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Everything posted by Enzyme

  1. Divination was added after rs3 so yeah it can’t be added to this revision sorry :P However something that could be done almost completely afk would be pretty fantastic. It’d stop everyone just standing around at home. A while ago someone suggested a boss that had loads of hp and did nearly no damage be added with some unused cosmetics for drops so that’d be a pretty good alternative
  2. Why would you need skilling supplies from mboxes when you can just buy them with epoints? :P
  3. If you have a client already up that’s logged in sometimes it puts the username and password into the chat of that client so rip if you press enter
  4. I dont really see a problem with spending like 20 epoints to imbue a ring. Sounds like a great idea
  5. Keep in mind primal armour also exists in game from the summer shop and Marmaros is available in the ironman equipment shop. If bosses were to have a rare drop of anything i'd mostly want dung tokens
  6. Im pretty sure you can alch these but apart from that i dont believe they should be exchangeable/tradable. Since the original intention for these items on runescape was to hand out super op items for people buying micro transactions I believe they should just stay the same
  7. Heres a gif on how to find this npc :)
  8. That looks like md5.. If you made your own sentence and then encypted it in md5 its pretty much impossible to reverse and was designed to be that way lol
  9. Support I have 2 accounts now that are full of things like resources/drops/placeholder spots that take up my entire bank, I cant deposit all of my inventory through the deposit inv button due to my bank being full however for some reason I can still deposit worn equipment via the button and deposit items from my inventory via right click depositing. I've previously posted a bug report for that here
  10. 9/25/18 I Will Return beat me by 1 min :(
  11. Ingame Username: Enzyme Description of bug: Black screen when collecting from bank booth Screenshots, if possible: Detailed Explaination: Self explanatory
  12. Sounds like a fantastic idea. Support
  13. Rip Jake you will be missed :(((( Also did someone say merch time?? I think someone said merch time >:)
  14. Enzyme


    I remember when i used to be like you...
  15. The door and tunnel are working perfectly fine for me
  16. Yes yes suggestions! What about... More variety of seeds, more bars just resources in general (Muh ironman) and maybe even another exclusive gear set thats has a rarer chance to obtain each piece than bmask? Im thinking the Tuxedo Outft
  17. Hey man welcome to the forums. We have a format all posts must use when making a suggestion and you can find info about that here. Please update your thread using the format mentioned and make sure to remember for next time :) I'll put it here so its easier for you to see: Username (ingame): Suggestion (short description): Why (explain what this will benefit, and how): Details (a more thorough explanation of the above):

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