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Everything posted by Lation

  1. Thanks for putting in the time to post a great suggestion thread, @oneinefive - it helps us alot when you guys put together well thought-out posts and reports. I wanted to piggy back off what @Kari suggested about a specific amount of wealth donated to the player bots in a specified period of time would trigger a double XP event server-wide. I would love to get behind that suggestion.
  2. Fair enough, good luck with the move
  3. AWWWWWWW @Kari theyre cute
  4. Lation


    Accepted - you are now un-muted.
  5. Hey sorry you're having this issue, but we have two possible solutions and in the following order try this: Zarpor hub failed to update Solution: Run command prompt as administrator, paste in (without quotes): "setx _JAVA_OPTIONS -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true" and press enter. If the above solution does not work for you, you can download the client without the launcher here: http://files.elyrsps.net/client.jar Hope that helps, let me know!
  6. Lation


    Yeah to be more on-topic & specific, I think their launch was great and it's something they could've capitalized on a long time ago honestly.
  7. Lation


    Girlfriend bought a year subscription - now I'm stuck watching Disney stuff all the time...
  8. Lation


    Welcome Sama, love to have ya here & super glad to see your enjoying it. 3 month old? Congratulations - still within the beginning period to be able to say that haha. But again glad to see your enjoying the server and I'm sure I'll meet you in-game soon.
  9. "How to Lose the Entire Server ECO"
  10. This is a terrific idea, here just a couple off the top of my head. Crystal key openings (idk, 100, 250, or 500, 1000+), an HCIM series (highlights, not just grindy stuff - oh & don't die), how to scam newbs on ely rsps (trollin), but hopin to see some other video ideas below
  11. Lation

    Quick Chat

    Quick-chat works but i guess there is an oversight where it still is blocked if your muted - will see if avoiding that is an option for us
  12. I've been encouraged by the Ely team to considering out of the box ideas, I thought this fit pretty well! Thank you Chatted with you on Discord about you - so excited to see you and everyone else enjoying Brave. I been enjoying it for so long and it's nice to see others I know enjoy it as well - so many benefits and easy & clean af.
  13. Oh awesome, yeah I been using Brave for like 6 months now I think - its incredible. And yeah its awesome to be verified now
  14. This may come as somewhat an unexpected or unrelated announcement to us, but it is something very exciting for me & Ely as a whole. This introduces a whole new way to support Ely with your; attention. TIme spent on our website. While at the same time introducing something brand new to our users. What is Brave? Brave is the fastest growing, up & coming web browser today. With over 70 million downloads it is changing the internet in a fundamental way. If you are someone who cares about your privacy online Brave is your solution. With built-in ad & tracker blockers Brave's average speeds are 2-6x faster than Chrome, Safari & Firefox on mobile and desktop. Brave also comes with Tor built into it should you be interested in navigating that side of the internet. Why Should I Switch Browsers? If your worried about making the switch from Chrome, don't worry. Brave works with all the same extensions and themes as Chrome. Brave is based on the same open-source Chromium, so your favorite extensions work with Brave. Importing your settings from Chrome to Brave (as other browsers) is seamless. On top of this you get highly increased browsing speeds, tighter security on your personal information and browsing habits & ad and tracker blocks. I won't spend too much time on this topic, I will let their website speak for itself. With all this said.. What Does This Mean for Ely? Just yesterday Ely has become a Verified Brave Creator! Meaning, for users using Brave they can now send auto-contributed tips (or send a tip directly) from their Brave browser to Ely depending on the amount of time spent on our website with tokens you earned by just browsing the web normally with privacy-respecting ads enabled by Brave. You can now directly "indirectly" support Ely with tokens earned by just browsing. Brave pays their users with BAT (Basic Attention Token) for viewing their privacy-respecting ads & Ely is now a part of this program. This doesn't mean Ely will start making income through this method but this now opens us up to new opportunities and to grow alongside Brave & the internet as it changes. Becoming a part of this program means Ely is now listed in Braves Publisher's List as well as some marketing done on their end, with the ultimate goal being Ely getting more exposure in a new area to increase long-term growth. Last But Not Least.. If you are interested in Brave use our Ely sponsored link below - this will directly support Ely! More Information / Download: https://brave.com/ely325
  15. I will look into splitting it up, will take a look at how many guides there are for each respective category and weigh the option - thank you.
  16. Very well thought out & presented suggestion; thank you @Callum - will take this into discussion in terms of trying to open up a bit to encourage Pking.

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