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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/24/2022 in all areas

  1. Small update but kinda POG one. Also, the first page has updates on saved items and finished collection logs and stuff if you are ever interested. Did some slayer to get TD's task. Also did some clues when no one was around to fp so I could drop. Also sent a couple raids and got absolutely spooned ancestral bottoms. Decided to keep them, but I had a 750m fp still. AAAAAAAND busted of course. Sent some more clues and finally got TD's Completed 25 of those and all that was left for comp was kiln. It was my first time ever doing it, and ended up beating it first try. And I THOUGHT that was comp... But I forgot about crystal keys. Luckily I won my Kiln cape fp so I bought some keys at a very generous price from Gravity (TY @Gravity) And after opening those, I comped! Ty to @Kari @Gravity @Xenith and @easy mate and chonkybilly for coming to my comp party. Also thanks Kari for the 5m lol. Only real handout I have taken on the account because I had zero gp and wanted to buy cape lmao I thought cape was 99m, so I was going to keep it. But it is also only 5m so I am not sure if I will be keeping it or not yet. But anyways, comp is done and I am happy about that. Thank you for reading! Next will just be more slayer to fill cl's probably. Everything on the account
    4 points
  2. Congrats on comp boats. Big progress for the account.
    2 points
  3. Hello all. I was feeling lost after completion and 5b. Didn't know what to do in the game. Was watching a youtuber do a new account on osrs where he can only level a skill when he gets a collection log item and I thought, hey that might be interesting on Ely. After looking at rates, I thought it wasn't feasible- so I came up with a dumber idea. CL FP Premise: Every time I get a new item on the collection log, I must fp (Flower poker) my entire bank. On a win- Great, I double my bank. On a loss, I lose all my gp/gear and must drop my untradeables. Now some things to make it less repetetive: On a completed log, I may pick 1 item to keep regardless of a win or loss. Every 20 items filled on the log, I may keep 1 untradeable regardless of a win or loss. Items that require multiple things to be effective count as 1 item. ie void, cannon, etc Rules/limits may change depending on how things go lol The end goal being, complete the collection log. I will be updating my progress here Stats Collection Log Items Locked Untradables Locked Tradables Full Logs
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. v nice man, i am here once again asking for a youtube series
    1 point
  6. Very nice, comp will come in handy
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. Congrats boat!!! I wasn't sure how far this account would go but you are really killing it!
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. Bump please help my homie Jake he been through it all man. Last time I went to see him he was just sitting on his bed shaking and staring at the wall. All I could make from the words he said was "Achievement diary" and "Duel arena". Didn't make sense until now.
    1 point

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