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Everything posted by Enzyme

  1. Username: ENZYME Suggestion: Make Mr. Lottery man say what the lottery pot is overhead for hype Why (how will it benefit players overall): Even though we moved it to home i never see anyone really use it. It'd be mad to see the pot of the lottery in game as a reminder that you should go buy tickets
  2. Forget the prestige. Get 5b on legend mode my dude
  3. Damn im late to the party but i probs wont be logging off tonight lmao. AWEEESSOOMMMEEE
  4. I seem to be the only one that has no problems with mining and I play legend lool I love the amount of time and dedication it takes to get that skill to 99. I believe it's one of the skills that lock Max cape away for legends and make it a really really impressive achievement. No supporty
  5. Not sure whether to support or not. The notification thing sounds great but I always keep the game in sight while its AFK and do other stuff so if I can't get on in time and log out I'll need to keep entering my password over and over I'm also sick of everyone afking lol even though I'm probably the worst right now
  6. Sorry bro but Jordos priceguide will stay as THE priceguide. Maybe talk to him about making changes? You shouldn't have really had to make this entire new guide man you should've just enquired about changing prices with Jordo lol Also I'll always merch tickets hard af good luck anyone else trying to decide their price
  7. Now you compete with me. Good luck scrub
  8. Username: Lation's Girlfriend Suggestion: Can we get the offer option on gilded altars please Why (how will it benefit players overall): Idk about you but im so used to real rs (rs3) where they have the offer option straight up availible on left click (toggleable but its set to on by default) and i come here to e-lie and i click like 3 times and it turns out im praying for some reason. Everyones gonna say yes and if you dont thats fine just dont comment (jk)
  9. Sounds like legend might be a little too hard for someone
  10. P v m's stepped up to owning the wild... For now come back and take it from him!
  11. We can meet at the earth altar every night and light candles
  12. Omg man hahaha thats unbelieveable
  13. Hey dude welcome aboard! Im on benefits too lmao
  14. Since the list has been all nice and fixed up Im starting a thread where we compare who has the most killed npc's on Ely. Just post the top 10 most killed npc's on your list here's mine
  15. When we have an obvious winner on the poll ill push the giveaway through a few days early so everyone can have a chance at the draw
  16. So as none of you know since you guys understandably dont care Ive been fmod here for a year come August 20th. I'd like to do something super fun and special and since i know you guys LOVE giveaways im going to be dropping $50 in scrolls on the 20th through giveaways. I only have one question.. Would you guys prefer 5 $10 scrolls or 10 $5 scrolls??
  17. Enzyme


    I totally didn't get triggered by this and wrote a serious response before.. >.> Fk you boats you got me
  18. Bro Im pretty sure we're all same. Love you thanks for joining Ely and hanging out with me

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