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Everything posted by Lation

  1. Lmao literally just luck, you see some people hit phat, this, that, from 10 boxes then others could open 100 and be dry lmao
  2. Thanks for all the input fam, closing this thread due to the recent Staff changes. Will re-post in the future!
  3. I agree with you on this topic; but it's been quite obvious by the poll above highly requested so figured we'd poll it and take it from there.
  4. Due to Flip's inactivity recently, he asked to make a statement so that it could be posted to explain his current situation: Thank you! And looking forward to see you soon Flip!
  5. Will be discussing with Matt on this! Thank you.
  6. Staff Changes IV Congratulations to all the following: MrSunday has been promoted to Support! Sin has been promoted to Moderator! Nicky has been promoted to Moderator! Kari has been promoted to Administrator! Let's all give MrSunday a warm welcome to the Ely Staff Team! He has proven to be an exceptional player and stood out from the crowd with his helpfulness, knowledge & professionalism! He was unanimously nominated & agreed upon to be brought on as a Support Member! I expect to see great things from you moving forward and welcome to the Team! Our beloved previous Support member Sin has done nothing short of excelling as Support and with his extensive knowledge of Ely has also been unanimously voted upon for the Moderator position! Welcome to this position, I expect further greatness from you and looking forward to your contributions too Ely. Thank you, Sin & congratulations! Our friend & previous Forum Moderator Nicky has been a dedicated player & contributor to Ely since the early days. Proved himself to be fit for the Staff Team quite easily and made his way to Forum Mod. While he has done wonderful in that position, it was unanimously agreed he would be an ever greater fit in the Server Moderator position. Looking forward to the future with you, brother! Last but not least, Kari. Another extremely dedicated player to Ely who made it to Support with ease. After excelling in every area found himself as a Server Moderator. Again excelled in this position taking it on with ease. His continued support to Ely has been wonderful and I would like to welcome him to the Administration part of the Team! Looking very forward to working with you! Share your support to these fella's and give them a nice congratulations!
  7. Amazing contribution, thank you - created a post with this video in the Knowledge Base!
  8. Lation


    Pretty clearly mentioned right in the beginning hahah
  9. 39 2f 32 35 2f 31 38 20 49 20 57 69 6c 6c 20 52 65 74 75 72 6e ?
  10. looking for more input from the fam here
  11. rejected & closed; apparent lack of interest/support for the idea.
  12. Going to have this looked into further with our Developer; Matt! I do like the idea.
  13. Lation

    Jad Pet

    Have had multiple requests for this; will move to pending. Thank you!
  14. interesting, but rejected and closed for now; apparent lack of support.
  15. Has been added to our list of things to look into, will remain here until certain about the outcome.
  16. more input on this ely fam?
  17. I would like to see an summoning oblisk added as well, what other suggestions are there for DZ? i would recommend making a new thread regarding changes/suggestions to our current DZ, in the mean time i'll reject and close this one since half of it was already existing.
  18. I agree with improving the UIM experience. Will move this thread to pending.
  19. Lation

    home sets

    I do like this idea, however will require a lot of work to make sure it doesnt become too overpowered. Will remain in this section until reviewed further with the developer.
  20. lack of support, rejected & closed
  21. There appears to have been some discussion among the forum staff about organizing this, will move to accepted & hope to see something soon!
  22. kinda interesting concept, not sure how much of a necessity it is, but cool offer

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