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Everything posted by Lation

  1. Awesome contribution! Thanks
  2. Thanks for the contribution! Good work man
  3. New Forum section! Ask a question or provide an answer to one in the new support section! Ask a Question.

    1. Splash


      Hi, I have a question. How do i ask a question?

  4. If I remember correctly, that is just how it works. It won't show up in equipment stats because it acts as an Aura. EDIT: I just looked in the code, and that is correct. Not a bug, just the way it functions as mentioned above; an Aura.
  5. This is not a permanent spawn, but we can see how this goes
  6. Let me drop a little tease here; collection log is being worked on (ignore the raids section, this is still very much in development)
  7. Git hackd @Kemi

    1. Kemi


      wonder how i suddenly got a profile picture

  8. Lation

    Yo bois

    Welcome good sir
  9. Reputation is earned when making threads & posts that are up voted with a Like, Thanks and/or Haha reactions. Each reaction (with the exception of neutral Confused & Sad) adds +1 reputation. Your total reputation will correspond one of these ranks on your profile.
  10. Staff Changes VII Due to some recent changes in certain Staff's personal lives we are making some changes today. Jordan has been demoted to player - temporarily as he deals with what needs his full attention. Nicky has been demoted. Kemi has been promoted to Server Moderator! Callum has been promoted to Support! @Jordan, I wish you the absolute best in what you are dealing with & just know the Ely fam has your back all the way. @Nicky, you've contributed so much to this community and it was more than a pleasure having you on our Team. @Kemi, you've proved yourself from early on you were bound to end up on our Team, and we love having you. Congratulations! @Callum, one of the very first players to ever login to Ely from the start. You've been steady & proved yourself a valuable asset from the beginning, and also served a stint as Global Mod for some time in the past. We're glad to have you back & congratulations!
  11. Somewhere in Ely wanders an old one.. One which carries a fabled and sought after loot. While not honorably obtained it shall be recovered in the same manner. Only the wise will find & obtain, then hope of one day returning what rightfully is not theirs. At one point in time this one may have committed something unspeakable but still walks free. Maybe you should keep what is found to serve justice.. ..but is it worth it?
  12. Awesome contribution thank you! May refer to this thread in my getting started guide for noobies & now @Kari can add this to his guide directory
  13. When you break rules you owe more for the redemption costs + the rank so
  14. Mod worth at least 3.5. Support is 2k, have you noticed the trend in donors vs their ranks? Comon man you should know this. Kari is Admin and is also the #1 donor, put two and two together will ya.
  15. Once you do something I do have a pretty good ability of learning by looking how you did it and then just replicating it hahah
  16. If I add it right now I expect you to purchase it, deal?
  17. Donator Status Scrolls are now available for purchase! For a long time now I've middle-manned many personal donation deals amongst two players. However I'm happy to announce today that you no longer need me (As if I wasn't already useless enough..) You can now buy: $5, $10, $25, $50 & $100 Donor scrolls from the Exclusive's shop! IMPORTANT: These are transferable EPoints & total Donated amounts. For example when you claim a $100 scroll, it will add 1,000 EP & $100 to your total donated. HOWEVER; if YOU BUY one from the Shop, it will REMOVE the 1,000 EP needed to buy AND $100 from your total donated. There will also be a warning in-game stating that point before the purchase to avoid any accidental clicks. However there is no harm in buying these.. let's give another example.. Say @Kemi is broke and cannot afford to donate (cause.. he is) & asks you to buy him a $50 scroll for X amount of in-game Gold or items. You then donate $50 and buy the scroll and wouldn't you know it.. he no longer needs you cause he made IRL cash by selling himself. Are you stuck with the scroll? No, you can claim it yourself and it will add back that 500EP & $50 donated. No harm. Enjoy!
  18. Oh okay, when you said alot in caps im like, is half of ruins not working or something? Lol but yeah, easy patch. Won't be long
  19. "However it came with ALOT of stuff we cant use yet.." Expand on this please, I was unaware?
  20. It has been just about a week since the release of Ruins, Easy Mode & the drop rate boost for Legends. What are your thoughts on Ruins now that you presumably have been there? Easy Mode thoughts? Are you glad Legends got a drop rate boost or no?
  21. I meant the Rune Essence would be possible without an issue as in; making it work in the code on a future update. Not at this moment
  22. The opposite Fill/Empty are temporarily intentional as we were not able to edit the client at the time of making Rune Pouches funtional to reflect the proper labels. Will be fixed shortly tho. As far as allowing Rune Ess, that should be possible without an issue.
  23. This was literally taken from a Wiki somewhere but our Catacomb NPC spawns are 100% the same as OSRS so here is a little map (::topic 2547) to link too.

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