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Kyle last won the day on September 11 2024

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  1. Don't remove new dung if you bring back old though. There's tons of great skilling methods in new dung that people use.
  2. You're not gonna believe this.... wHEeZe
  3. This is definitely getting backed up one day so, here's my comment for the Wayback Machine Absolutely TOP-TIER content Kari, this is by far my favorite thread on the forums.
  4. https://prnt.sc/8_rwHvRExK7e The button does not allow a party to ready up, wihich means sitting through a 30-60 second timer.
  5. Come back to the game, Ely received a full server reset!

  6. I still think about you.

    Had a wet dream last night where you botted my account for me and it went undetected. Hope you're finding the porn you were looking for when you asked me for mine xoxo

    1. Kyle


      I'm back, baby.

  7. Kyle

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Luke


      Maybe if we shout loud enough

    3. Jake


      I think Kyle is still here... Atleast within the archives for future generations to read about.

      RIP Old Friend.

    4. Kyle


      I'm gonna hold your hand when I tell you this!

  8. banneddd biotchhhh

    1. Kyle


      Check this out

  9. High quality post there fella
  10. This thread is a platform to discuss the current state of the Graetios Recurve Bow, and how it compares to the Zaryte bow. The purpose of this thread is to justify a buff to the recurve bow, as well as lay out the pros and cons of each. Zaryte Bow Pros: Requires no ammo Highest ranged strength in game Drop rate of 1/246 from Nex Can be donated for (Not really a pro, but makes it easier to obtain than Recurve) The boss it is obtained from can be massed Cons: Even on rapid, it's pretty slow Not a lot of people sell these Graetios Recurve Bow Pros: Fastest firing bow in-game Looks fuckin sick Higher accuracy than Zaryte bow (+17) Cons: Lower ranged strength than Zaryte Bow (-15) Requires arrows Only 4 in-game at time of writing, leading to this bow costing 3-4b or more Does not gain ranged strength from the arrows it uses (can use any arrow) 1/470 drop rate from Harbinger X'rul Boss it is obtained from cannot be massed, only soloed or duo'd Cannot be donated for (not really a con, just listed here for argument's sake and to compare the two) Below is a table showing the results of Lation's test of both bows (wearing max gear) on the DPS dummies at home. 5 Minute DPS Test Zaryte Bow VS Graetios Recurve Bow Zaryte DPS: 133 (66 hits in 5 minutes) Graetios DPS: 121 (156 hits in 5 minutes) As you can see, the recurve bow did over twice as much as the Zaryte bow in a period of 5 minutes, but still put out less damage. I propose two solutions to this issue, as the Graetios is supposed to be the BIS option for ranged DPS: Option 1. Give the recurve bow the same ranged strength as the Zaryte bow, and let its speed be its superior trait Option 2. Give the recurve bow the ability to inheret additional ranged strength from the arrows you use with it (currently, the type of arrow you use does not effect this) I do NOT think that nerfing the Zaryte bow is an appropriate solution. This would devalue the weapon, the boss, the economy for the PVM community, and piss of a bunch of people. I believe the Graetios bow should be buffed to a point where it is actually worth the extra 2-3b you are paying over the Zaryte bow, not just for the exclusivity. Thanks for reading, and please post your thoughs below.
  11. 1000% support. The drop rate keeps this from being overpowered. Please implement this. The drop rate is already 3x that of osrs, adding this little QOL change would be amazing.
  12. Kyle

    Vote Shop

    The seemingly hundreds of player suggestions in the suggestions section. This is another example of staff bringing up things to change/add/implement when there are numerous great options to choose from if you need to think of something to add, i.e what the players are asking for in suggestions.
  13. Kyle

    Vote Shop

    Think we should focus on other things berfore vote shop if I'm being honest. Seems like a low-priority thing for the time being.

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