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Everything posted by StayKoolin

  1. For the sake of this video I skipped getting 5kc each kill by using a void soulstone witch can purchased in ::shops at slayer rewards for 200 slayer points per stone. After getting your 5kc or sacrifice void soulstone for kc always venture dark altar for the hit point bonus. For this boss you'll always want to pray mage and more or less constantly brew for each x3 sip of brew drink x1 sip of restore so your stats don't get low. When his dragon Void drake appears Harbinger Xul is untouchable, so kill the dragon asap. You don't have to spec him like I do in this video. All in all this is a fairly easy boss it's just maintaining decent hp so you don't get riggity riggty wrecked Hope this video is helpful and goodluck on those drops
  2. Always pray mage....It's best to have quick prayers set because when shoots purple fireball it will disable prayers. Always dodge flaming fireball/ move 2 spaces over that he spits in air, if not it will one shot you or x1 space over will do half damage to health. I prefer to always walk here for acid pool and walking/being close to him makes flaming fire ball fall slowly another reason I personally prefer melee on this boss. You don't have to spec the boss with claws can use dwh to drop defense or another other spec weapon just for damage. Like all dragons he is weak to stab and can use any stab weapon. Also when he freezes you he's untouchable until kill the little spawn, can negate damage by killing him before he touches you as I do in this video, or just tank the damage witch is random but can max up to 30. Hope this video provides some help to those in need
  3. Once combine vyrewatch longsword with primal longsword they become detachable and untradeable.

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