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Everything posted by Vegemite

  1. Cannot cut down my palm tree to remove it from the patch. Says "You need a dwarf remains to harvest your plants". Cannot force remove with a spade either.
  2. Vegemite

    Iron SoF?

    The whole point of Ironman is to avoid this type of stuff.
  3. +1 I think Zealots should just be removed in all honesty. Was a fun thing to find and 'abuse', but it is dumb.
  4. (Obviously still requires a slayer task) 10k slayer points. Retains value for head slot items (Black ween, guardian mask, etc.) Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.
  5. I always felt like a dick saying that certain elements of combat did not feel right, so I'm kinda glad that these sort of issues have been recognised and fixed. Awesome work.
  6. ???? They're not supposed to provide prayer regain, yet are supposed to increase prayer XP gain by 1% per rank. Which is hardly that useful given the amount of XP boosts we already have. Reverence on the other hand is supposed to increase prayer gain per dose by 3-10% (depending on rank) and slows prayer gain, if that's what you're thinking about?
  7. Harmless tree glitch at Brimhaven fruit tree patch. Just visually dupes the tree.
  8. That's not really an issue of the tree dying when protected, but missing the payment before your tree goes through a cycle. You're just getting unlucky timing of the cycle. Make sure before you absolutely confirm the payment that the tree hasn't been diseased.
  9. I mean I don't disagree but like.. Not EVERYTHING needs such a use in game..
  10. Ah true, I swear I tried this one day a while back and it didn't work.
  11. Currently hide tanning tans the hides 1 at a time, taking around 12 seconds for an inventory. Suggest to change to tan the whole inventory at once. Tedious enough running between bank and tanner and spending decent gp on it as well.
  12. Time waster? Get yourself a sim rig and drift!
  13. I think i comp'd in 300 hours without try-harding and before the well. Should be pretty do-able. I'm almost on track for my ironman to do that too tbh. Good luck.
  14. There's also no Green d'hide body (g) on the Medium log.
  15. With the attack styles, that's how it was in this era of the game and is done "right". If you're suggesting it gets changed, that's definitely a suggestion and not a "fix". As for the other two things, I support.
  16. This has been happening for ages. Seems to happen when you use F-keys with another input, or multiple F-keys, but like you, I'm also not able to intentionally replicate the issue. I got it a lot at a certain point, between then and now only a few times here and there, and once today.
  17. Re-enable Potato seeds to be bought in unlimited quantity. Will be much easier to tell people that are starting farming to just buy potato seeds from the G.E, rather having to explain/show them how to use bagged plants, or waiting around for another player that might have some seeds spare.
  18. Winter here in Australia. But, had 2 weeks off work recently and rode a whole bunch of new MTB trails which is so nice. Back to work now though, want to die again.

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