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Everything posted by Lation

  1. It's uncertain to the point of are we able to obtain all the necessary components to making these bosses full & complete. Shouldn't be too hard to obtain however I say uncertain contingent to the possibility of it being pieced together properly.
  2. Will be looking into this, still uncertain at the moment so will remain in this section.
  3. Thanks for all the great constructive criticism, fam! Looking forward to more replies.
  4. Hey fam, We got some adjustments made to almost every single Userbar (Rank Images) on the forums! Previously, a lot of the Userbars appears to be dull or out of color to their corresponding ranks. We went through every one & made adjustments to color, size & brightness to make them more vibrant & fitting to each rank properly! Check out some comparisons below: Before: After: Those are just a couple examples to the 15+ we made adjustments too! Hope you enjoy & give some feedback on the changes! NOTE: Currently am working on getting new Userbar/Rank images for $1k+ Donors & Ex-Staff rank.
  5. Welcome brother, glad to have you and thank you for your service!
  6. I approve this idea however would need someone to run this. @ Forum Mods, if you would like to organize & manage something like this I'd gladly put it all in your hands. However just come to me for reward discussion/etc and I'll just handle that portion of it? @ me in #stafff-discussion if something you guys would like to do.
  7. http://www.elyrsps.net/forums/index.php?pageid=ge
  8. Just posting a thread concerning our new addition to the Grand Exchange & our on YouTube! In this video is the announcement of the resignation of our beloved Administrator, Jake. He will be missed dearly & I hope to see him in that position again; in the mean time thank you for all you've done for Ely, Jake! Also you will see a bit of this Grand Exchange update looked into. Our Developer Matt has put in some awesome work to expand our Grand Exchange to the website! You will now see the page "Grand Exchange" added to the Navigation Bar above. With this addition, you may now search for any item that is currently listed as a sell or buy offer on the G/E without being logged into the game, or while logged into the game during other tasks you may be on without having to tele home! - On the far-left side you will see whether it is a Buy or Sell offer. - Then the image & name of the item itself. - Followed by the quantity, price & when it was listed respectively. When you click on an item you will be able to see past & current sale price trends such as: I really like this addition to the affect that it will have for new players; newcomers are always curious about the economy of a particular server & like to know the current prices. With this addition they may now utilize this Grand Exchange page to search for an item & look up it's past & current price trends! Post your thoughts and feedback on the video & this new addition please!
  9. Lation


    yeah use the format next time thanks fuck boy
  10. Will look into this further however; this individual case has been resolved.
  11. Just so I understand this properly; when you have Game chat on "Filter" you don't see the lootshare notifcations?
  12. Accepted; moved to pending.
  13. I agree I would like to see these; however moving to rejected for the time being for organization purposes until they are looked into further regarding any possible dupes/bugs in relation.
  14. Lation


    Interesting concept; seen this before. Looking for more player input because I personally don't see much use for this until the server is exponentially bigger.
  15. This is a good suggestion; however most seeds (or all, idr) were removed from G/E. It's generally believed the G/E is a bit OP as it is anyway; removes a lot of work to be done for players as it is.
  16. I understand what you mean here however; if you don't feel like pressing 4 keys on your keyboard you probably shouldn't be playing a game anyway! Lol, moving this to rejected.
  17. Accepted, will be moved to pending.
  18. Oh you for sure found it brother! Glad to have ya, see ya in game!

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