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Everything posted by Vegemite

  1. In case you haven't seen from other posts, nothing can be added to the skilling shop as it's full, unless things are taken out. Maybe you can suggest just adding these in general, and not specifically to the skilling shop. I'd suggest adding them as rewards from actual achievements. I feel like that would be fitting.
  2. Maybe try the action before posting something like this? Isn't working for me either.
  3. Holy crap I can't believe I'm in agreement with Boats. It's a part of the gamemode, and I'd be happy to crash any regular account just the same. Pay for the instance if you want it. Simple.
  4. +1 support. Just make them not use able in the wilderness at all. Disagree with the 2 per lap. That's pretty OP considering there's not many of us that pk anyway.
  5. I'd personally say it belongs in the skilling shop more than the vote shop (since tickets already have a value) whereas once you get all of your outfits you have nothing to spend points on, and no one really buys the outfits with GP. As for an item to remove, I would say the magic watering can is useless?
  6. Add the new skilling boxes to the skilling point store for 5k ea please.
  7. No sorry, I meant on runescape that's how they were implemented.
  8. There's actually outfits for every skill that came with squeal of fortune rewards. Prayer, smithing, cooking, herblore etc. I'm neutral on this.
  9. Disagree. Not everything needs to be top tier all the time. It's fine the way it is.
  10. Potion flasks, noted or not, are only decant-able manually at the moment. It was originally this way in RS, then later changed and had a separate NPC for it. So might've been annoying to code both vials and flasks into one?
  11. In addition to the 'Noted Overloads' suggestion (as well as fixing decanter also mentioned in that post), I would like to suggest to have overload flasks noted also, and to be able to decant flasks as well.
  12. I think it's fair tbh. I've noticed this from the start, but given you can buy frosts with EP and cannot buy dagannoth, it justifies the difference. Dagannoth much harder to obtain quickly.
  13. The boosts in current day RuneScape are different and have changed due to the Evolution of Combat. As you can see from this screenshot from a 2012 video, https://gyazo.com/883b669a58b67386d1457198bd54eb6d magic is supposed to provide a +7, while range is +23 and melee is +26. There is nothing wrong with the overloads.

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