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Everything posted by brandbeast45

  1. Username (ingame): Brandbeast45 Suggestion (provide all details possible): Zaryte Bow stat buff, mostly to accuracy but also to ranged strength since even it's strength is only on par with regular rune bolts. (Maybe just an overall 2-handed bow buff) Why (explain what this will benefit, and how): To promote more diverse gameplay while using a range setup, and make the Zbow (and others) actually worth using. It seems to be common knowledge that the zaryte bow is fairly weak ranged weapon at the moment even though it's one of the hardest bows to get in the game and is considered an end-game weapon. Currently it has same stats as chaotic crossbow using normal rune bolts, but seeing as it's an end game item and a 2 Handed weapon at that should make it at least on par with the royal crossbow which is actually easier to get. Taking into consideration enchanted bolts, the ability to wear a shield, and the fact that crossbows fire much faster, the zaryte bow should actually surpass the royal crossbow in terms of damage and accuracy bonuses. Other Notes (if applicable): Because it's a 2-handed weapon, higher damage/accuracy should be a good trade-off for lacking any defensive bonuses. A good example of this is the difference between the chaotic longsword and maul (only using CLS because the accuracy/str is similar to chaotic CCB with rune bolts). The CLS has +124 slash and +120 strength, where the maul has +167 crush and +155 strength, a 35% increase in accuracy and 29% increase in strength for the 2-hand over the single within the same class of weapon, a difference not seen between Bows and Crossbows. It's always been a thing that crossbows were the better option considering they allow the use of a shield, output the same damage, allow the use of enchanted bolts, and fire at a faster tick rate than their Bow equivalents, but this leaves bows practically useless. Even if the Hexhunter bow wasn't bugged post update it still wouldn't come near viable compared to a rune crossbow with rune bolts, they might have the same ranged strength but the Hexhunter bow still only has a +65 accuracy bonus compared to rune cbow's +90 (hell the mithril crossbow even has +66 accuracy). Side note: The Hexhunter bow post-update doesn't even have the accuracy of a magic shortbow (+69 accuracy)...I mean once it's fixed it'll have a decent strength bonus (again the same as rune bolts if using dragon arrows) but will still be near useless compared to almost any other option.
  2. Ingame Username: Brandbeast45 Description of bug: Hexhunter Bow ranged strength doesn't stack with arrows Screenshots, if possible: https://gyazo.com/913ecba0160c10d6736ea2228005c2b5 https://gyazo.com/02dd38b1c83b88ba30e488a5b0dea4ea https://gyazo.com/6c8489c091b2bb00189f1b533c52df08 Detailed Explaination: The recent update added 50 ranged strength to the hexhunter bow, but arrows' ranged strengths don't stack with that bonus.
  3. Good idea man can't wait to see who wins week 1
  4. There are no words for how happy this makes me
  5. So looking at the regular player PVM store, there's: --Overload pack: 5000 Points for 10 Flasks (6) dose --Box of rocktails: 50K Points for 50 empty sacks (Idk how many that is couldn't find a regular to buy it and tell me) --Enhanced Excalibur: 50K Points --Prayer renewal pack: 5000 Points for 20 Vials (4) dose --Elite Void Top: 150K --Elite Void Top: 150K I'm just gonna shoot some price ideas out there for addition to an ironman pvm shop and see what y'all think of them, they're considerably more than regular account prices but hopefully this would keep the regular vs ironman work per reward balance from being completely broken. I'll try to add a brief explanation with them, going off the assumption that you get about 400 pvm points on average per boss kill (552 for KBD and 378 for Graardor for me just now), I'm not sure how they're calculated but 400 should be a decent average to work off of. --Overload pack: 25K should roughly equal 60 kills, and 60 doses of overload should get you at least that many boss kills but at higher levels is probably closer to 120-180+ kills assuming 2-3 kills per dose. This means a single pack should last long enough to get 50-75k pvm points netting a 25-50k point gain for other things. --Box of rocktails: Honestly have no clue how many come in a pack I'm just assuming that twice as many points for irons might be fair --Prayer renewal pack: Seeing as overload packs are the same price as renewal packs for normal accounts I'm just assuming it should be the same for irons --Cannonball pack (2000 Cannonballs): 2000 cannonballs is a pretty good amount, but 2.5k pvm points like Kieranonpcc suggested (about 6 kills per pack) would only take about 15-20 minutes to get depending on the boss. 12K points is roughly 30 boss kills which should take about an hour or two to acquire depending on the boss, which is still considerably less time than it would take to mine the 500 coal and iron and 45 minutes of pure smelting time it takes to make that many. Another long reply from yours truly, but I wanted to give some more concrete ideas on the topic because if these were added at the same price as normal accounts they would be too easy to get. One of the main points of an ironman account is the sense of accomplishment you get from obtaining everything yourself and the work it required. If top tier supplies such as overloads and prayer renewals only took 10-20 kills to get like they do for normal accounts, it would be way too easy and the grind for 99 herblore, 90 fishing, and 93 cooking to make overloads and rocktails would be pointless. These prices seem like a lot but when you think about the time it would take to actually make it all yourself these prices are still great and might still come close to eliminating the need for grinding levels unless you're just really bad at bossing. Again please add comments for what y'all think and any changes you might recommend. Doesn't mean anyone will take these prices seriously but it should keep the ball rolling and maybe help Lation and the Staff with the details. Huge thanks to Kieranonpcc for bringing up the idea again, this is a great idea and possibly tops the list for ironman requests. Sorry for hijacking your post I've just been meaning to add this for a while and decided to throw it in here.
  6. Never replied to this but support especially for Bandos helm, the graphics on the Bandos helm also don’t change with new/old graphics swap. Added note, the royal vambraces also have no stats but that’s not worth it’s own post if you see this you see this.
  7. —****110% support a hexhunter buff, I have 2 now and honestly just laugh when I get them because they’re currently trash. Ely doesn’t have the stalker arrows they’re intended to use or the dark arrows that you need to make them. It’d be nice to see either added in and a stat buff on the bow itself. Dark arrowheads could be added to the dark beast table or the shops, and stalker essence can be added to the soulgazer drop table so people could make their own stalker arrows at 95 fletching***** —Agree with Flip, wildywyrm spawn should be increased on weekends but every day could have negative effects on eco (not that it effects me but still) —Agree on ganodermic, drop rate on flakes got buffed to 1 in 30 since this thread but it should be made cheaper to repair pieces (maybe 1000 or so flakes to repair instead of full amount, add vote shop repair tokens like those for chaotics, etc). This would make it much more convincing to grind for the armor and dying with it on would still require work to fix but not so much that you may as well make a new set. —Nex drop buff would be great,I plan to start it soon but everyone makes it seem like I’m going to clear out my supplies out for just a few kills. As an iron I can say blowing through overloads with the current achievement bug I posted not giving them and no other ways to get them besides tediously farming seed drops, a million herbs to make 5 other potions, then getting a 1/5 yield making overloads (then combining them so 4 potions is really just 3 full ones) isn’t fun. Not something I’m against doing for a boss like nex, but improved drop rates would make it much more rewarding. 1:80 with each kill taking 20 minutes on average comes out to 27 hours of continuous killing, not including the time to make overloads which will easily double that or the time spent making food (for irons) and raising money for other supplies. —Side note when I post a thread or reply I’m usually medicated and say way too much because I focus hard on it, so there’s usually a lot of detail in my explanations. If anything’s not correct in this don’t roast me over it, it’s hard to stay up to date on everything while learning the ins and outs of this server. I know ganodermic drops have been buffed (and maybe a few other changes since this thread started), but my main beef is with the hexhunter how. Honestly a useless drop with current stats and lack of top tier ammo.
  8. Support. This would be a huge benefit of going through all the hard work to max. The max cape is amazing by itself but a skilling area more efficient than the current one would provide a benefit that would apply mostly to maxed players, seeing as there aren't many benefits this would provide other than efficiency for the tedious grind to 200m xp. Adding on to this a few things could also have higher respawn rates, such as coal or iron (cannonballs wink wink) or even granite/sandstone as said above if the area were to be purely for skilling. My only worry with this was that the donator zone could become obsolete, but the donator zone is primarily for quick access to unlockables such as rocktails or black warlocks anyways so I doubt it would have a huge effect.
  9. Username: Brandbeast45 Suggestion: Make primal and other summer shop/donator item values higher than the 1gp they're currently set at so they can be kept over other items on death. Or simply make the summer shop items and other items (perhaps even of a set dollar amount) that are only obtainable through donation all go to Diango immediately on death as if they were untradeables. In game prices and/or statistic comparison with similar items in game could have some factor in deciding their value, but making them go to Diango immediately should be a completely fair option considering their real world prices. Why: Dying because of server lag, disconnection, a death before reset, etc. means you have a very high chance of losing very expensive primal or summer items on death and potentially forever. Though most items go to Diango after your grave collapses, there are still many places/activities where this doesn't happen (monster carnage being a huge one). As an example, the primal boots are much more valuable than the steadfast boots statistically speaking, yet on death a sara brew or some other trivial item will be kept over them on death while steads are almost always the first item kept. The same goes for the amulet of the damned, the rings, etc. They have some of if not the best stats in the game for their respective slots, and their real world price as donator items should have some effect on their being lost/kept on death. Other notes: I'm a bit biased having literally just bought the primal rapier, but there are places such as the wilderness, monster carnage, etc. where I (and others) could very possibly lose one of these items forever while again keeping some other item that has no value whatsoever (literally an empty vial has more value than $40 primals). Because summer shop items and many other items are only made available through real world donations, I sway more toward having them sent directly to Diango rather than simply being kept on death through a value change. Being treated as untradeables even if they aren't should be a benefit of donating for them (even secondhand considering most still have immense gp values). Even if this scenario only applied to those $20 (or some other amount) and up while cheaper items such as primal boots might just have a value buff. I get that there will always be a risk taken, but it's more than fair that the risk of losing these items should be extremely low compared to those obtainable as drops in game. Losing my BGS to monster carnage was something I accepted because I could always grind to get another, but losing these items (especially as an iron) would be devastating considering the only way to obtain another is through donation.
  10. Thanks lation I/we appreciate it, like I said we’re gonna try to put a pvm store suggestion post together for iron men so you have ideas for the next update.
  11. Splash next time you post please read the reward under the achievement first. It doesn’t say PVM points so even if you get them it’s still a bug because you aren’t getting what you’re supposed to. It might not be a big deal for you if you’re not iron but for those of us who are and have very few ways of obtaining certain things it’s annoying. We have nothing to spend PVM points on besides the enhanced Excalibur and unless I want 30 of them PVM points are literally useless, at least until (hopefully) the next update. I have plans to make a suggestion post for the Ironman PVM store but till then I’d like to have the potion flasks lol.
  12. Brandbeast45 When the achievement is met and you "collect reward" you don't get any potion flasks. Both Sin and I have noticed that when we have completed the "accumulate 'x' PVM points and claimed our reward, we haven't any flask packs. This has occurred once for him that I know of and twice for me so far. I don't have any screenshots, but once I get to the next achievement rank I'll try to get some and edit this post.
  13. Couldn't agree more. Cannonballs especially those are so annoying to make as an ironman they literally take hours

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