I am curious to see why everyone has chosen Ely, why we all have donated so much and why we have supported Lation and his team?
As for me, honestly I have been a main member of Mopar for years and to be honest I have never met a community as amazing as this, I have never been so interested in donating to anyone I mean it’s just a status and perks, but I feel like the reason I donate now is because of the amazing community and Lation. I didn’t make this thread to suck up to you all but I am proud to call each one of you my friends and family, I didn’t know anyone of you when I joined. I know most people where from Zapor and rsps2 servers I have not heard of until now.
To all of my friends on here, I say thank you. Thanks for making Ely so amazing with the kindness and help, I have never been on a server where we help and laugh so much together.
Lation thank you for everything, thanks for this amazing server where we can all join each other in everything we do, thanks for the constant fixes and updates your u provide for us, and thanks for being that owner thats so involved with all of us even on discord, you have made Ely a place of laughter and a place for friends.
Thanks to everyone!