Username (ingame): Nicky
Suggestion (short description): Boss Collection Log to see what drops you've received from certain Bosses.
Why (explain what this will benefit, and how): Make people want to boss more as there is more of an insentive to certain boss to complete logs. Even branching out to Pet Collection Log.
Details (a more thorough explanation of the above): Boss Collection Log would let you see what drops you've recieved on an account. Makes certain bosses that people don't do (Chaos Ele, Blink) and make them areas/bosses more active as people will want to complete collection logs. Could have certain rewards for finishing a collection log like a drop rate bonus for x amount of time, overload packs, rocktail packs and even like on RS3 Titles.
Inaddition with OSRS content coming in the near future. I believe that a Collection log, would be super dope addition. Both RS3 and OSRS have them and are really cool additions to the game. Could also branch off Boss Collection log, making pet and treasure hunter collection logs in the furture too..