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Showing content with the highest reputation on 9/11/2022 in all areas

  1. Another banger of an update brought to you by our good lads @Xenith, @Iso , and the generous people within the community who help QC these updates. We've added a few new creatures to the game (and a pet!!), reworked and reconfigured enchanting & crafting bolts, javelins, the Dragon crossbow, and a ton more changes and additions. We're just scratching the surface of this massive update, check out what else we've got going on in this one! Hydrophix Dragons We'd like for you to meet our new Slayer monster, the Hydrophix Dragon. You're able to kill these off or on (Elite) task, requiring a Slayer level of 90, you can find these strange draconical creatures within the Karamja Volcano Resource Dungeon. These mystical dragons will have the opportunity of dropping Dragon limbs and an all new Magic offhand item. The Book of the Dead - A high tier magic book slightly below the General Grisis' Tome. We have plans for imbuing it in the future, but we want to tie it into future content Rune Dragons Another additional Slayer monster that requires 81 Slayer to defeat, these can also be killed off or on (Hard) task. You'll be able to find these metal dragons within the Brimhaven Resource Dungeon. These have the chance of dropping Dragon Limbs as well as Dragon platebody pieces. Fletching & Ranged Updates ‣ Added Dragon bolt crafting and ALL Dragon bolt tip crafting with appropriate EXP and Level requirements. ‣ Added Dragon tipped bolt Enchanting by using the Enchant Crossbow Bolt spell via Onyx bolt enchant. It will prioritize normal bolts (if in your inventory) but will also handle Dragon bolt type variants. ‣ Added and fixed Enchanted Dragon bolt specials/passives (Opal through Dragon). ‣ All Dragon bolts are excluded from the Unlimited Ammo Perk. ‣ Added Javelin shaft crafting to all logs, similar to arrow shaft crafting. ‣ Added Javelin crafting from Bronze to Dragon with appropriate EXP and Level requirements. https://imgur.com/p94gfQo Crossbow & Bolt Special Changes ‣ Updated how bolt specs function, decreasing the base chance from 1/19 > 1/13. Due to the fact that Crossbows in general are feeling somewhat lackluster in comparison to our other Ranged options. ‣ Chaotic Crossbow spec chance has been increased due to these changes, 1/8 > 1/9 ‣ Armadyl Crossbow has received a unique mechanical buff, much like the swift fury of an Armadyl Godsword, the ACB now attacks 1 tick faster and has a 50% chance on hit to increase the bolt spec chance from 1/13 > 1/6. Other Changes/Fixes & Additions ‣ Added passive venom application to TSOTD & filterable chat message. ‣ Added Durability to TSOTD, 11k charges maximum like other Zulrah items. ‣ Updated the Tanner NPC so it will tan all unnoted hides instead of just a few at a time. ‣ Updated Void bone blessing, you can now bless up to 28 without having to click them individually, also added an animation. ‣ Cleaned up some item announcements, added Staff of the dead. ‣ Fixed Zulrah taking damage on Green phase from Ranged attacks and Blue phase from Magic attacks. ‣ Removed debug messages from Lizardman Shaman combat. ‣ Fixed T2 Elysian Spirit shield passive. ‣ Fixed Fiery Divine Spirit shield passive. ‣ Fixed Twisted Ornament kits to work with Ancestral robes. ‣ Fixed brawler's aura to be in line with Sharpshooter/Runic Accuracy. ♡ Final Words ♡ Thank you all for reading, we're getting better and more consistent with these updates, I hope you all can enjoy them as much as we do making them come to fruition. Have an awesome week and get on those DRAGONS!!!
    3 points
  2. 1) You were misinformed, misguided and trying to say something is correct when it was clearly not, even after you told me to "Look it up". I showed & read you the wiki regarding the spell, and yet you continued to run your mouth, even in my Discord DM's. 2) I SHOULD of given you a warning but, in the heat of the moment - I impulsively muted you out of resentment by your tone, attitude, and your ego. Never once have I gotten as heated as I did today towards another player, ever. And I'd like to apologize to you for that and own up to the mistake I made today. It was a senseless argument and nothing of importance was gained from it. Aside from Glacors dumb & need a rework of sorts, or a more efficient method for them. 3) I suggest you manage your ego a little better and not assume things are correct when they truly aren't. Even if they happen to be correct at the time when you were actively playing. Do your research before you start spewing nonsense. I've put in a ton of effort over the past few months as Admin - even as Event Manager to help make this server the best it can be, and I think I'm doing a good job at succeeding in that regard, thanks. Mute lifted.
    1 point

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