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Everything posted by Lation

  1. you too! you admin? can you spawn me free gp ingame plz i just wanna max already
  2. this server still up? crazy
  3. Lation


    who doesnt like em tbh
  4. old suggestion, this exists
  5. Is this easy to replicate? Deff is annoying but was looking at the 3 months gap between the two posts here, I guess it's a rare situation?
  6. I love to get naked Lation Lation#0001
  7. If you actually do this, we're only doing this for a week, no longer
  8. did u win yet EDIT: obligatory gz on the progress tho
  9. Just dove back into this topic to see if there was any new input & happy with what I saw. Some really nontraditional ideas and thats exactly what I was looking for. @Rev3Rse - thank you for such a thorough input from a relatively new player, I appreciate the time you spent to write that up, and thanks for your support. @Jake threw a curve ball out there regarding social media, even mentioning TikTok, and as I read that I LOL'd but @Rev3Rse also mentioned it too - and buffing up a social media presence is certainly not a bad idea. It can't harm anything - so I'll try to actually think of how to implement this. More Youtube, I never even downloaded TikTok but @Boats is right, the dumbest things get views there and could potentially benefit. Would be a very low conversion rate though since TikTok is like 100% mobile-focused so it's likely about like 80%+ of people that would see our clips on TikTok don't even have a PC they could hop on to download the game. We are working on a mobile client that even works on iOS, so maybe we should continue spearheading that project first, then work on TikTok that way a player see's it, could hit the link at the bottom, and literally play right then and there on their phone. But yeah, again, appreciate all the input, good thoughts here.
  10. Appeal accepted, you're good to go.
  11. This is currently already in the works - won't spill all the beans on it here, but wilderness activity will certainly be increased soon.

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