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Everything posted by Lation

  1. Awesome glad glad to see ya here! Hoping to see some GFX myself :D
  2. As previously stated in this thread, we hosted a $500+ giveaway! This included about $450 in donation items, and a Corsair K55 RGB Gaming Keyboard! One lucky winner will receive this keyboard. Information about this giveaway can be found in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xeOBjkKaucI And today, I picked up this keyboard & it is ready to ship once the winner is announced! (Today, 8/11/2018) Check it out below:
  3. A FEW CHANGES IN THE EPOINT SHOPS Mystery boxes are now only 3 EP! (Down from 5 EP) - 40% CHEAPER! All Torva, Pernix & Virtus is now 250 EP per piece (down from 340 EP) - 26% CHEAPER!
  4. I absolutely love this community & every single one of you here! This pizza was a surprise delivery from the Maxed Clan to me! It is so awesome & we enjoyed it so much! Just wanted to share this again & thank you!!!! Thank you Jeremy
  5. NEWS: Introducing... the Zarpor Hub! Ely fam, we have a new launcher that's being released today! It is a MUST-do change for EVERYONE! The current client everyone is using will no longer be supported and is as of now out dated. You must download this new launcher to receive the auto-downloader & what not to keep your client up to date and functional! This new launcher is awesome so you will enjoy it! Description: Our Developer Matt has made a launcher that ties in all server's that are being developed by the Zarpor team. This includes the following: Ely (Online), Sythescape (Beta), DogeScape (In-Development) & the Zarpor-OS (Coming Soon)! With this launcher, you will have the option of choosing any of the above server's and be able to play each & every one from this launcher. They are all a part of this Zarpor Hub. This Hub will give you the option to play on 4 very different server's! It is in fact an amazing feature; never-before-seen in RSPS! Want to play a #718/2012 Economy RSPS? Hop on Ely. Want to play a #317 Old-School Zarpor? Check out Sythescape. Interested in a never-before-seen, fully custom #718? Check out DogeScape. And best of all, a full OSRS remake? You will be able to play that as well with the coming-soon Zarpor-OS! As of now, a majority of these server's are either still in development or beta stages. But it won't be long until you get to enjoy a choice of server's to best fit your style! Ely is very proud & excited to be a part of this Zarpor Hub and we are very excited for the future of Ely & the Zarpor Hub as a whole! We hope you enjoy! However; to continue playing on Ely and enjoying the latest features & updates you must utilize this new launcher. Click here to download now!
  6. That is a price suggested by Jeremy; not a finalized price by myself. However; the most expensive partyhat is in fact $50/500EP.
  7. Yeah I can support this, will implement in the near-future. Thank you!
  8. So you mean, make a h'ween mask box & christmas cracker and put it in the shop for $50 for phat and #7 for the weens? and then take out the individual purchases of a specific partyhat or ween?
  9. HUGE Giveaway for you guy's! Let's get right into it: WATCH THIS VIDEO TO ENTER! :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xeOBjkKaucI
  10. we will never get there will we?? 32
  11. Lation

    Duo/Team Slayer

    Duo Slayer Description: With this latest update you may now participate in Social Slayer / Team Slayer! Using the Enchanted Gem from the Slayer Shop, you can "use" it on another player to invite them to your "slayer party." Once accepted, you will both go and grab a task from the Slayer Master to which you BOTH may participate in and both receive XP together and knock out the tasks twice as fast while gaining bonus XP from your Slayer Partner for each kill they make! Using the Enchanted Gem, you can right-lick and select "Co-op Options" for an interface with options such as to Leave the Party, view what party you're currently in & more! If a party member LOGS OUT - the other party may continue on the task alone OR invite another member in! However, if that party member that logged out logs back in before you finish / invite another member, you will pick back up right where you left off! We are really excited to bring this update to you & hope you'll enjoy it! I personally believe it makes Ely just THAT much better while at the same time opening the door to making Slayer a fun skill you can participate in with others!
  12. The drop system & it's functionality is a bit different than usual so I will post the drops & their rarity here. First off, the way the drop system works is; you get a certain few items every kill and they are what is quoted below: Dragon Bones Royal Dragonhide Royal Bolts 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th dragonkin journal's The next stage of this drop system is; the following items (quoted below) are (for explanation purposes) "dropped into a hat" X amount of times. The server then "pulls" a random item from this "hat" and it is chosen to be given as a reward. The number before each item is how many times the specific item is thrown into this "hat." 57 Dragon helm 29 Dragon longsword 32 Dragon dagger 17 Dragon spear 12 Dragon kiteshield 31 Death rune 30 Blood rune 21 Soul rune 12 Onyx bolts 16 Pure essence 18 Coal 16 Adamantite 13 Runite ore 21 Magic seed 18 Snapdragon seed 26 Watermelon seed 8 Torstol seed 24 Raw swordfish 53 Rocktail 57 Saradomin brew (2) 34 Super restore (2) 35 Coins 38 Magic logs 53 Yew logs 19 Grimy torstol 18 Grimy lantadyme 35 Uncut dragonstone 21 Shield left half 17 Onyx bolt tips 15 Royal torsion spring 15 Royal sight 15 Royal frame 15 Royal bolt stabiliser 5 Coral Crossbow 4 Draconic visage
  13. The following is a list of potential rewards & their rarity you can receive from Nomad Stance Token:
  14. We are moving a bit ahead of schedule but there is some changes here I wanted to get out as soon as possible. I hope you guys like what you see here and please provide some feedback in the comments! Also, keep your eyes open for a teaser thread about the soon-to-be-released update I have coming for you all! It won't be long, family.. NEWS: 1. Queen Black Dragon's drop table posted here! 2. Nomad Chest Reward's posted here! 3. Coral Crossbow has been added to Queen Black Dragon's drop table! 4. Bandos Godsword has been given a higher GP value (from 3.5M to 10.5M)! 5. Nex drop rates on Torva, Pernix & Virtus have been reduced by over 30% (from 1/380 to 1/260)! 6. WildyWyrm now drops 500k-3.5M GP every kill (up from 50-100k)! 7.Royal D'hide (body, chaps, etc) have been removed from the Grand Exchange. 8. Dagannoth King rings have been removed from all Shops (Archer, Seers, Berserker, etc). 9. Berserker Ring (i) & Warrior Ring (i) drop rates have been reduced from 1/610 to 1/496! 10. Monster Carnage Minigame no longer gives Medium Caskets that will not open; it's fixed! 11. Cannon has been disabled at Nomad. 12. WildyWyrm now drops a fully functional Korasi Sword (previously was dropping a screwed up version of the same item)! 13. Robes of Subjugation have been given a higher GP value thus removed from auto-purchases from Grand Exchange & properly prioritized upon death! 14. All Hybrid gear (Battle-mage, Trickster, Vanguard) is now tradable & has been given a higher GP value to properly prioritize upon death! 15. (1) Squeal of Fortune spin tickets are now dropped from some Slayer Monster's (Abyssal, Black, Greater & Lessor Demons; Bronze, Iron, Steel, Black & Mithril Dragons; Killerwatts & more (this will be improved upon over time))! 16. A bit of a Hexhunter Bow buff (Ranged Str from 0 to +50, Magic Def from +5 to +15 & Range Attack bonus from +45 to +65)! 17. The drop rate on Hexhunter box has been reduced almost 15% from 1/456 to 1/390! 18. Chaos Elemental now drops: 100-500k GP (up from 15-25k), and ALL non-corrupt PvP Armor's! 19. All PvP Armor has been added to the PK Rewards Shop (due to their non-degradable nature at the moment, the price is set on the higher end)! 20. Box of Rocktails in PvM Shop is now only 5,000 PvM Points (down from a scam of: 50,000)! 21. Slayer Spin Ticket price has been reduced from 250 Slayer Points to 200! 22. Double Slayer task option for all player's (bug) has been corrected. Now only properly giving you the option to choose from two tasks if you're Armadyl ($250+) Donor Rank or higher. 23. Royal Bolts now have a Ranged Strength bonus of +120 (up from 0; now correctly on par with Onyx Bolts (e))! 24. Cooking Raw Rocktail now gives 15,000 Cooking EXP per cook (up from 11,500)! 25. Bandos Helmet has been given stat bonuses! 26. Vampiric Scythe now has a +120 Crush Attack bonus! 27. Seed pack's now gives 3 Magic Seeds per pack (up from 0 & and requires 4 empty inventory slots)! 28. Log pack's now correctly give "Mahogany Logs" instead of "Mahogany Pyre Logs!" 29. Nomad/Soul War's (Red/Blue) cape's have been given a +5 Prayer bonus! 30. Armadyl Battlestaff is now tradable! 31. Brawling Gloves (ALL 13) are now in-game! Dropped from all Revenant's & Chaos Elemental! I really hope you guys liked these updates! I got a bunch more where that came from so continue to stay tuned ;) Any issues you may experience please report them here. And please; post all your comments, feedback & questions below! I love to hear what you guys think!
  15. So awesome! Make more videos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Awesome contribution, great job! Keep it up.

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