Here just to repost what I've said in the forums:
Just to buzz in.
I haven't played this server for any long time, but what I have noticed in the last 10 years of playing a shit ton of rsps is that:
-rs3 based servers are not worth it and all the same
-718/rs2 based servers are slowly becoming less populair, outside of onyx which has almost 100% old school content with a nice twist to it and exora, which got a lot of well implemented custom content.
-since osrs released, the os rsps are the biggest and most played source out there at this moment. With the 500+ ugly customs one with these not logical high donator prices untill the ones like ikov or atlas, which both have a lot of real osrs content in them. I think that a server needs to be well balanced between pvm, skilling and even maybe a bit of pvp.
What I felt the day I started playing was that a lot of people are afk or bank standing and the game does not really feel very different from most other rsps I have played over the last years. It will probably feel a bit unique in the end game with some custom items.
Besides this, there is a big focus on these custom monthly mystery boxes with the 'special' items and too less of a focus on updating, changing and evolving with time