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Everything posted by Lation

  1. Yeah this is something we talked about recently directing some focus into, hopefully seeing this change soon
  2. Approved. For reference, you flamed me & the server to anybody that would listen & to even those who couldn't care any less. Was quite the charade and should something similar happen I wouldn't entertain an appeal. Thanks for apologizing, here's to not flaming me again
  3. Hey thanks for the suggestion, Not to rain on your parade but it is very unlikely to zero chance of getting these skills in. I, personally for one, am not interested in adding much, if at all, RS3 content. This is a 2012-ish era server and I strive to keep the heart of the server in this time period. It's one thing to add OSRS content as it's hugely popular & needless to say, actually some quality content - but as far as RS3 goes, it's unlikely. There are however some RS3 server's in development, but they have to spend $50k on an advertising campaign to peak at 10 players & there is a reason for that. So like I said I appreciate the suggestion but it's most likely never going to come to Ely
  4. Okay this absolutely bonkers.. thanks a lot for putting something like this together bro
  5. Recent Server Efficiency Improvements As we stated in the previous post about the recent server performance, today we are glad to share some improvements that have been made in this area. This will in the long run dramatically affect the general efficiency and reliability of our server. Two things so far have been overhauled & re-written from scratch. Item weights & the Quest tab. Let's start with the item weights improvements. Item Weights In the old code - the server used to loop through every single item that exists & check if that item was in your inventory. It would do this loop every time someone opened the equipment tab or anytime it has to calculate weight. Now imagine this happening to all the players daily checking their bonuses, etc. It surely has an affect. The improvements made here are now it loops through items already in your inventory, or already equipped. Then it checks & calculates the weight from there. It no longer loops through the 100,000+ items we have every time! Quest tab Previously, this tab would consistently send data back and forth from the server to the client every second. And that's a load of data, for example - with all the players online and their Quest tab sending all this data every second. With the rewrite here now the server only sends the data when it needs to be updated. When you open a Mystery box, it'll send & update that information. When a player logs in or out it'll send that data & update. Instead of sending & checking this information every second of every day from every player. Good stuff. Now on to some thing's you, the player's, may actually care about.. Ruins of Graetoria Some time ago we introduced an item into an Exclusive Monthly Mystery Box, X'rul Void Dye. Looking back, we realize this could have been done better so we are making that change today. (better late than never?) The X'rul Void Dye item is a dye that recolors the Guardian gear you get from Ruins. This dye colors this gear to match the Boss, Harbinger X'rul. This is only a cosmetic difference! This item now drops from Harbinger X'rul himself! At the same rarity as the gear (1/470-ish). We have also added it to the Collection Log! As if this wasn't already grindy' enough, now we've added this singular item you got to get 3 times Misc. Changes & Fixes Barrow's Gloves can now be purchased from Training Zone again Removed Ornament Kits from World announcements (Clues, specifically) Disciple gear Defence requirement has been lowered to 40 Ruined dragon armor pieces drop rate has been reduced by 60% (1/256 to 1/157) You must purchase the x2 Prayer Altar unlockable to use the altar at DZ now Iron's can no longer purchase this item Player's with a space in their name can now use #ely-share ( @Callum, @Kemi ) Drops not disappearing has been fixed Stairs not working near Mithril Dragons has been fixed Void Drake pet drop has been fixed Well of Goodwill XP benefits now counts towards Combat skills Easy Clue Scroll's are now much more obtainable (Adjusted for Rock Crabs, added too Fire Giants & Yaks) Medium Clue Scroll's are more obtainable (Added too Fire Giants, Yaks & Aberrant spectre) Server events now save (Bossing events & Well of Goodwill) through a restart A new client update is available that hopefully resolves some crashing issues (F-keys, etc) This also includes: zoom in & out with only the Scroll Wheel With all that said, we really hope you enjoy these changes & hopefully we will see an improvement in server performance including the recent crashing we've experienced with the use of F-key's & such. Leave a comment below what you think of this update and a big ol' thanks to @Matt for doing all these lovely improvements and fixes
  6. So far 2/3 rewards have been claimed! @200m was first to 200M XP in a Skill, Fishing! Won $25, congrats! & @Kemi was the first to max his account! Won $50, congrats big cutie. Waiting to see who will complete the Completionist requirement's first for $100
  7. You can change the click through chat box option in the settings ingame. Options tab - little computer screen icon - custom - and it should be in there you can disable click thru chat box
  8. Thank you very much for such an in depth report. Something like this can actually help - I will ask Matt to look into this ASAP. And shoot me a PM on Discord when you can.
  9. Recent Server Performance As many of you are most likely aware, we experience a couple short hours of downtime today. The reason for this is due to us starting a long but very beneficial process of improving the server's efficiency from the ground up, this is too reduce the random lag spikes, and lag after extended periods of time. This process is going to involve multiple instances of testing, logging & stressing the server to determine more weak spots and other areas of our server that could contribute to the cause of the lag. This also isn't entirely lag-related, this is a big overhaul of the foundation of Ely. Over the past couple years we've strive to become the most refined 718 server, or any server for that matter - online. This process is a part of the furthering of that goal. With all that said, over the course of time going forward we may undergo more times where we intentionally cause lag and other nuances to the server ourselves. Please bare with us! Lastly, we've already made multiple big & meaningful changes to Ely in regards to this process. On the surface you may not notice just yet, but it's a work in progress! Ironman Mode Changes Added infinity robes drop to mages in slayer tower Added torso to PvM shop Added Barrows gloves to Melee store Added Vials of water to the Skilling shop Ironmen can no longer use Vote tickets for an XP boost Other Misc. Adjustments Degradables repairing at Dungeoneering has been fixed Bork-ini has been removed Summer shop has been removed Dicsiple armour has had its Defence requirement lowered to 50 Lastly, an update to the Ironman Competition Our 1st Ironman competition reward has been claimed! 200M XP in Fishing by fishboy ( @200m )
  10. Hey, yeah sorry about that - that was the latest backup I had left of your file.
  11. Ironman Rework The highly anticipated Ironman rework is finally here! This update fundamentally changes the way our entire Ironman mode lineup's work. We've worked with many of you to determine the best way to work out this mode to keep it true to its purpose. First & foremost, there is a brand new HiScores Leaderboard for IM/HCIM/UIM! For anyone that has played the IM modes previously, you will now find your progress under "Legacy Ironman", "Legacy Hardcore Ironman" & "Legacy Ultimate Ironman." With this update comes fresh leaderboards for everyone to compete on. Due to that, we are now officially running a competition for the most dedicated! Yes, this competition only applies for players on DEFAULT (x50) XP rate. Look below for the official list of changes made to this game mode: Removed Ironmen getting Insta-Kill Darts from rewards - this includes donator benefits. Restricted from using the Training Zone. Removed XP Boost & Drop rate boost from Well of Goodwill benefits. Converted every existing Ironman account to "Legacy Ironman / Hardcore / UIM" Removed Vote tickets being claimable on Ironman accounts. Ironmen now have a separate loot table from the Crystal Chest. Range Store - Removed Dragon darts, Rune bolts, Magic shortbow, Dark bow, Rune crossbow & all Dragonhide armors. Magic Store - Removed Mystic and Dagon'hai General Store - Removed Amulet of Glory Consumable Store - Removed Monkfish, all potions, added regular Strength, Attack & Defence potions. Voting Rewards - Removed XP Lamps, Skilling boxes, & Infinity robes. Forlorn Primal Weapons now available This change applies to all game modes: Fornlorn Primal Weapons now drop from Dungeoneering Bosses! When training Dungeoneering, there is a 1/1000 chance you'll receive a Forlorn Primal weapon drop. This includes: Forlorn Primal Longsword, Rapier, Maul, Hatchet & Pickaxe. These Forlorn Primal's match their Primal counterparts exactly. However, they are untradable & degradable. You will have to repair these Forlorn weapons the same way you would a Chaotic weapon. We are extremely excited to bring this reworked Ironman mode to all of you! Thanks to everyone who helped make decisions for this along the way, and we hope you enjoy! Best of luck during the Competition! Introducing: Ely Share We are bringing a brand new sharing feature built directly into your client! You may have seen the recent addition of the Screenshot capture button on your client in the top right in v3. The icon on the far right is your Screenshot capture button. By default, the new Ely Share feature will be enabled. What this does is, whenever an achievement has been accomplished you will receive a notification in-game to click on your World Map to share. This will automatically upload the screenshot from your client into a new Discord channel named "#ely-share" See it in action below! This feature will make it really easy to capture important moments, good drops or whatever it may be. Simply click the Screenshot button & it is instantly available to view for everyone in our Discord! Fishing Guild & Misc. For the first time, the Fishing Guild is now fully functional! With the introduction of this Fishing Guild we have made Rocktail fishing free-to-play! Rocktails no longer require you to be a donor! In order to get into the Fishing Guild, you will need 99 . A Bank Chest is available on the Dock & the General Store is accessible within the Guild. Also, Chaotics & Forlorns no longer are usable after they've degraded (broken/uncharged) Matt is back home Many of you already know @Matt & have seen him recently working around Ely again. For those who don't, Matt is the original Founder of Ely with me & is back again as our main Developer. After some time being preoccupied with life & other projects you will start seeing him again. This update today is Matt's introduction back into the swing of development at Ely! Be sure to provide some feedback & give us your thoughts below!
  12. Hey again, Try logging in now & let me know.
  13. Superior Slayer We're glad to announce today a nice update to the Slayer Skill - Superior Slayer! See below for a list of all the NPC's that now have a chance at spawning a Superior version. (The chance for a Superior to spawn is 1 in 200) This is an exciting addition to the Slayer Skill and something we look forward to building upon in the near future. Overall Superior's will have a better drop table than their normal counterparts & this will be tweaked as we go along. Impetuous Impulses / Puro-Puro Along with the update to Slayer, we've also brought some new content to the Hunter skill! Puro-Puro has finally found it's way into Ely. Most of you may be familiar with this minigame already. If not, reading up on the RS Wiki about this will tell you all you need to know! This is another piece of content we plan to expand on & tweak as we go along as nothing is ever perfect on launch However, we do hope you guys enjoy these new additions to Ely! What's Next & Coming Soon As some of you may have seen, I recently posted a "teaser" in the Discord about an update coming soon. Many have, shockingly, missed the teaser overall & didn't understand what we were showing. With that said, I will explain it in a bit more depth here. We are working on re-vamping our client & how our players access certain features and toggles within Ely. It has become abundantly clear that a vast majority of people enjoy OSRS. Therefore, we would like to provide some more adaptability to those players to feel more at home here. We are currently re-wrapping our client in the Runelite GUI (not full Runelite, just the interface (for now?) and with this re-wrapping we are creating something unique to Ely - OSRS Mode. OSRS Mode will allow players to toggle from the Pre-Eoc, 718-era version of the gameframe & interfaces to a full OSRS experience. Check out the GIF below for a more detailed look at this feature.. Alongside this large update to our client, we will be moving our "console commands" that we use to toggle different options within Ely to this Settings interface built into the client! This will make it a much more immersive, easy & friendly experience to new players. We hope you are as excited about this new client as we are, Ely's v3 Client is going to be beautiful. Stay tuned for more, we hope to get this out to you all soon!
  14. Yeah it's intentional - when someone accepts on a bet it should be seen through until an outcome has been determined.
  15. Gambling Recently we've spent some time refining the gambling process as a whole. This includes a brand new interface & some quality of life changes. When a bet ends in a tie, the bet now remains in place and you replant/reroll/etc. This makes the process a bit less annoying by having to re-bet everything on a tie. To be honest, I don't really remember what else - I'm really tired right now. Below are some other changes that have been done recently that weren't posted. The "zombie" NPC at Vorkath spawn timings are corrected. Dying skulled with Serpentine helm bug fixed. Melee is now viable at Vorkath. Fire ball projectile now hits slower if you are close. Kraken distance bug fixed. Steel titan following bug fixed. Dagannoth pets fixed. Demolishing a gravestone now has a 60 second delay before appearing to everyone. Thank you, enjoy & goodnight
  16. Also there is a visual bug that displays the wrong amount of points but youre still able to use/purchase with the correct number of points you actually do have. Will have this looked into further
  17. Hey @MOIST, are you on Discord? If so, please message me on there -> https://discord.gg/nzBregC
  18. My childhood games were Halo & Runescape Then of course other random games like Tony Hawk
  19. This guide looks awesome, we need more of these
  20. Love to see it man, heres to many more

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