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About Zandoniam

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  1. Hey, I get graphical issues when I play on my Mac, and I believe that we have isolated it whenever a player is wearing a custom item. Below you will see what my screen looks like. I read on another post to try change the display mode, although I get a message saying "Runescape was unable to enter that display mode". It also said to turn off bloom, but bloom says "N/A" in my settings. Thank you!
  2. Heya, I'm not sure if anyone else has this problem; or if it's how it's meant to be, but... I was making Demonic Thrones in my POH, and was receiving 12.5m xp for each time I made the throne (With well activated and on Easy Mode), but was only receiving 30 skilling points during that action when I should've been receiving x12 that. Thank you!
  3. Thanks, Fm Das! I'll be sure to do it that way, haha!
  4. Hey! I'm not sure if this has been suggested in the past, but could an option be put in where in the familiar's special attack is automatically used if they have enough Special Move points? As well as an "Auto Retaliate"; if we attack a monster, they do as well without having to select "Attack" in the summoning screen/toggle? Let me know what y'all think! Thanks, guys!

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