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Ancient Donator
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Everything posted by pinoy

  1. @BoatsI appreciate the quick reply! IRT the rev caves, I didn't realize we have rev caves. Every entrance I try to use doesn't work; unless I'm just dumb lmao. For the rewards for skilling, maybe something that would incentivize players to skill more, either some sort of resource box like you mentioned, or even a voucher for a potion flask box that have flasks, potion filled flasks, etc. And finally, for the Youtube portion, I didn't really mean any rewards for such, just an opportunity for regular players like me to represent Ely. I think people who don't already play Ely, need to see that it's one hell of a server that is sustainable and attainable! Thanks again, Boats!
  2. Good morning! While I know the casting couch is full of work to be completed, I'd like to take some time to suggest some things that may bring more relativity, binge-playing, and my end-hopes, more players to the server. I will only be listing in short-form what I believe may attract and retain our people here, but if more detail is requested, I'd be happy to elaborate. -Wilderness Slayer Tasks (apart from the bosses, which already exist) -Revenant Caves + Wilderness Weapons -Magic accuracy reconsideration (mage is kind of antiquated at the moment due to recent nerfs) -Theater of Blood ( I know it's a huge ask, but most Top 20 servers already have this) -More reward-based themed events (Halloween, thanksgiving, Christmas, easter) -Rewards for skilling aside from point store, this as well, has been deemed an antiquated way of making any cash -Tier based coffer keys; Low coffer keys that open lows, mid coffer keys that open mid, and high coffer keys that open high. Ethereal can remain opening legendary. -Voting rewards, although ticket stores are cool, random rare item chance, maybe 1/75 chance per vote -Youtube content creators. Rooted/ established creators are great, however consistent Ely players should get a chance at a breakout as a content creator on Youtube. It would give them purpose to keep playing, AND best of all, it would essentially be free advertisement and outreach will be great. I had to scroll down pretty far the RSPS top list to find Ely. I was tired of playing the same shit cookie cutter RSPS. I believe Ely RSPS has a foreseeable future, and it is a great server; just wish there were more, small, updates. I thank you for your time! Respectfully, Pinoy
  3. Good morrow friends! I know that this topic was brought up in February of '21, however I'd like to see if it would spark any interest. As previously mentioned, there are some weapons that are deemed as "useless", however, with both pieces of the Toxic Trident being a unique and unforgiving drop from two different bosses, I think it deserves some attention. While I already agree on the magic strength of the toxic staff/ trident, I believe that it's magic accuracy and tick rate should be matched closer to what it is in the vanilla version of the game. It's super slow, and does not hit very often on monster that it would frequently be used on. i.e. Zulrah; it takes me approximately 3:30 for a zulrah kill in nearly max mage gear. I really appreciate your time everyone! Your Friend, Pinoy

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