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Everything posted by Lation

  1. This is the way I would prefer to see it operate too. Where you can Prestige one skill at a time willingly. Thus receive Prestige Points to spend in a Prestige Shop? And of course at every prestige the XP rate would lower, therefore making each Prestige harder to achieve.
  2. I may have to re-word the post, we're thinking we could offer separate Prestige leader-boards, one of reg's & one for Legends, and in that case still keep the Legend mode.
  3. Rewards & the rest I would presume would be best discussed & cooked up by the community as a whole.
  4. Ely fam, it's been a lightly discussed topic over the past few months but nonetheless has been discussed. As of recent, we now would like you ask the community as a whole; would you like to have a Prestige system on Ely? This raises a question for Legends. If the Prestige was voted YES, they would be converted to 3rd Prestige. But a distinguished mode, such as Legends may not be necessary if the Prestige vote passes. So, place your vote and give us your thoughtful feedback in the comments. Thank you! EDIT: It may not make any sense at all to just throw the Legend's into everyone else's game mode. So the proposal of offering two separate Leader-board's could work in that case.
  5. Ah interesting, thank you.
  6. Lation

    Store Suggestion

  7. https://topg.org/Runescape https://www.runelocus.com/advertising/ https://www.moparscape.org/contact/ https://rsps100.com/ads There are the main 4 websites we advertise on when we have the Donation proceeds to do so. The best way to contribute to this, is to donate (as you've already done, thank you).
  8. Lation


    Glad to see you're enjoying Ely & glad to have you as a member, welcome!
  9. Lation

    Several bugs

    Taverly tree patch not working is a well known issue and was discussed in the latest Patch Notes under "Notes" at the bottom. It's an issue that's going to require a lot more time than previously assumed. However we're aware of it and it will be fixed. If your Collect at Bank Booth is black screening you, try to delete your cache and re-run your client. It works perfectly for me (see below). Moparscape is sometimes slow to register the vote, however it's not on our end and 9/10 it usually goes through. Just wait and if anything try again. And we will be sure to get to those other listed items, thank you for reporting them.
  10. fuck this thread 59 times
  11. Had to see if you were fully reading it ;) haha na but yeah sadly not a simple fix will require a lot of focus & time to fix the overall skill.
  12. NEWS: A lot of changes are being made behind-the-scenes in Ely, therefore making what appears as a lack of updates recently. This is not the case; as a matter of fact there is a lot more going on than previously ever was. This is for the better of Ely, it's players & Staff. Most notably, the progress made on developing OSRS content and bringing it to a 718 properly. All thanks to Matt. We are prepping for an increase in traffic and player's for the upcoming Spring & Summer of 2019. Which we are shooting to beat our previous records of 50 players online! Thanks to everyone who has stuck around and helped continue in the development of Ely and keeping us afloat! I appreciate each & every one of you. Without further ado, here are the latest changes: INTRODUCING: The Fishing Outfit! With this Fishing outfit, you receive a 1% boost on every piece worn, for a total of 4%. With all 4 pieces, you receive a set bonus of another 1% for a total of 5% boost in Fishing XP when worn. This Outfit has been added to the Skilling Shop at 12K Skilling Point per piece. You now have a chance to "roll" for a Jad Pet instead of receiving another Cape! Colored Whip(s) now tradable! Frozen Key in Super Mystery Boxes has been corrected. Female models for Graetoriax armor & all others are now corrected. WildyWyrm bug dealing 0 damage to players has been fixed. Removed Soul Gazers from Slayer task. Added Corporal Beast, Queen Black Dragon, Graetoriax the Unbroken & Glacors to Boss Slayer tasks! Kalphite Queen, Glacors & Chaos Elemental now all give PVM Points! All Graetorian pieces now sell and buy in Grand Exchange (including the defender)! A new ::YouTube command has been added to easily access Ely's Offical YouTube channel! Clan Wars has been added to Minigame Teleport options. Battle Royale insignia icons are now kept upon death. Patron Donors can now repair their broken items. AI Bots have been temporarily removed. A teleport has been added to Snowy Knights (::tele ice stryke / ::tele snowy knights)! Cannon's can no longer be dropped at Duel Areana & Clan Wars. Bonfire HP Boosts no longer remain when entering a Duel. Aura's can no longer be activated once inside a Duel. Gem Bag's will now fill with all gems at once; opposed to one-at-a-time! Lootshare will now properly announce drops to the correct player. Corporal Beast kill count now corrected for Completionist's Cape (50). Only 50 Graetoriax the Unbroken kills are now required for Completionist's Cape. A reminder has been added to popup after you're 12 hours between votes has expired. Zaryte Bow, Sagatarrian, Crystal & Dominion Bow's are all corrected. Pheonix Pouch now requires the correct amount of Crimson Charms. NOTES: Some notable things to be paying attention too and know we haven't overlooked. Farming at the moment is a bit buggy (sorry, Nick) and requires nearly a complete re-write to function properly on 718. This is going to take more time than previously assumed and we appreciate your patience. As well as Farming is Construction. To complete things such as the Costume Room are going to take a lot more work than simple additions but has not been overlooked. Name changes as well are something to look forward too in the not-too-distant future.
  13. A couple small fixes for today, fam. Female Graetorian Armor models have been updated. Forgive me, way over-due. Corrupt Vesta's Spear no longer unlimited in Grand Exchange. Bandos Helm & Black H'ween mask stats switched. I want to take the time to apologize in what may appear as a 'lack of updates' recently but again I want to remind you, fam.. We are spearheading this OSRS project and have made huge strides in the time we've taken so far. With that said, I have been doing things here & there in the background & not taking the time to post. But will improve that. Also, this coming Monday we should have a nice-sized update for you guys. We are gonna take a break from the OSRS project to catch up on some bugs and/or suggestions to further improve Ely as a whole. I appreciate everyone's patience & understanding as we spear-head this OSRS project. In the long run, it will all pay off for everyone. Our main focus here is a successful Spring & Summer of 2019. School, holidays, etc we are in a slump time for RSPS as a whole. So just stick with us through this, and we will continue to bring updates as we complete this OSRS project which has been extremely successful thus far. Again, thank you all and we hope you guys enjoy what we have coming..
  14. Ely fam, making this post to keep you guys updated on the Developer Matt's progress on adding OSRS Content into Ely! We are going to be a 718 that more than just stands out from 718's but also from your average OSRS RSPS. We will have all you can ask for & MORE! It's as simple as that. Check out the screenshot's & GIF's below. Skotizo & Pet Zulrah & Pet Abyssal Sire Cerberus & Pet The current stage of development is still very early. It is going to take some time before you see the proper additions of these into the game. These are just some teaser's and to show you how far we've made it thus far. The progress we've made to get these models & animations loaded into our 718 so far is beyond incredible. Our Dev, Matt, is truly a skilled Developer and is 100% to thank for this.
  15. Sorry Nick will prioritize this Very weird that is like, an account thing, but will talk to Matt about it.
  16. Ah interesting; and yeah you were it's since been lifted. No harm in having you on the Discord/Forums so hop in Thankss I deff had a great thankgiving, tons of work (was at our place) but a great time. Hope the same for you
  17. Hey what a nice surprise and on Thanksgiving morning! :D Honestly despite the negativity around your name we talk about you civilly from time to time. Very much appreciate this post, and again how much more fitting on Thanksgiving! I hope all is going well with you and you have a good time today. Where are you getting deployment too? Nice to hear from you tho, bro. I know I've messaged you amongst your time gone to ask a question or two myself haha
  18. I'm gonna say A. ANd ive already done two of these waiting for someone else here :P Oh and Kari there was two truths and a lie :o
  19. Lation

    Achieved 5b

    sheeeeeeeet congrats dude thats insane
  20. Oh my god this is gonna be nice! Good work so far Kari
  21. Good suggestion however this will not be approved.

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