This is such a complicated topic to try and discuss due to the fact that everyone is so different!
Times change, regardless of if you want them to or not, both for good and bad. This ultimately directly impacts the way in which certain games either succeed or not. As lation perfectly stated above we are an RSPS who have been through thick and thin multiple times… not to mention that RSPS’s as a whole are under threat from OSRS which is itself rapidly hemorrhaging players. Runescape in essence is a game with a very unique and diverse player base.
That being said there are definitely things RSPSs can do to try retain/increase it’s players. Most ideas above are great! Consistent updates, new content, better transitions between game stages, new skills, extensions of old skills, afk zones. Sadly I feel like I’ve heard all of these before! And whilst they’ll drastically help in retaining players I highly doubt they’ll encourage new players.
The huge difference with Ely is that our owner @Lationand his staff team arent here doing all this as a cash grab, they’re here because they also share the same love for the game that we do. Hence we have been around for so long.
Now don’t get me wrong, we definitely should create a list utilising all the ideas from above and start really trying to implement them to a point where they feel right. Not as just a one off activity. Someone above stated a group activity which would be worthwhile, what could this look like? We have an amazingly talented modeller @Splashwho I can say with confidence will definitely be able to whip up a mean looking boss / mini game but only if the community can input ideas!
As for @Lationdefinitely keep ripping in, you’re doing a great job. Just need Matt to try keep on top of bug fixes and trying to tie it all this new content together with thing like Collection logs, Achievements etc. (Chambers of Xeric dosent have either of these yet).
Other than topics that have been stated above; Ely is one of a kind, with a player base extending back over 10 years! Now that in-itself is incredible however for it to fit in with this current day and age it needs drastic changes to its social media - YouTube, Instagram, Facebook. (Just get it out everywhere!) Make a goddamn MySpace account or TikTok if you have to
Look forward to seeing all you rascals ingame!