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Everything posted by Enzyme

  1. I don't want anything to do with you unless you play legend
  2. I think its awesome. Finally tradescape is good
  3. Correct its only in the Iron shop
  4. Enzyme

    Max clan

    Rip max clan was a good run
  5. Yeah 100% support i got grae pet and had a familiar spawned so i didnt get it and i keep forgetting to ask for it because its not even in the pet interface
  6. Wow thanks that's exactly what I needed
  7. Username: Enzyme Suggestion:Split buy/sell offers on forums ge Why (how will it benefit players overall): Its so confusing going through one list of all the offers if youre trying to see whats actually availible. Splitting buy and sell offers would be awesome and im sure more people would use forums ge
  8. Hello, just to verify yes this is the first question. I'd like to congratulate you on your post
  9. Dont forget we have feedback posts!! You got something to say? Say it here. https://www.elyrsps.net/forums/forum/11-feedback/

  10. Username: Enzyme Suggestion: Pop one of those fires that never go out at home where we all stand Why (how will it benefit players overall): So we can Fm and cook whilst talking. Its a very social spot which would encourage more skilling and it would also show new players we aren't just a bunch of talking statues.
  11. Dont forget to take part in our giveaways! Head over to our discord and take a looksie

  12. Enzyme

    Yo bois

    Youre a cool guy you'll fit in just fine welcome aboard!
  13. Congrats boys seen awesome work from the both of you!
  14. Heellll Yeah! Cant wait to dish out scrolls
  15. All good my dude message me on discord (or another mod+) to delete it for you when youre ready
  16. Hey Mas thanks for leaving suggestions man. However could you pretty please read this thread and edit your layout accordingly? Tyy
  17. YESS FINALLY Ive been waiting so long for this day!!
  18. Time to get the rap for my iron. Aweesooommee
  19. Good luck daddy im rooting for you

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