1 - Barrows 2 (Rise of the Six) as well as adding the Malevolent, Merciless, and Vengeful kiteshields as potential rewards. support
2. Def remove cutsceces, add quest bosses only, idk about death being a restart. Sounds aids for new players
3. Whats the point in adding more waves, its just a fire cape
4. I can agree with no cannon but that won't make it any more difficult itll just make it take longer
5. MC is dead content regardless of harder enemies. This would REALLY put people off MC
6. All the portals do spawn, removing the shields would make it eaiser, permanent death is troll asf. It's void armor it's not even that good and its already a grind. + part of it is in PvM shop.
7. Noone does BR because noone pks, adding the bots was removed, and it crashes alot. Fix these and more people would go. Matt just added LMS and I doubt 5% of you have even tried it
8. Minigame points in theory sounds cool but we already have Coffers, PvM boxes, and w/e else. I think we have enough items coming into the game already