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Everything posted by Lation

  1. New forums lit

    1. Marzera



    2. Lation


      We're trying! 😞

  2. That was an overlooked mistake. We had swapped those stats previously to keep black mask bis but due to some unforeseen issue later down the road the cache got reverted and I've since forgot to change back. I will do that on the next update.
  3. To our continue addition of adding the best OSRS content into our already content packed 718.. Here are some more bosses & items you can look forward to slaying! Welcome 100% OSRS Kraken Kraken is now available in Ely! As we always do, it is done 100% as OSRS. With the introduction of Kraken comes some more new items.. Kraken tentacles Trident of the seas Abyssal tentacle Pet Kraken Using Kraken tentacle on -> Abyssal Whip to make an Abyssal tentacle whip! The Abyssal tentacle whip has a +8 increase in Slash & +4 in Strength over its predecessor. The Trident of the seas requires no runes to use and functions by charges. To fully charge a trident: 2,500 Death runes, 2,500 Chaos Runes, 10K Fire runes & 2.5M GP That will give it a full charge of 2500. Each attack uses one charge. You can uncharge a Trident of the seas at anytime in return for your runes (dependent upon charges). About Kraken: You must be assigned Slayer Task to kill Kraken. It will only cost 500K GP to begin an instance. Cannons & familiars will not function at Kraken. 100% OSRS Demonic Gorilla's Added into "Boss Teleports" as well as Kraken is now: Demonic Gorilla's! With the introduction of Demonic Gorilla's also comes more new items... Zenyte Shards Ring of Suffering* Necklace of Anguish* Tormented bracelet* Amulet of Torture* Heavy Ballista parts Light Ballista parts Lil' Gorilla pet Using a Zenyte shard on -> cut Onyx to make a Zenyte.. Which will then allow you to choose which item to craft. * These items are crafted by using a Zenyte shard on a cut Onyx. See below for the stats of the new Zenyte items Ring of Suffering New best-in-slot ring that also reflects 10% of damage taken to enemy Necklace of Anguish New best-in-slot offensive ranged amulet Tormented Bracelet New best-in-slot offensive Mage (glove slot) item Amulet of Torture New best-in-slot offensive melee amulet Javelins are now used as an ammo for the Ballista's instead of a throw weapon. Last but not least.. the Lil' Gorilla pet! Content Changes & Fixes All Monkey's have been removed from Ape Toll (you're welcome Ironmen) Added noted Bones too various NPC's Nomad's damage cap has been upped from 300 too 1,000 Increased drop rate on Boss pets by 30% Arclight attack styles are fixed A teleport has been added to Brine Rats Skotizo pet drop announcement will now work Zaryte bow is now an announced drop Total votes is now counted in Quest tab under Statistics Monthly Mystery Boxes will now re-supply every week (read more) (Every 1st, 7th, 14th & 21st of the month 150 Exclusive Boxes will be added) 2 new Bosses, 2 new pets, 10+ brand new items (weapons, rings & amulets), Slayer skill expanded & much more! Ely's largest content update ever has dropped! We truly hope you enjoy this update as much as we did creating it! If you come across any bugs, please continue to report them in Discord or on our Forums, thank you! Enjoy!
  4. As became obvious quickly; exclusive Mystery Boxes are amazing. However at launch we probably didn't utilize the most efficient system. Considering we sold out in less than 3 days, leaving the rest of the month & others abandoned. So we polled you guys to see what would be the most viable option for them. Clearly the overwhelming support rests in: Unlimited & Raising the limits. Marzera then made a terrific suggestion: Until reading that; we have never thought of it! As of now, that is how these Exclusive Boxes will work. Instead of releasing the entire batch at the start of the Month; Every week (specifically the 1st, 7th, 14th & 21st) of every Month a new batch will be available. These will be batches of 150 every week. So we took heed to your suggestions in raising the limit while also allowing everyone a chance at purchasing some. What happens if there is some left over from one week, will they roll over? No. At midnight server time (EST) on those specific days, whatever the quantity is (0, 30, etc) it will reset to 150. These boxes are still exclusive. After a week sells out, that is it until the shop refills on the next fill date. There is a timer in the shop (live now) that will show you when the next batch will be available. These are still limited quantity per month (total of 600 every month), once it sells out; it is out. New boxes are still of course being made for every single month. Thanks to your suggestions & feedback, the exclusive Mystery Boxes now are much more fair. This will allow everyone a chance at buying some, without the worry of selling out the entire stock from the start! (and increasing the stock as per requested) Thank you for all who gave feedback & voted in the poll! Good luck on your boxes on May 14th! Hope you enjoy :)
  5. I do like this suggestion very much. It's the same exclusive box, just spread throughout the month instead of selling all completely for the entire month
  6. Fam.. Remember those May boxes? That lasted 2-3 days? These Monthly Exclusive Boxes have been a huge hit, and as they should be.. they're lit. So we'd like to ask you the following question(s): Should we... 1. Remove the limit from Exclusive Boxes and allow us to buy at any time, and however many. 2. Keep the limited quantities, but raise it more. 3. Keep it exactly the way it is, with no changes. (The boxes will still change month-to-month as intended irregardless of this poll's results) Please vote right now above. All votes will be private.
  7. I honestly didnt realize Armadyl was nerfed that badly, my fault. I will fix that lul As well as the other lucky items, wasnt intended to nerf so hard, mightve been a few typos Thank you for bringing that to my attention, however nice suggestion & looking forward to see more feedback from the others.
  8. congrats on the sticky ;)
  9. Welcome Skotizo Today we introduce the latest big content update into Ely, Skotizo & the Catacombs of Kourend! This new Boss is done 100% correct, just as OSRS is so it is in here. With Skotizo comes some new items such as the: Archlight! Again this is done just as it is in OSRS minus one thing; there is no charges. It will not degrade and you will not have to recharge daily. To make an Arclight you need: 3 Ancient Shards 1 Darklight (now available in Meele Shop for 75K) And use it on the Altar at ::tele Catacombs/Skotizo. Use the Archlight to one-hit the Awakened Altars to keep your damage output at 100%. The Arclight is fully coded so it does 70% more damage to all Demon NPC's across the Map. Also, Dark Claws! Drops from Skotizo & can be used on a Slayer Helm (& Full) to color it purple! In order to access Skotizo you first need to use the teleports, "catacombs" or "skotizo." Once there, you will need a Dark Totem to use on the Altar to access Skotizo. To get a Dark Totem you first need a Dark Totem base, middle & top. To gain these pieces you can either slay NPC's in the Catacombs or from the Crystal Chest at home. With Skotizo also comes, of course; the Skotos pet! Quest Tab Revamp This is another step towards helping out & guiding new players as it can be overwhelming to use our systems. However it will benefit everyone getting all relevant information at a glance instead of typing a command. See all your Points, Ranks, Statistics, Minigames, World Events & more. Notice the Events section.. you can now see in real-time the current locations of all events! If there is no current Wyrm, Star or Tree it will show a timer displaying when it will drop. Exclusive's Shop Additions The Fiery Divine Spirit Shield 750EP Now available in the Exclusive's shop with a limited quantity of 5! All the same stats & effects as the normal Divine Spirit Shield. Resupply of Exclusive Boxes, for the month of May 400 Quantity, 50EP. Some Changes Below: April boxes was our first introduction into these new Exclusive Monthly Boxes and we watched & paid close attention to the purchases & outcome of these boxes. After some testing & adjusting we've come up with a completely re-done box for May! This includes an increase of chance for rare & very rare items, removal of more junk & adding in a bunch of actually useful items in the common table! See details below. Very Rare table chances has been increased by 54% Rare table chances has been increased by 59% New Items in May Boxes: Amulet of Fiery Fury Fiery Partyhat Third-age Range, Mage & Meele sets Steadfast, Glaviens & Ragefire Boots Seers, Archers, Warrior & Berserker Rings Abyssal Whip Celestial peices Elysian Spirit Shield Dragon Claws The two best cosmetic item's to look for in these new boxes.. Full May Mystery Box Drop Table Common Items Log Pack Medium Lamp Frost Dragon Bones Large Lamp Huge Lamp Seed Pack Metal Bar Pack Gem Pack Charm Pack Uncut Onyx Abyssal Whip Archers Ring Seers Ring Warriors Ring Berseker Ring Rare Items Spirit Shield Holy Elixir Steadfast Boots Ragefire Boots Glavien Boots Celestial Hood Celestial Top Celestial Bottom Celestial Staff Celestial Boots Celestial Gloves Blessed Spirit Shield Amulet of Fiery Fury Elysian Spirit Shield Dragon Claws Very Rare Items Partyhat Box Christmas Cracker Fiery Partyhat Rainbow Partyhat Third-age Meele Set Third-age Ranger Set Third-age Mage Set Primal Pickaxe Primal Hatchet Primal Longsword Primal Maul Primal Warhammer Primal Rapier Primal 2H Sword Tyrannical Ring Ring of the Gods Treasonous Ring Amulet of the Damned Demonstrand Helm Demonstrand Plate Demonstrand Legs Demonstrand Set Good luck to all on your boxes, but you won't need it these boxes are just simply broken! Bug Fixes & Content Changes Overload pack is now 2,000 PvM Points and gives 27 Overload Flasks Battle-mage gear is tradable Server will no longer kick players for too long of a message or yell. Using #ingame-chat Discord channel is now limited to 100 characters. Commands list now displays Jordan's Price Guide PvM Points have been added to Cerberus. Essentials Shop has been moved to the Meele Shop near home bank. Lottery Guy is now placed in front of Home Bank. All Skilling Packs in Donor Store & from Super Mystery Boxes are now tradable. Forum Donor ranks not updating has been fixed. Crafting Uncut Diamonds Achievements should be fixed. Max cash stacks being reset to 1GP from Auto-Coin Pickup feature has been fixed. The ::Empty command has been moved to Zamorak (or higher) Donor benefits. Auto-Charm Pickup feature not picking up Charms with inventory full & Charm already in inventory is fixed. New previews available on Exclusive Shop items when clicking on the image. New way to gain PvM Points: Actual code: (combatlevel * 2) * (1+(wildylevel/100)) 20 wilderness for example: is Combat level x 2 x 1.2 = PvM Points received. For Example: Killing Chaos Elemental (50 Wilderness) is 915 PvM Points (without Weekend Event). We hope you enjoy these additions, changes & fixes. If you run across any news bugs please be sure to report them on the Forums or Discord. Enjoy slaying Skotizo, good luck on the boxes, and have fun fam! Credits to: Matt Luke Splash Kari Jordan & my commentary skills
  10. Beautiful, thank you for the contribution!
  11. yes i love country. its the only genre i can listen too gg
  12. Lation

    holy shit

    i dont like girls, i love being broke, and hate being high gg
  13. Each ticket gives 10 minutes. So if you vote on all 9 sites, you'll get 90 minutes (1 hour & 1/2) of bonus XP if you claim all 9 tickets. I think that's pretty decent
  14. Credits to Jake for this, thoughts? Ely RSPS Completionist Cape (T) Achievement Diary. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skilling Diary: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hunter: (Novice)Easy: Catch 30 Crimson Swifts. (Intermediate)Medium: Catch 250 Ruby Harvests. (Experienced)Hard: Catch 500 Snowy Knights. (Professional)Elite: Catch 1000 Black Warlocks. (Master)Master: Catch 2500 Black Warlocks. Fishing: (Novice)Easy: Catch 100 Salmon. (Intermediate)Medium: Catch 500 Lobsters. (Experienced)Hard: Catch 1500 Sharks. (Professional)Elite: Catch 2500 Cavefish. (Master)Master: Catch 5000 Rocktails. Prayer: (Novice)Easy: Use 100 bones on an alter. (Intermediate)Medium: Use 500 Big bones on an altar. (Experienced)Hard: Use 500 Dragon bones on an altar. (Professional)Elite: Use 750 Frost dragon bones on an altar. (Master)Master: Use 1000 Dagonnoth bones on an altar. Runecrafting: (Novice)Easy: Craft 100 Air Runes in the Abyss. (Intermediate)Medium: Craft 500 Nature runes in the Abyss. (Experienced)Hard: Craft 1000 Death Runes in the Abyss. (Professional)Elite: Craft 3000 Blood Runes in the Abyss. (Master)Master: Craft 10,000 Blood Runes in the Abyss. Dungeoneering: (Novice)Easy: Complete 50 Dungeon floors. (Intermediate)Medium: Complete 200 Dungeon floors. (Experienced)Hard: Complete 500 Dungeon floors. (Professional)Elite: Obtain level 120 Dungeoneering. (Master)Master: Obtain 200m Dungeoneering. Smithing: (Novice)Easy: Smelt 100 Iron bars. (Intermediate)Medium: Smelt 350 Mithril bars. (Experienced)Hard: Smith 500 Mithril Platebodies. (Professional)Elite: Smith 1,500 Adamant Platebodies. (Master)Master: Smith 2,000 Rune Platebodies. Farming: (Novice)Easy: Successfully harvest 25 Marigolds from Flower patches. (Intermediate)Medium: Successfully harvest 100 Herb's from Herb patches. (Experienced)Hard: Successfully harvest 500 Herb's from Herb patches. (Professional)Elite: Successfully harvest 50 Yew Trees. (Master)Master: Successfully harvest 200 Magic Trees. Woodcutting: (Novice)Easy: Chop 100 Regular logs. (Intermediate)Medium: Chop 500 Willow logs. (Experienced)Hard: Chop 1,000 Yew logs. (Professional)Elite: Chop 2,000 Magic logs. (Master)Master: Chop 10,000 Hanging Ivy. Firemaking: (Novice)Easy: Burn 250 Regular logs (Intermediate)Medium: Burn 500 Willow logs. (Experienced)Hard: Burn 1,000 Yew logs. (Professional)Elite: Burn 2,000 Magic logs. (Master)Master: Burn 3,000 Magics logs in the wilderness. Agility: (Novice)Easy: Complete 10 laps of the Gnome course (Intermediate)Medium: Complete 25 laps of the Barbarian course (Experienced)Hard: Complete 110 laps of the Wilderness course (Professional)Elite: Complete 250 laps of the Advanced Gnome course. (Master)Master: Complete 500 laps of the Advanced Barbarian course. Crafting: (Novice)Easy: Spin 100 Bowstrings. (Intermediate)Medium: Cut 250 Diamonds. (Experienced)Hard: Cut 1,000 Dragonstones. (Professional)Elite: Craft 1,000 Black D'hide bodies. (Master)Master: Craft 25 Amulets of Fury. Herblore: (Novice)Easy: Clean 500 Grimy Herbs. (Intermediate)Medium: Make 1,000 Potions. (Experienced)Hard: Make 2,500 Potions (Professional)Elite: Make 500 Prayer Renewals. (Master)Master: Make 300 Overloads. Cooking: (Novice)Easy: Cook 500 Lobsters. (Intermediate)Medium: Cook 1,000 Sharks. (Experienced)Hard: Cook 2,500 Sharks. (Professional)Elite: Cook 2,500 Cavefish. (Master)Master: Cook 5,000 Rocktails. Fletching: (Novice)Easy: Fletch 500 Arrowshafts. (Intermediate)Medium: Fletch 500 bows. (Experienced)Hard: Create 1,000 Runite bolts. (Professional)Elite: Tip 1,000 Dragon Bolts (Master)Master: Create 5,000 Dragon bolts or Dragon darts. Hunter: (Novice)Easy: Catch 10 Crimson Swifts. (Intermediate)Medium: Catch 150 Black salamanders. (Experienced)Hard: Catch 500 Ruby Harvests. (Professional)Elite: Catch 1,000 Snowy Knights. (Master)Master: Catch 2,500 Snowy Knights. Construction: (Novice)Easy: Build 25 Chairs. (Intermediate) Medium: Build 50 Oak Larders. (Experienced)Hard: Build 200 Mahogany tables. (Professional)Elite: Build 50 Gilded Alters. (Master)Master: Build 10 Demonic Thrones. Thieving: (Novice)Easy: Steal 250 Silk. (Intermediate)Medium: Pickpocket 500 Rogues. (Experienced)Hard: Pickpocket 750 Ardougne Knights. (Professional)Elite: Pickpocket 1,000 Heroes. (Master)Master: Steal 2,000 Uncut gems. Mining: (Novice)Easy: Mine 150 Iron ore. (Intermediate)Medium: Mine 500 Coal. (Experienced)Hard: Mine 250 Rune ore. (Professional)Elite: Mine 2,000 Living minerals. (Master)Master: Mine 2,500 Gold ore. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monster Diary: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Minimum 1,000 of each GWD Boss Kills. Minimum 25 nex kills. Minimum 500 Cerberus Kills Minimum 250 Nomad kills. Minimum 250 Tormented Demon kills. Minimum 500 Kalphite Queen kills. Minimum 500 QBD Kills. Minimum 250 Graetoriax Kills. Minimum 500 Blink kills. Minimum 1,000 Daggonoth Rex, Prime and Supreme. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Miscelanous Diary: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Obtain World Master Cape. 1,000 hours playtime Obtain 200M Exp in all skills. Must have Regular Completionist Cape. Obtain the full voters set. Complete 250 Clue Scrolls. Create a Royal Crossbow. Buy ALL rewards from the dungeoneering shop. Obtain 3 pair of dominion gloves. Create a Dragon Platebody. Create an Armadyl battlestaff. Create a DFS. Create a Blessed Spirit shield. Create a Godsword. Create a Tier 75 Spirit Shield. Create a Full Slayer Helmet. Learn all Slayer abilities. Buy all Skilling items from skilling points shop. Buy all chaotics from the dungeoneering shop. Buy Ely IMP. Buy Coin Cape. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Minigame Diary: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Obtain all Void Peices. Obtain all rewards from Barrows. Complete a game of Battle Royale, and buy all rewards from the shop. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Person Killing Diary: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Successfully
  15. Agreed, will talk it over
  16. List of all Commands Learn how to use your Commands
  17. Welcome Soulcist, very interesting introduction! Glad to have you here. Quite the amount of time spent in RSPS, that's for sure. I'm surprised to hear this is your first youve tried over the 317 rev! I do hope you enjoy it, but may have a little bit of a learning curve then? Not much, but theres some. I honestly love the 718 revision (hence we run it). There is so much that goes unnoticed in these revisions, and it's nice to see people branching out of their comfort zone to try new things; I believe you''ll be pleasantly surprised. I see you joined the Discord, feel free at any time whatsoever to ask questions, I'm sure you will run into some. In the mean time, looking forward to seeing you around & enjoy!
  18. So to continue this discussion, what does the Legends & every else feel about giving a boost in other novelty point shop points as a start? Say, more dung points, more PvM points, maybe a further increase in skilling points & slayer points?
  19. I'm going with C on this one

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