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Everything posted by Lation

  1. Lation


    Here we are again, Kyle & for anyone that doesn't want to read all the words I'm about to type the result of this appeal is denied - so there you go. Now to the beloved player; Kyle. Where do I begin? Shall we take a step back in time and begin at the very beginning of your time on Ely? Na, let's start with the inconsistencies in your appeal which played a factor in the reason your appeal is denied - and I'll explain that more in depth shortly. You insinuate after you asked "are we ever gonna get a non-donator update" that you were instantly flamed, kicked from the server & muted in-game immediately; at least that's how it reads. Let's go back here and state FACTS, something of which you claim to be stating but are yet again, shocking: lying. So after your cute statement in the Discord you failed to mention the part where I directly replied to you - and very in-depth indeed. I even provided you with a screenshot of our past SIX (6), that is greater than 5 but less than 7, of our last updates to the game. Not one of those examples listed, which went back nearly two+ months were "donator exclusive" updates; nor can I even find such an update in the list & I only provided you with the last 6. After a little more conversation ensued between us you went on to gripe that the only updates the game gets are a "new box every week" - which I then clearly pointed out to you is in fact only one mystery box we been selling for about 9 months or so now. Which I'll gladly explain again to you here: what our Exclusive Mystery boxes are is one single box, that gets re-made and refreshed every single month to provide new and refreshing items to the game, with a much better chance at rare items than our regular Mystery box selections. These are not new boxes week to week or month to month. They are simply the same box, with new items. Here's why you got a notification every week about what you thought was "a new box every week" - these boxes are in limited supply. Which means we only release an X amount of boxes to sell per month; which is 600. Instead of making all these available at the start of the month we break it down into 4 "drops" per month - once at the start of every week in a quantity of 150. So as it would go - I would post in the "#announcements" channel (which is strictly for.. you guessed it - announcements!) every week a few hours prior to these box "drops." After this conversation you backtracked in Discord and said you only said when are we ever going to get an update. I then at this point was fed up with you and your lying / backtracking of your statements. At the time of that writing - when you asked that question, the last update was only two weeks prior. So what were you complaining about? Only God knows, Kyle.. none of us ever understand what your going on about. After the backtracking and nonsensical chit chat going on in the Discord general chat - I then kicked you from the Discord; keep in mind a "kick" is not a "ban" - two different things. Now let's move on to the next part, shall we? You mentioned in your appeal "I was then flamed, kicked from the Discord server, and muted in-game. Keep in mind that I broke no rules, said nothing related to this in game..." Here we are back at square one in which you are blatantly lying. You explicitly logged in-game after that and began ranting about the same exact issue in the public chat ingame now and then proceeded to flame me for kicking you from the Discord. Here we basically repeated ourselves again in nearly the same manner of our conversation on Discord - after just getting sick of your nonsense - I muted you. A fail-safe. You can continue to play the game you some days claim you love, and others claim is completely shit and not going anywhere - minus the nonsense that comes from your keyboard on a daily basis. Something I viewed as a win-win. So let's move to the next part of your appeal.. You state: "After reading through the rules I can confidently say that this punishment was unjust, the situation was undeserving of a mute, and for once in my life, I literally did nothing wrong, unless you count voicing a concern I have by asking a question." Let's clear something up here.. you claim you read through the rules. If you actually read the thread in its entirety than I'd assume you would have saw the part at the very top that explicitly states the following: "Staff members reserve the right to punish players for rule breaking as they see fit." Let's dig into this further. Am I a Staff member? Hell - I'm an Owner; I believe that counts as Staff. Therefore means I reserve the right to punish players for rule breaking as I see fit. So, I saw it fit that you deserved a mute. You therefore have the right to appeal that; which I have simply denied. Just because the rules don't state a mighty specific "If a player is using general chats to spread falsehoods & lies about the server & it's owner, they can be muted or banned" doesn't mean I can't do that. Let's also keep in mind this is a private server owned, run & managed by just a few individuals. We are not owned by a third-party corporation, a company, or separate entity in which we answer too. I just like to keep the peace, and when your not speaking - the server seems to be at peace. Interesting. Let's move on. Your very first reason for saying you should be un-muted is: "This kind of treatment to the playerbase is unprofessional, and not something I would expect from the staff, especially from the owner." Might I refer to the statement right above this one in which we are not owned or managed by a third party corporation, company or separate entity. Therefore our "professionalism" is entirely up to us, myself, or other owners. I would also like to refer back to the part in which I mentioned "this is a private server owned, run & managed by just a few individuals." That should answer that part.. The most hilarious part yet? Let's have us a look.. Remember some way back in this story I mentioned the part about you being a liar? We are gonna revisit that here. Your very next statement is as follows: "I'm posting this here because I shouldn't have to ask to be unmuted for doing nothing wrong, and I shouldn't have to beg the staff member who issued it to reinstate my communication rights." Let's focus on the part I took the time to enlarge & embolden. I'd like to mentioned.. when.. where.. how.. did you ever even attempt to contact me once since this mute? Let me state for the record - never. The very last time you contacted me on any platform whatsoever was on Discord on October 24th & it was about a Runecrafting Pet; Abby. I did not receive any communication from you since then until today when you sent me the link to this very appeal. So again I ask, when did you beg to have your communication reinstated? To who? Where? You know where to contact me when you need too. My Discord private messages are not restricted to server's I share with people, they are open and have been since I joined Discord in 2017. Can we quit the lying? Last but not least.. A meme: "I don't want an apology, and I don't mind staying muted, but I wanted to post this because I feel that I've been treated extremely unfairly due to an outburst of anger from a staff member. I have attempted to make this post as unbiased as possible, and to just present the facts. I know this will be taken down eventually, but I'm putting it here in the hopes that it can serve as an example of how players should NOT be treated. Thanks for reading." I will not spend time on each part of this I will just say - I'm glad you don't expect an apology because you will not find one. Also glad to hear you don't mind staying muted because you will be (until possibly one day out of the kindness of my heart I decide to lift). Also you made this post just to present the facts? Do you know fact usually mean they are not lies? Also - none of our appeals are taken down; just moved to their respective sections. Have a good day, Kyle.. until we meet again.
  2. Very very much appreciate this well written post - very well said & would also love to increase our PvP scene, however I don't see (or maybe I'm missing it) a suggestion on how to do exactly this "revive low level pking" idea. You more specifically just made a guide for pker's in my option, which is of course great - but may not belong in the suggestion category? Maybe you can reply with some suggestions on how to do the HOW of reviving low level pking.
  3. Lation


    This is actually my first time hearing of this honestly - glad to see more players get into the streaming service as there is little competition (Netflix, Hulu, ?). So that will be nice, but so many areas need more competition as well - mobile devices is a huge one, lmao. HOwever gonna look more into this
  4. Hey, should should be all you need: http://files.zarpor.com/javaforosx.dmg Hope you enjoy!
  5. Lation

    Oh Hey

    100% custom made for Ely
  6. 48 hour IP ban is perfectly fitting & very short. Your ban will be up before you know it. Appeal denied & closed.
  7. We are introducing a very limited availability Primal set available now in the Exclusives Shop! This new set carries the same benefits of your regular Primal but is available for only this year! This set is now available in the Exclusives Shop in a quantity of THREE (3)! The Set Box is discounted by $25/250EP as opposed to buying in pieces. Visit the Store now & navigate to the Exclusives section to check this out. Enjoy
  8. Cause I didnt make the post and it didnt get the pretty factor added
  9. Lation


    Woah, is Hades returning?!
  10. Training Zone Welcome the brand new Training Zone! This is a new area with a hyper-focus towards the new players that join daily. Inside this Zone you will be presented with a new interface which will keep track of your total kills, points, task, time left & your next reward. Kills: your total number of kills on task in this zone. Points: your total amount of points earned. Task: your current assignment. Time left: how much time is remaining to kill the selected NPC. Reward: what you will receive when you achieve X number of total kills. When you teleport to this zone you will immediately be given a task. These tasks are time based therefore you are to attempt to kill as many of the assigned NPC's as possible within the time frame you are given (60 seconds per task). The point system is simple, it is the combat level of the NPC you are assigned, divided by two for every kill. Every NPC you kill on task will be added to your total kills & you will be rewarded 4M GP every 50 kills. You are free to kill any NPC in this area at anytime however if you kill an NPC that you are not assigned you will not receive points or count towards total kills. You will find "Taskmaster Vannaka" in this zone next to a Bank Chest. You may talk-to the Taskmaster at any time to reset your current assignment if you so wish. The Taskmaster also hosts his own shop which accepts the new Training Zone Points currency. This shop is geared towards getting new players setup in Ely faster & in a much more engaging way. This new shop also features a brand new item for everyone who may have no need for the Training Zone at this time, the Ring of Wealth (i)! This ring will give any player wearing it, while on a slayer task a chance at receiving a Vecna Skull as a drop. When you are given a task in the Zone you will find an arrow on the mini-map directing you to the current NPC you are assigned for easy navigation & faster kills. Collection Log Introducing a fully featured Collection Log! As you progress throughout Ely you will surely fill your Collection Log with many notable & miscellaneous items from everything such as: Rare Boss drops, all Pets, Clue Scroll items, Minigame rewards & much more! You will now be able to view what you have collected, what you have left to collect & the quantity of items you have collected already. We are extremely excited to bring this to all our players to increase the engagement players have with Ely on a daily basis & something more to aim for and show off among others. You can access this new collection log by visiting the "Task System" tab (where your Achievements are) and clicking the "Logs" button - you'll be presented with the option to open your NPC Kill Count log, or your Collection Log. Clue Scrolls Rework We bring you yet another incredible content update in this patch. We have reworked our current clue scroll rewards system! Our goal behind this project was making clues more worthwhile to do instead of just getting them done for that Completionist's Cape. A lot of junk items have been replaced with more useful items and the rates have been increased across the board. Along with the increased reward rate we have introduced a few new items into the Global Rewards table for you to obtain. Dragonbone & Dragonbone Mage sets & the Black Partyhat! Here is another reason why the Collection Log is a great addition; you can view any rare item you can receive by opening & viewing the respective category! This includes every clue scroll difficulty category as well as the global rewards table! Practice Instances Have you ever wanted to just practice on a Boss? Find out which is the most effective load-out against one? All without the risk? You can now do this with the introduction of Practice Instances! Our players now have the option on any instance clock that is available to create a "practice instance" to check out a Boss and attempt a fight without any risk of losing items! New Draconic Visage's & Dragonfire Shields Brand new Draconic Visage (Magic), Draconic Visage (Ranged) drops from King Black Dragon! These visages can be used on an Anti-dragon Shield to create brand new variants of the Dragonfire Shield to provide beneficial stats in their respective categories! New Colored Slayer Helms Along with the introduction of all these new items we have also introduced new Slayer Helm recolor options! New Abyssal Head, KQ Head & KBD Heads drops now available from their respective NPC's. You can use these Heads on a Slayer helm to get a brand new color! Skilling Shop We have introduced a low-tier basic Skilling items shop into the following locations: Citadel & Skilling Area. Donor Store Package Bonuses We have increased the amount of EPoints you will receive when purchasing larger EPoint packages! Bug Fixes & Changes Ganodermic Beasts now drop Mycellium & increased drop rate on Gano Flakes. Items made tradable: Yo-yo, Rainbow Scarf, Cavalier & Mask and Christmas Sleigh. Using a cannon against an NPC will now void your record kill timer. Rainbow Scarf model is now fixed. Anguish model is now fixed. Cavalier & Mask model now fixed. Void Bones now work properly. Cannonball packs are now available in the PvM shop. Teleport tab icon has been updated. Presets manager now has a dedicated tab. Kraken now drops "Rune" bars instead of "Runite." Eternal boots are now best in slot. Ironman & all other in-game chat icons no longer have a shader on them. New chat icons are Developers & some Patron ranks. Medium Casket reward from Monster Carnage ID has been corrected. Tanner dialogue is now correct.
  11. Yeah we're semi-aware of this issue, will be looking into it. I know for places such as Duel Arena it does in fact drop to the ground - but inside the arena, loll - will be looking into it further. EDIT: in the mean time my advice to you would be keep Max Cash vouchers. When you get max, your stack will turn into a Max Cash voucher. Just store them safely and leave something open & available until this fix.

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