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nelly last won the day on March 12 2022

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  1. got @ Geo https://gyazo.com/c909579e837f50607a63f53a77789beb
  2. count daddy in nelly nelly #3531
  3. i dont know thats the thing. i feel like it comes down to the activity in general in rsps. all the people who made rsps active and lively are getting older and it seems like the interest in rsps is just dying in general no matter what you do to try to get people to stay
  4. if there was say wildy slayer or added worthwile wilderness content that that came with risk but great reward for players trying to achieve such, combined with an improvement to the quality of pvp, this could potentially improve player counts and pking in general. adding a risk for players that dont pk to go into wilderness with a reward backed by it is enticing for some, also brings out the pkers
  5. content creations - ie: grae trifecta, hardmode bosses (higher risk with potentially more rewards or tiered gear improvements), implemented daily actvities for ALL players with rewarding outcome (group activiity and effort with group reward - good skilling supplies, coffers/keys, well voucher etc) minigames with better rewards, i know everything is set how it is but somehow improving the rewards or increasing potential to buy certain things like mystic boxes etc or osmething that could make it worthwhile. skilling qol - goes hand in hand with content creation- adding skilling minigames like motherlode, wintertodt w/e the case, give skilling options improvements to mystery box table lineup, mystery boxes-supers, cosmetic boxes also worthwile rewards for cl, achievements, comp cape? daily shop rewards rework?
  6. Support this is the boats I like to see
  7. very nice guide, great contribution
  8. Yes I like how ur brain works boars support

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