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Everything posted by Lation

  1. Nice to see this perspective, and congratulations on all your endeavors & I wish you the best going forward man
  2. Hey Masoud, glad to have ya here and what an interesting field of study you're in. I've always wanted to visit Germany since I'm only like a second-generation American, my grandparents came from Germany. Either way, glad to hear you're enjoying the server so far, hope it continues! will see ya round.
  3. I'd like to welcome & congratulate the following.. Kemi -> Kemi Jordan -> Jordan Jordan, you've done spectacular as Support and were always a stand out player. It's been nothing but a pleasure having you on the Ely team and I am excited to announce you are now a Moderator! You've set a high bar for the ones coming up beneath you .. Kemi, same goes for you. You've been a stand out player from the start, have always been helpful, kind, polite & respectful and it is without question you'd end up on our team. We love to have you brother, congratulations! ALSO... We bring in the start of June with the latest Exclusive Mystery Box! What is in these boxes & what is the exclusive item of the month? Let's see.. New item(s): Bone Pack (Frost, Dagannoth & Ourg) Free Custom Item (Recolor) Ticket Examine: This Free Custom Item (Recolor) ticket is trade-able, so you may buy & sell amongst player's who may want it more or bid the highest! We are allowing some wiggle room in these tickets meaning: you may request something a bit more than just a recolor, but nothing too ridiculous & along the lines of Dreamscape, lul (ex: Marzera's Peahat, Sparco's Godsword [a Dominion Sword held over your shoulder]). If you receive this ticket you may turn it into any Administrator for a custom item recolor of your choice! Some (not all) Common items: Gilded armor pieces Saradomin Hiss, Murmur & Whisper Whip Vine Zamorakian Spear Black Mask Focus Sight Hexcrest Flared Trousers Some Uncommon items: Halloween Mask Mystery Box Divine Spirit Shield Assassin pieces Colored Staff of Lights Barrows Set Boxes Some Rare Items: Zaryte Box Partyhat Box Christmas Cracker Third-age Set Boxes All Primal Armor (no weapons; that was last month) & Free Custom Item Ticket And as always.. these boxes rarity tables are insane! Wish you all the best of luck on this month's first batch & I'll see you in-game! Lookin for that first Free Custom Item Recolor Ticket Visit the store by clicking here for the countdown.
  4. Not a fan of adding RS3 content at all, but I wouldn't be opposed to implementing the weapons in another area such as @Kemi mentioned.
  5. Just for not using format: no I troll, but yeah, good point will do
  6. lmao he comes in here serious as shit on everyone like were all biddin on this thing fr
  7. I indeed agree with going a drop table rework, a lot can be improved here.
  8. Interesting suggestion, I like it. Will talk it over!
  9. buying for more than @Nicky & @Jordan put together
  10. im interested in buying PM me please
  11. Lation

    forums wtf

    Well GG welcome to the new forums which now offer: Like Thanks Sad Confused & Haha PLUS Rep, GGGGGGGG
  12. Lation

    Gfx showcase

    Come back flex we need some nice new sigs! EDIT: im an idiot
  13. Last batch of May Exclusive Boxes dropping in a few hours!

    1. Nicky


      Ya know it boi. Got to get dem boxes. Rig mine for a rainbow pl0x 

    2. Lation
    3. Nicky


      woo rainbow for in all 20 boxes

  14. If you're reading this you've by now seen our entire online presence has been dramatically reworked & improved! Our mission behind this overhaul was creating a smoother & more user friendly experience for everyone from their first visit to Ely to maxing their account. It has been quite the sizable project and I do want to thank everyone for their patience and understanding for dealing with certain pages & services being down from time to time during the project. As of now we're coming to the end and wrapping up the finer details & tweaks. With that said, you may experience some small glitches or things being a little bit buggy here and there until all the kinks are worked out, however 95% of this project is complete. I would love to hear all your feedback, comments, suggestions & criticism in the comments so let us know your thoughts on the new site! Now, account linking. Previously when a user had made an account in-game & wanted to vote and/or donate they had to manually link their account through the Vote or Store page. As of now, that is no longer necessary. We have automated the entire account linking process! Should a new player want to vote all they must do is make a forum account - and vote! Thank you all again for your patience in dealing with us through this lengthy process & we hope you like it as much as we do!
  15. Site lookin mighty good

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. anti gamer 22

      anti gamer 22

      too bad its dead

    3. Lation


      yet your here

    4. anti gamer 22

      anti gamer 22

      who says i am not dead from the inside

  16. Yeah it's a good backup plan, but worth the money? I'm not so sure. Yeah school is a majority based on the individual and their ability to learn in a classroom but I don't know how Iraq works but in America you'll be in debt forevssss. Yeah I've never been good in school, as a matter of fact I skipped 6th, 7th & 8th grade and went right into highschool from 5th grade. So I'm the definition of big dumb; but also never quite understood how to learn in that medieval way. However I did end up graduating because the principal (now superintendent of the district) fudged my grades just enough to pass with my diploma hahaha
  17. 51 max cash stacks @Jordan thats weak, step it up will ya?
  18. new discord widget is bottom right is siiick

    1. Luke
    2. Kari
    3. Nicky


      Dat is pretty shit my DUDE

  19. Granted but your name is changed to Kyle and your IP Banned forever
  20. Granted but your sick asf with the flu
  21. I wish someone would make a wish so I can corrupt it

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