suggestion to add:
i agree with mas, i think it would be neat to sacrifice some tickets for a myster skilling box.
- volcanic and ice whip from osrs. maybe just the kit to add onto whip or add the old school versions of these whips to shop if thats even possible. would be weird but something different
-some of the other penance gear like the helms, boots, skirt, maybe even a penance box that holds all these items +torso/fighter helm and a rare chance at penance pet
-dragon pcikaxe/steam battlestaff kit from bounty hunter shop on osrs
-rune pouch ( the one that holds 3 sets of runes in it)
to remove:
-infinity set = dont know if anyone has even bought this before
-robin hood hats could be controversial seeing as i've seen maybe 2 people buy them but what if they were added as a box in there for 25 tickets and u get a random robin
-small xp lamp, garbage waste if there is medium in there too
-whip = nothing to be said
-ring master, never seen it in game so i'd assume no one even wants it, or lower the price per piece 5-10 tickets per