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Gravity last won the day on December 1 2022

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  1. Gifting cry to whoever i get
  2. Ely (gyazo.com) TL;DR my summ level dropped below 60 and now i'm not strong enough pls fix !
  3. Where tf are the PK statistics????????????????????????????????????????????????? RIOT
  4. Instakill dart only killing one phase is NOT intended. Its been oneshotting since before pre-eoc, it should one shot ANYTHING including phases of QBD Pls Fix
  5. 1 - Barrows 2 (Rise of the Six) as well as adding the Malevolent, Merciless, and Vengeful kiteshields as potential rewards. support 2. Def remove cutsceces, add quest bosses only, idk about death being a restart. Sounds aids for new players 3. Whats the point in adding more waves, its just a fire cape 4. I can agree with no cannon but that won't make it any more difficult itll just make it take longer 5. MC is dead content regardless of harder enemies. This would REALLY put people off MC 6. All the portals do spawn, removing the shields would make it eaiser, permanent death is troll asf. It's void armor it's not even that good and its already a grind. + part of it is in PvM shop. 7. Noone does BR because noone pks, adding the bots was removed, and it crashes alot. Fix these and more people would go. Matt just added LMS and I doubt 5% of you have even tried it 8. Minigame points in theory sounds cool but we already have Coffers, PvM boxes, and w/e else. I think we have enough items coming into the game already
  6. Gravity

    More Coxs

    Olm burn with me attack is currently unavoidable and stat drains way too much https://gyazo.com/ff0920850d9567d67a8a9292054c90ac Idk how to explain this but it happens everytime we finish a raid PvM points on completion would be nice Making raids multi so spells like group veng/blood barrage/cure other work properly Arcane/Dex are both useless drops. Arcane/Dex could be reworked into range and mage turmoil. Kodai can't be attached to Master Wand Visually some of Olms attack could be better. Mainly the crystals,flame wall, and lightning Let me know if intended or not but Instakill dart didn't work on tekton or olm pre last phase/basically anything immune to ranged Overload overlay disables points overlay Olms special attacks don't display if your game is on filter Vasa can teleport you onto out of bound tiles where you can't click out. only solution is to logout or hope it teleports you out Jeweled crab room and Corrupted scavenger room need points upon completion for those who participated Corrupted Scavenger rooms needs a buff only requires 10 worms no matter how many people are in the raid CoX will scale to the number of ALL the people in your FC regardless if they're in the raid or not Point system maybe could use a little bit more tweaking, ending 5 man raids just barely scraping 15k points Xerics Aid isn't healing properly - Heals literally only 22 or 2.2 with osrs hp Vanguard room randomly froze and none of them could take damage nor could some of us move. As time passed it fixed itself Flame attack is currently undousable with water spells
  7. 1. Kicking from FC doesn't work. Kinda important cause anyone can join your fc and leech rewards Ely (gyazo.com) 2. Scenario, I made a fc and had 5 others in it but someone from outside of my fc could join because he joined another fc with someone on my team/ Jake joined my FC, i started raids, Jonny was able to enter because he joined Jakes FC even though i was the host. 3 Mutadile room, One of the scavenger runts followed us into mutadile room. After we killed mutadile it wouldn't let us progress because it counter the runt as being part of the room. 4. An overall buff to hp/defence or the way CoX should scale based on number of people in boss rooms in general, they're too weak 5. Idk if intended or not but toolbelt pickaxe doesn't work with Guardian statues. not a big deal tho 6. If the party leader leaves the raid everyone is immediatly forced out. Could lead to others not being able to loot 7. When olm is dead sometimes his special attacks like lightning or teleport will still go off. 8. Vespula, like boats said it does get cheesed but you're supposed to kill the portal to process not the bug but its w/e. 9. Mutadile room theres supposed to be a meat tree that the mutadiles can heal off of but this is w/e 10. Tekton doesn't walk to his anvil to heal or do special attack
  8. I can't add spellcaster to the gloves Cant add t2 eternals to the boots Can't add virtus to top, i dont have helm or robe bottom but imma assume its the same

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