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Everything posted by Lation

  1. Introducing: Global & Personal NPC Kill Records You will now find a new Leaderboard at home, East of the bank! This board will post & record the fastest Boss kill records! Whoever holds the latest & fastest record will be shown on this Board along with the Boss Name & time it took. If someone beats your record for a specific Boss; you will be replaced. Hold it down, boys - get those records in! This Leaderboard currently tracks kills for the following: All God Wars Dungeon Bosses Corporeal Beast Chaos Elemental Kalphite Queen King Black Dragon Nex Tormented Demons Dagannoth Kings Cerberus Graetoriax the Unbroken Skotizo Kraken & Ruins of Graetoria Boss Personal Kill Records On top of these Global Boss records, every single NPC you kill will now feature your own personal records. This includes everything from Rock Crabs to Nex. It will display your kill time in console, unless you set or beat a personal record which will then display in your chat box! Great way to keep track of your number of kills & how efficient you can be. Are you curious what your current record is for an NPC? A new command - "record" can be used that will display your personal record on the last NPC you killed. There are a few exceptions in which your kill record time will get voided. First is if you use an Insta-Kill dart - your time will not be recorded. Second is if a second player attacks the same NPC you are fighting - your time will be voided. Lastly, Admin accounts are not recorded Globally; only personal records. Discord Update We have added a new command that can be used in Discord! !activity [username] We've also updated all other commands such as !stats [username], !drops [npcs] & so on! Few Changes Ruins Duo partner instance bug corrected. Battle Royale Mysterious cape bug has been fixed. Enjoy!
  2. 4.4B for doing 3840 Jadinkos? Thats lit But nice grind, shit was prob hellllaa fun
  3. Wrong section, zero information about anything, closing this. Next time you post, do it in the right section, and actually provide some information & we can fix it.
  4. That's a grind, and was done pretty quick congrats man
  5. Welcome, glad to have ya
  6. I have 5 max stacks of Diamonds now

    1. Splash


      Good shit Lantern

    2. Kemi


      We need communism

  7. My boyyyyy gravvv. You know not just I, but many of us actually have asked & wondered where you may have went. I was super stoked to see a post from you, but didn't quite expect to hear such unfortunate circumstances. I truly do feel for you man, I'll keep you in my thoughts & prayers and hope you can pull yourself through this. While posting this may just be a lot of strangers but I do in fact care for the people I know and have met on Ely - so I truly care for ya man, and I'm excited to maybe see you one day return and try to get some wildy activity (it literally is #StillYourWild out here, lmao) So keep your head up man, keep fighting what your dealing with - don't give up & I wish you nothing but absolute success in doing so. Hope to hear from ya again soon my man.
  8. Idk the exact kill count but have been playin Ely for a year & a half and never got a single drop, from anything, anywhere, at anytime. Games broke pls fix
  9. Lation

    Kyle/69/K Appeal

    This is totally up to the staff team as a whole, my personal opinion is no, my financial opinion is yes so ROFL. But more specifically, I've already taken the liberty to reset all his accounts. Well not a full reset just kinda ::Empty everything, and set skills to random levels in the case that he does end up unbanned; that part of it should be covered already.
  10. Welcome to the best server. Are you a cuckhold tho like your name suggests?
  11. We will be, we are constantly looking & listening for feedback of this sort, more specifically how @nelly listed out specific items. Basic supplies, etc, are all things we can add over time back to the G/E. Danks fellas
  12. Elysians We are introducing a new Discord role, the Elysian's! This is a new exclusive role that gives you a bit more access to the behind-the-scenes work going on in Ely, allows you to become the first to test new content for bugs, glitches, etc. We are excited to introduce this role which will start with a limited amount of people, but will be expanded on with time and change, adapt & grow as we go along in Ely. How do I join? You will be selected to join the Elysian's. We carefully watch & analyze all players all the time for many different reasons. In this specific case we will be looking for people with a love for Ely, a very deep understanding of our game, an eager willingness to help others & more along those lines. If you fit these characteristics you will most likely be selected to join, eventually :). What are the benefits? Being an Elysian means you have early access to new content in situations which we need help testing. You will also have an exclusive Role & Channel in Discord which will give you direct access to the Developers to make suggestions, hear about things coming soon & more. Who are the first Elysian's? @IttzKaotic, @nelly & @Masoud Congratulations to these fellas, your Discord role is now updated & you are now an Elysian! Thank you for your continued support to Ely and we are looking forward to working a bit closer with you!
  13. Very glad to hear you got out of that funk man, keep your head up & keep moving forward. 90% of things in life are just as you said, fluff. Get yourself someone to spend the rest of your life with, and all else will fall in place.
  14. Love the group boss, best one yet tbh
  15. Lation

    Please Click..

    Im just rep farming
  16. Lation

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    Thank me for my contribution of this high quality post!
  17. Lation

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  18. The toolbelt addition has been discussed and would require nearly a full client re-work from what I understand, so if this does pass it would likely be many months before we saw it to be honest, haha.
  19. This may not be exactly what you mean, but you can already categorize them..

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