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Everything posted by nelly

  1. beefy update, good to see cannon and taverly patch is fixed now, keep it up!!
  2. yessss! please, support both! the only kiln form needs to be added to "old items look" style. that would be sweet
  3. sandstone with ::empty is nice but its not a huge upgrade to gold deposits and a lot less afk. with that being said, i do support this idea, some variety would be nice
  4. https://gyazo.com/c5667505e97fae364147ea71154ab733 peep the tab for optimal organisation
  5. your mums a spitter dont be bitter

  6. nelly

    Robust Glass

    this is only a hunch but i assume they are broken because of the old ge, where you could buy all flasks on ge there would be no reason to even make them. being bias also, but i dunno if ironmen even use flasked potions, if i were one i wouldnt even bother making my potions into flasks.
  7. ya i agree restrict ironmen as well from what kemi said
  8. In game name : Nelly suggestion : Skilling shop for skills like prayer, crafting, smithing details : Add a skilling shop somewhere @ home with multiple options for different skills as i stated or just one shop option and have all of this stuff in there - these shops could include basic low level stuff to start these skills like : big bones, limited quantity of unnoted leather/dhide, as well as limited quantity of bars from bronze - mithril
  9. saradomin brew/restore flasks (6) can be bought in consumable shop (only 100 in stock). maybe d'hide leathers or dragonhide in general that way you still have to tan them. cannonballs, pure ess, dart tips, herb secondaries
  10. I know we haven't talked much but It's been on my mind the odd time wondering where you've been. The only thing you can do is give yourself time, things like this are tough to talk about, so kudos to you!! Glad things are looking up and gl with future endeavers. fyi, sorry for killing you for pegasians when I started, was poor boi.
  11. YES extend tasks! this is the 3rd time its been suggested, by yourself, masoud and me. Hope this gets added at some point
  12. grinded gorillas first day they came out, took like 380 kills or something before i got my first zenyte
  13. WELCOME!! aren't we all boring in one way or another. I don't see you having a problem fitting into ELY; very tight knit and friendly bunch of people.
  14. I can see why the GE was reworked, but I can only be frustrated for not being able to buy essential items like: cannonballs, potion flasks etc. My biggest concern is for new players trying to do 200m skills. Unable to buy essential supplies that were provided on ge, ie: dhide leathers, some logs (eucalyptus is one), herbs/unfinished potions, mithril bars, gems, pearl bolts to enchant for mage, dart tips for fletching. This is just to name a few. To me it just feels like you will be playing in the sense of an ironman, seeing as no one even gathers these supplies and the demand is going to way out due the scarce supply by a long shot. This could deter new players to stay because not everyone wants to play with this intent. I suppose it's viable to train other skills then combat and your gatherer skills now but it would be one hell of a grind and if you want supplies i'd imagine you'll be paying a premium unless you are on easy or an ironman. Some people will agree it's a good change and some will disagree with the change, but I'm looking forward to seeing what the GE holds in the future.

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