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Everything posted by Matt

  1. I'm going to add to this a real problem. On the contrary to people joining and thinking we're "Faking player count" Many of the top tier servers actually display playercounts much higher than they actually are. This results in high expectations for anyone joining a new server. Many people look and see 15 online and do not give the server a chance or even take the time to fully check it out. They just give up and quit instantly. They see high tier servers with 400+ players when in reality they only have a fraction of that in-game. Having once owned a server with nearly 200 concurrent players I know what that popularity actually looks like and sadly the interest in private servers has declined over the years. I personally think including bots in the player count is not as bad as straight up "faking it" and truthfully they're technically still players to the server. Just my opinion on this subject.
  2. Who gives a shit about format.
  3. Matt


    Why is there even a limit
  4. Go to Settings Tab -> Chat Setup, select friend chat and change the color
  5. There is no model for the old looks Tokhaar Kal and as far as custom items go, that's up to Lation but in my opinion it lets potential future donators preview customs they can get.

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