one of the Staff & players as friends. As Ely grows and continues on this path it will be fun to keep laughing & bullshitting in general. As you guys are aware, one thing I've never allowed and don't appreciate is "super-cop" Staff members. No one is here to try and "catch" someone else or anything of that sort. We are all friends and all have a blast but if the server's integrity is at stake due to one (or more) player(s) misbehaving then something must happen and action must be taken. However; I welcome these two new Staff members to our team and just keep in mind we are here to have fun, laugh & build an awesome community. I call you all "fam" for a reason! Next I would like to congratulate Nick on his promotion! You have been a very active & huge supporter of Ely through your dedication to help & your many donations. You've always done what was right and have helped progress Ely and I thank you for all your activity and congratulate you on this promotion! I'm excited to see what else you do in Ely and continue to push up further on the vote lists! JAKE. Congratulations on this amazing promotion! I knew you'd be an Administrator time ago. You are a HUGE help to Ely behind the scenes and on the ground. You've been there during the biggest mishaps and have also hosted some awesome & fun events for the community. The help you've given me in many areas is huge. I am extremely excited to have you as my right-hand man in running Ely and continue to advance our wonderful community and bring us to new heights. * Concerning Jeremy; this demotion is not due to lack of skill to be a Staff member or ANYTHING of that sort - I just want that to be clear. Jeremy has recently scored an awesome new job and we congratulate him on that but he now works 6 days a week and cannot commit to Ely as much as should be when a Staff member. We all thank him for the time and work he's put in during his time as Staff and who knows; things in the future could change and maybe we will see him back on board sometime! Thank you all.
  10. Lation

    Kyle Appeal

    Thank you for the appeal. After discussing it over with Staff and gaining the popular opinion you were voted 3-2 to be given a 1 week grace and/or trial period. Your previous acts will be forgiven & forgotten should you perform as an average player performs on the server during this grace period and become a blessing instead of a cancer. I personally believe if you care enough you will do just fine, and I'm glad to welcome you back to the community and give you another chance and hope you play legitimately as everyone else has. Please keep in mind any infraction at all (mute, ban, etc) during or after this grace period will result in a un-appealable permanent IP Ban.
  11. Lation


  12. You are more than welcome! Glad you like it!! Ily2 clar So glad to hear you love it man! So glad you think so!
  13. Hey fam, I apologize for the delay in updates recently. As most of ya'll know I been really sick and I've finally just recently recovered so was able to grind a few changes out for ya'll. So let's get on with today's update - I will be announcing a new program after the list of updates so be sure to check into that as well! NEWS 1. MOST ANTICIPATED UPDATE: Ironman PvM Shop UPDATED! Overload packs added, Box of Rocktails added, Prayer Renewal packs added and Cannonball packs added! 2. Ironman Shop "Skilling/General supplies" has been renamed to "General Supplies" to make it more visually appealing. 3. Clue Scroll rewards giving the Investigator's Set peices has been corrected! You will now get the correct items upon X amount of Clues completed! 4. Many items have been given a much higher GP value to prioritize on death (Rares, Primal, Amulet/Rings and more)! 5. Forinthry Dungeon has been re-modeled to replicate actual RS! Every NPC in all the proper locations amongst the Dungeon! You may now enjoy slaying not only Revenant Orks but also now: Cyclops, Goblin, Pyrefiend, Imps, Dark Beast, Dragon, Demon, Hellhound, Vampyre & MORE! See the images below to view the actual model map and how it appears now in Ely. 6. All Revenants combat styles are now AGRESSIVE! 7. Kalphite Worker's combat styles are now AGRESSIVE! 8. Added TWO more Soulgazers to.. the Soulgazers place (LOL)! 9. New Top Monthly Donor Benefits program (see screenshot below for more information)! Be sure to provide some feedback on what you think about these updates. If you experience any issues please report them here. Thank you! ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Welcome to the new Top Monthly Donor program! At the end of every Month we will announce a winner; whoever has donated the most! Their dedication and support to Ely will be recognized with a custom Discord rank (color of their choosing) as well as the famous Insta-Kill Darts! Even more so the winner at the end of every Month will also get over $30 USD of FREE EPoints & Mystery Boxes! We really appreciate everyone who has donated and made such a huge difference in Ely; therefore we will celebrate you! Check out these Insta-Kill Darts below! ____________________________________________________________________________________________ I just would also like to remind everyone about the recently announced update about re-coloring your own custom items! You may use a new system build into the Ely Client to re-color an item of your choosing (preferably old-revision items with less colors). Once you are content with your re-color, you may submit the numbers printed into the console to us and we will create your item and you may then purchase it! More information about how to use this amazing feature is available here. Check out the GIF below to see just how easy it is!

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