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Everything posted by Lation

  1. Have you tested dying in the wildy with it? Since if I remember our previous conversation correctly, that's what worked before?
  2. Hey, is this your first time creating an account to play on? Or were you already playing, and then this happened? 9 times out of 10 the solution is to restart client, and re-type your information. If it's your first time trying to create an account to play, try another name
  3. Just make the full slayer helm first & attach head?
  4. Can anyone confirm this is broken or not?
  5. Are they not supposed to attack all at once?
  6. Sounds good! Nice to have a fill-in if needed. To anyone else who wanted to participate and missed: don't worry - if this event turns out to be as fun as it sounds, we will continue these in larger numbers. This was done with only 8 players more-so to test the waters and see the interest & turn out (and to my surprise these spots filled much quicker than anticipated). Hopefully all goes well & we can do a follow up with more participants!
  7. The Roster has been filled! Check out the line-up below!
  8. Not in until you've followed the format posted above to enter!! EDIT: You're in! Thank you for the edit
  9. Not entered until you've followed the format for entering! Read above! EDIT: Doomzday fixed, you're entered now
  10. Not entered until you've read the post & followed the format. EDIT: He fixed, thank you Kao, your in now
  11. Decanting Maybe one of the most highly requested quality of life updates? We have re-hauled our Decanter to work better for you. Choose your dose. Decant Flasks. Rune Pouch Another yet highly, highly requested item - the Rune Pouch! Able to store up to 16k of 3 different runes - in 1 inventory slot! This item will be found in our next addition.. Runespan Shop Another.. another highly requested addition - the Runespan Shop! With the addition of the Runespan shop, we have removed Runecrafter robes from the Skilling Mystery Box. Along with this shop we introduced 2 brand new color options for Runecrafter robes! (yes, they also give you the set bonus for Runecrafting XP..) Collection Log You know what this means.. Collection Log addition! Find the Runespan log under "Minigames" in your Collection Log! Lastly; for the Ironmen - Cannonballs are now available in your PvM Shop again! Hope you enjoyed this update
  12. Lation

    Hello - C

    Welcome @xC8 - hope you enjoy your time on Ely
  13. Halloween Event Boss Introducing: Arrav the Defiled For this Halloween we are introducing a brand new event/group boss! Arrav the Defiled - housed in a nice n' spooky dark area with some exciting drops. As with any Event boss, anybody & everybody can attack him, Ironmen included! Everyone will get their own pile of drops. Speaking of the drops, what do we have on Arrav? Limited-time, exclusive items including the boss's gear itself, a nice set of wings, and a Jack o' Lantern head slot item! We hope you enjoy this new Boss! Clue Scroll Rewards We have introduced some brand new items you can obtain from Elite Clue Scrolls! (Interesting fact: the Golden Cracker was already obtainable from Elites, however forgot to add to CL Log ) Golden Cracker 3rd age Bow 3rd age Wand 3rd age Cloak 3rd age Longsword Adding to the Elite Clue Scroll rewards is great as it needed a little love to make it more fun & interesting. We hope you enjoy this short & sweet update, and let us know what you think in the comments
  14. Apparently only just seeing this now - sent you a PM.
  15. Solution: You most likely clicked "Auto-setup" on your first launch. To resolve this issue open your Home folder, then un-hide hidden folders by typing Shift + Command + . (that's a period/dot). You should now see a folder named ".Ely" - now just delete that folder. Now reboot your client & you should see the option again to "Auto-setup" or "Leave alone" - click LEAVE ALONE. You're all set!
  16. Server Improvements The past few days we've dedicated many more work hours into server efficiency & improvements. Working on the very foundation of the server & it's back-end components is a large & time consuming task. As previously mentioned in a recent update post, we have been performing tests on the live server from time to time to identify inefficiencies & while this can be annoying in the moment, it's for the betterment of the server long-term. We've made incredible progress so far. Our latest work includes: The Quest tab & timers. In the patch notes before this we mentioned a complete rewrite of this system. We've had to dive back in and rewrite a few other miscellaneous components, this included timers. Timers were previously done server-sided sending more data & packets between the client & the server. We've changed this to be completely client-sided for more efficiency & reliability. The Cache. We've completely re-hauled how your clients download, handle & read from your cache. Previously, when teleporting or moving around the world the client would have to download that region from our server back to your client's cache & then save it there. We've noticed a discrepancy in which some specific regions were not saving to your cache properly. In the name of a better experience we've changed this - upon your first launch of Ely, the client will now download the cache in it's entirety. This may remedy the issue when teleporting to certain regions and getting stuck on a "50% Loading" screen for a minute or two before loading! The second part of this update is previously when playing on more than 1 client, so having 2 or even 3 open - the client would have a specific cache downloaded for each instance. Now all clients will utilize the same single cache, and only save the different preferences set among the clients. This is good for your experience, having the full cache pre-loaded & ready to go, while also freeing up our server's network. For sake of a really long post I will summarize the rest of our changes & adjustments made here. We've changed other things with the Quest tab only sending packets to update when necessary. We've made some great changes to the client in response to the recent error logs we've been sent by you. This has so far had a very positive impact. We've also patched an error & possible memory leak related to pots & immunity to poison & venom. All in all, these changes have been huge for the long term health of Ely. We will not stop here, we will continue our monitoring and testing to identify even more inefficiencies and patch them. This will be a long & ongoing project to make Ely the most reliable, stable & efficient server online today. Misc. Changes - Skill Guides, Quest tab You may have noticed the recent adjustment in our Skill Guides interface. Previously, we used the ugly & quite confusing 718 Skill Guides. However, they were also annoying. They took up the whole screen, they were difficult to navigate & more. So we took a step back in time & added these more easy to read, navigate & not take up your whole screen, interfaces. The "More Info" link in the top right will take you to the Ely Wiki. Quest Tab We've also made some beautiful changes to the Quest tab itself. Look at the before & after below: We've cleaned up the interface to look a lot more smooth & modern than previously. Also in this change we've changed the placement of our Quests to be more fittingly found in the.. Quest tab. We hope you enjoy these changes Lastly, here are the few other changes we haven't posted about here yet: Barrow's gloves for Ironmen has been fixed Noted Vials of Water added to Skilling Shop for Ironmen Blessed D'hides now have +1 Prayer bonus per piece Graetorian Recurve bow can now be dyed purple New teleport options have been added: ;;tele jungle to jungle strykewyrms ;;tele desert to desert strykewyrms ;;tele ice s to ice strykewyrms ;;tele asgarnia to asgarnian ice dungeon ;;tele snowy to snowy knights updated ;;tele skeletal to skeletal wyverns ;;tele watchtower to watchtower ;;tele arandar to arandar Completely re-wrote the "teles" list descriptions for better direction & uniformity Arranged in alphabetical order correctly, again We really hope you enjoy these changes & please give us some feedback below!
  17. Just for clarity, has this issue persisted despite the latest update?

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