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Element 26

Guthix Donator
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Everything posted by Element 26

  1. Why can't I throw the rope? https://gyazo.com/f5fd480b8b942a4054330136fc0cda70
  2. Thank you! Xenny reset my task, but having an in-game system in place would be a good idea.
  3. I made a big mistake and got a boss task with only 22 slayer points left. I now have to kill 8 Nex on my 2 week old legend ironman. Killing Nex is basically impossible until I get huge gear upgrades. I know it's totally my fault. My suggestion is to allow players to skip their boss tasks to receive a hard task. To avoid players abusing this, the hard task should give zero points.
  4. I can't store anything in familiars or interact with them via right click. I've left a gif below of the issue. https://gyazo.com/82be05df345b5570a19eafc49a9d097e Solved: "Hide others pet" option had to disabled in NPC indicators.

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