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ishan last won the day on January 2 2022

ishan had the most liked content!


About ishan

  • Birthday 10/28/1996


  • Biography
    Fuck off


  • Location
    Dont care


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  • Occupation
    Heavy Machine Operator

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  1. as the playerbase is quite at a low, it's one hell of a task to get peeps to dung to get chaotics. hoping, this gets enough support to allow the higher management to come to an agreement to bring back old dung if possible! thanks - ishan
  2. Hands down still the best looking account in the community, big props from me bro - keep up the fantastic progress! p.s this is like the 4th time i've ever commented on a forum post
  3. Anything grav says goes.
  4. 100000% support this, very well thought out and this brings life to alot of skills aswell!
  5. When withdrawing t2 primordial boots with the note option in the bank they turn into a null
  6. Support this, i see it as a QOL so wouldn't hurt much OT: i do believe lowering the amount to donate to trigger each tier would be a great idea aswell - your average player isnt going to be donating 1b outta their pocket to contribute some help, so with it being lower i do believe it gives other players the opportunity to give a hand, and also well has been quite dead content recently.
  7. Zarosian battlemage is a virtus override and has no hp bonus.
  8. Overrides that should be able to disassemble: Cerberus set (i) Nomadic set (i) Tz-tol set (T) Solstice set (i) Kirsen set (i) Reaper set (i) Zarosian set (i) Sirenic set (i) (original version) Serenic Godbow (i) Staff of eternal frost Vyrewatch longsword (i) Blazing Longsword (p) Taeshalach (i) Ava's Assembler ~Thanks Team
  9. I think keeping gems only being able to be obtained through failing is better IMO, there's already so many items listed allowing people to get their easy fixings on gems. NO support on this but i still love you
  10. I support a vast majority of these suggestions besides the ones that can be easily bought and abused from a store as boats stated
  11. Love the ideas sir, keep 'em coming! SUPPORT ON ALL - would love to see chaotics implemented into this list aswell!
  12. The amount of new players that this relates to, has my SUPPORT.
  13. This just past hour a vote event occured, went to my bank to pull them out and my bots bank appeared. happened yesterday too as there is 15 there that i missed out on (5 events).

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