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Showing content with the highest reputation on 9/13/2022 in all areas

  1. 1) You were misinformed, misguided and trying to say something is correct when it was clearly not, even after you told me to "Look it up". I showed & read you the wiki regarding the spell, and yet you continued to run your mouth, even in my Discord DM's. 2) I SHOULD of given you a warning but, in the heat of the moment - I impulsively muted you out of resentment by your tone, attitude, and your ego. Never once have I gotten as heated as I did today towards another player, ever. And I'd like to apologize to you for that and own up to the mistake I made today. It was a senseless argument and nothing of importance was gained from it. Aside from Glacors dumb & need a rework of sorts, or a more efficient method for them. 3) I suggest you manage your ego a little better and not assume things are correct when they truly aren't. Even if they happen to be correct at the time when you were actively playing. Do your research before you start spewing nonsense. I've put in a ton of effort over the past few months as Admin - even as Event Manager to help make this server the best it can be, and I think I'm doing a good job at succeeding in that regard, thanks. Mute lifted.
    1 point

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